Learn C on the Mac (PDF)
About this book * The classic beginning C book for the Mac * THE gateway book for learning to program on both the Mac and iPhone! * Approachable and aimed squarely at people new to C and the Mac Learn C on the Macintosh is the classic programming primer for Mac OS X developers. An original best-seller, Dave Mark has kept the book completely updated and available for nearly twenty years. This latest edition addresses the exploding market for both the Mac OS X and the iPhone development, where C is the fundamental l anguage that new programmers need to learn. Written for: Beginner to Intermediate developers new to Mac OS X, Mac OS X developers new to C, and students new to C and Mac OS X; developers who want to the language that lets them program their iPhone; educational instruction/general programming, since C is a core programming language on any platform – this time on the Mac anguage that new programmers need to learn. Written for: Beginner to Intermediate developers new to Mac OS X, Mac OS X developers new to C, and students new to C and Mac OS X; developers who want to the language that lets them program their iPhone; educational instruction/general programming, since C is a core programming language on any platform – this time on the Mac