Mastering Go Web Services
About This Book, Effectively deploy and integrate Go web services with applications in the real worldFamiliarize yourself with RESTful practices and apply them in GoA comprehensive tutorial with lots of tips and tricks to program and develop web services in Go, Who This Book Is For, If you are a webMastering Go Web ServicesCopyright o 2015 Packt PublishingAll rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrievalsystem, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior writtenpermission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded incritical articles or reviewsrt has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracyof the information presented However the information contained in this book issold without warranty, cither express or implied. Neither the author nor PaclPublishing and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damagescaused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this bookPackt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of thecompanies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitalsHowever, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this informationFirst published: April 2015Production reference: 1080415Published by Packt Publishing ltdLivery place35 Livery streetBirmingham b3 2PB UKISBN978-1-78398-1304www.packtpub.comCreditsAuthorProject CoordinatorNathan KozyraSuzanne coutinhoReviewersProofreadersJiahua chenSimran BhogalJanos feherStephen CopestakeAleksandar s. SokolovskiMaria GouldForrest y. yuPaul hindleCommissioning EditorIndexerJulian ursellMonica Ajmera MehtaAcquisition EditorGraphicsKevin colacoSheetal auteContent Development EditorProduction CoordinatorAmey VarangaonkarAlwin RoyTechnical editorsCover workEdwin mosesAlwin RoyShali sasidharanCopy EditorsJasmine nadarVikrant phadkeAbout the authorNathan Kozyra is a veteran developer and software architect with more thana dozen years of experience in developing web applications and large-scale SaaSplatforms. He has also authored the book Mastering Concurrency in Go, published byPackt PublishingI would like to thank my wife, Mary, and my son, Ethan, for theirperpetual love and supportAbout the reviewersJiahua Chen is a Gopher, web application developer, and signing lecturerHe is the creator of the Gogs project. He is also pursuing his studies. He wasthe technical reviewer for the video building your first Web application with gopublished by packt PublishingJanos Feher has been involved in a wide variety of projects since 1996, includingtechnical support for NatO operations and the development of a high-performancecomputing grid, national TV and radio websites, and web applications foruniversities and adult learningIn recent years, he has been heavily involved in distributed and concurrent softwarearchitectures. He is currently the head of development for the start-up called InternAvenue, where his team is working on a matching technology platform to helpemployers find the best young talent for their businessI would like to thank my amazing fiancee, Szilvi, for her support andpatience during the many long days and nights it has taken me tomake this book relevant for both stakeholders and technologistsAleksandar S. Sokolovski is a software engineering professional from EuropeHe has aa bachelor's degree in computer science from the ss. Cyril and methodiusUniversity and a master's degree in technology, innovation, and entrepreneurshipfrom the University of Sheffield. He was a member of the organizational committeeparticipant, and presenter on multiple international research conferences; he isalso a published author of many research papers. He has worked as a research andteaching associate at the Faculty of Informatics and Computer Science in Skopje,Macedonia. He is currently working as a research associate and software engineer inthe telecom industry. He is a member of IEEE, PMI, and AAASAleksandar has worked as a reviewer for the book Mastering Concurrency in GO,published by Packt PublishingI give my regards and blessings to everyone who supported me tocomplete this project: my family for their support and their helpespecially my sister, Sofija, my parents, Stefan and Brankica, and lastbut not least, my girlfriendForrest Y. Yu is an author of two books on operating systems. He has a wide rangeof interests and experience in desktop applications, web services, LBs, operatingsystems, cloud computing, information security, and so on. Recently, he has beenworking at Amazon, building the next generation information security platform andtools. He is also the reviewer of the book Scratch Cookbook and the video Buildingblog,whereyoucanfindmoreinformationabouthioGames with Scratch 2.0, both of which were published by Packt Publishing. He hasI want to thank my wife, Danhong, for all her support. I also want tothank my son, Frank, for all the happiness he brings to usWww. Packtpub.Support files, eBooks, discount offers, and moreForsupportfilesanddownloadsrelatedtoyourbook,pleasevisitwww.packtpub.cOmDid you know that packt offers e Book versions of every book published, with pdFandepubfilesavailableYoucanupgradetotheebookversionatwww.packtpubcom and as a print book customer, you are entitled to a discount on the e Book copyGet in touch with us at service@packtpub com for more detailsAtwww.packtPub.comyoucanalsoreadacollectionoffreetechnicalarticlessignup for a range of free newsletters and receive exclusive discounts and offers onPackt books and ebooksPACKTLIBhttps://www2.packtpub.ccm/books/subscription/packtlibDo you need instant solutions to your It questions? PacktLib is Packt's online digitalbook library. 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Simply use your login credentials forimmediate accessTable of contentsPrefaceChapter 1: Our First APl in GoUnderstanding requirements and dependenciesInstalling GoInstalling and using MySQLRedisCouchbaseNginxApache JMeterUsing predefined datasetsChoosing an IDEEclipseSublime TextLiteDEIntellIJ IDEASome client-side toolsooking at our application12233445556677788902Setting up our databaseIntroducing the Http packageQuick hitter- saying Hello, World via APIBuilding our first routeGorilla13RoutesSettingdataviahttp16Connecting to MySQL16Serving data from the datastore to the client19Setting headers to add detail for clients20Summary22