SIPI Texture database
Mobile Movie Texture V1.17
Mobile Movie Texture V1.17:支持移动端视频播放
43 2019-01-01 -
Local Quantization Code histogram for texture classification
In thispaper,anefficient localoperator,namelytheLocalQuantizationCode(LQC),isproposedfor.textureclas
17 2021-02-19 -
An intelligent software platform for machining surface texture
An intelligent software platform for machining surface texture
6 2021-02-19 -
Predicting and Generating Wallpaper Texture with Semantic Properties
Predicting and Generating Wallpaper Texture with Semantic Properties
10 2021-02-09 -
Spatiotemporal lacunarity spectrum for dynamic texture classification
Spatiotemporal lacunarity spectrum for dynamic texture classification
10 2021-02-08 -
Wiely Agile Database Agile Database Techniques
36 2019-09-20 -
the database hackers handbook defending database servers
the database hacker's handbook defending database servers
53 2018-12-08 -
veritas_database2_2.pdfVeritas Database
22 2020-02-29 -
Relational Database Management Systems Database Design and GIS
65 2018-12-08 -
The Database Hacker s Handbook Defending Database Servers
The Database Hacker's Handbook: Defending Database Servers 500 pages 有问题,我的QQ:571669275 Table of Con
9 2021-05-11