论文研究Messenger Nodes Based Routing Protocol for Sparse MANET and Performance Anal
Single frame super resolution reconstruction based on sparse representation
Single frame super-resolution reconstruction based on sparse representation
20 2021-02-09 -
Incoherent Dictionary Learning for Sparse Representation Based Image Denoising
Incoherent Dictionary Learning for Sparse Representation Based Image Denoising
14 2021-02-09 -
A pruning algorithm for extreme learning machine based on sparse coding
A pruning algorithm for extreme learning machine based on sparse coding
24 2021-02-08 -
Lossy nodes inference based on end to end passive monitoring in wireless sensor
This paper presents a passive monitoring mechanism, lossy nodes inference (LoNI), to identify lossy
33 2021-02-28 -
Optimal beacon nodes based centroid localization algorithm for wireless sensor n
Optimal beacon nodes-based centroid localization algorithm for wireless sensor network
16 2021-02-25 -
A Range Based Monte Carlo Box Algorithm for Mobile Nodes Localization in WSNs
A Range-Based Monte Carlo Box Algorithm for Mobile Nodes Localization in WSNs
15 2021-02-08 -
An MGF_based performance analysis of generalized
An MGF-based performance analysis of generalized selection combining over Rayleigh fading channels
30 2018-12-20 -
SIGGRAPH2011年论文realtime performance_based facial animation
34 2019-06-05 -
A Multi link Fault tolerant Routing Protocol for Three Dimensional Underwater Ac
A Multi-link Fault-tolerant Routing Protocol for Three Dimensional Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networ
17 2021-04-18 -
论文研究Sparse Discriminative Analysis and Its Application in Distraction Classifica
15 2020-03-05