Electronics_Huijsing_Operational Amplifiers Theory and Design Kluwer
28 2019-06-26 -
Antenna Theory Analysis and Design3rd edition
28 2019-06-27 -
antenna theory and design_Robert S.Elliott
29 2019-06-27 -
linear system theory and design_Chi_Tsong Chen
Chi-Tsong Chen(陈启宗)的线性系统第三版(英文),经典之作。
53 2018-12-09 -
Linear System Theory and Design3rd ed
57 2018-12-09 -
Microwave Antenna Theory and Design IEEE Electromagnetic Waves Series
Microwave Antenna Theory and Design 聖經本
71 2018-12-09 -
Delta_Sigma Data Converters Theory Design and Simulation
Delta—Sigma 调制器的最经典著作,微电子、通信、集成电路设计相关方向的权威书籍,pdf高清版,不是扫描版!!
85 2019-01-02 -
Design of a dynamic refocus system based on the Seidel aberration theory
This Letter presents an optical design method based on the Seidel aberration theory for dynamic refo
24 2021-02-07 -
Antenna Theory and Design Warren Stutzman2nd Edition解答ISBN9780471025900
Antenna Theory and Design , Warren L. Stutzman , Gary A. Thiele ,2nd Edition(解答)(ISBN:9780471025900)
73 2019-03-18 -
计算理论导引Introduction to the Theory of Computation2nd3rd.part2
计算理论指导下的计算理论介绍 (第2,第3)。
21 2019-06-21