Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee and WiMax .pdf
Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee and WiMax .pdf 无线方面的英文书WI-FITM BLUETOOTH ZIGBEETMAND WIMAXTMH LABIODEnsT. Paris. franceH. AFIFIINT, Evry, franceC DE SANTISINT, Evr, franceSpringerA C I P Catalogue record for this book is available from the library of CongressIsBN978-1-4020-5396-2(HB)ISBN978-1-4020-5397-9(e-book)Published by SpringerP O. Box 17. AA Dordrecht. The netherlandswww.springer.comPrinted on acid-free paperAll Rights redC 2007 SpringerNo part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmittedin any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recordingor otherwise, without written permission from the Publisher, with the exceptionor the pingnteredand executed on a computer system, for exclusive use by the purchaser of the worki dedicate this book to myhusband, my parents and mysister and brothersHouda labridContentsDedicationPrefaceXIlIForewordXVIntroduction2Wi-FiTM: Architecture and Functions1. Wlan Roadmap via IEEE 802. I Family Evolution1.1 Panorama of standards62 Features of the Different Wlan generations101. 3 WLAN Marke122. Ieee 802.11 Architecture2. 1 Three Basic Operational modes152.2 Possible Configurations192. 3 Basic services272. 4 Description of sublayers'Structures273. Different Physical layers293.1 Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum-based Physical Layer3.2 Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum-based Physical Layer323.3 Infrared Transmission353.4 IEEE 802.11b Standard high Rate Direct SequenceSpread Spectrum-based Physical Layer363.5 The OFDM Technique of the IEEE 802.1la/g Standards363.6 The IEEE 802.lIn Physical Layer383.7 Frame Formats4. Data Link layer415. Medium Access Control layer415.1 Medium Access mechanisms415.2 Basic Access Technique CSma/CA425.3 Virtual Carrier sense csma/ca mechanismwith Short Messages rts and cts485. 4 PCf and hce505.5 Frames formats516. Functions566. 1 Addressing566.2 Association Reassociation and disassociation57Conter6.3 Fragmentation and Reassembling6. 4 Roaming6.5 Synchronization626.6 Energy Conserving626. 7 Management Frames Format637. Mobility8. Security9. IEEE 802 1 1 Family and its derivative Standards9.1IEEE802.11g659.2IEEE802.11e669. 3 IEEE 802.11d6694IEEE802.11F679.5 IEEE 802.11h679.6 IEEE 802 1 1i and IEee 802.IX679.7 IEEE 802.1 lk679.8IEEE802.11689.9IEEE802.11699.10IEEE802.1lu709.11IEEE802.1lv709.12 IEEE 802.1lr(Fast Roaming/Fast BSS Transition)709.13IEEE802.11s729.14IEEE802.11w10. Wi-Fi and Other Technologies, Concurrency or Complementarity?73BluetoothTM: Architecture and Functions751. Introduction751.1 SIG751.2 Bluetooth Does it Relate to Teeth by any Sense?761.3 Applications762. Architecture and Throughputs772.1 Architecture772.2 Throughputs and versions783. Physical Layer and Physical Channels793.1 Frequency Bands and rF Channels81Baseband layer824.1 Physical Characteristics824.2 Addressing844.3 Bluetooth Packets854.4 Error control5. Link Manager protocol935.1 LMP_Sniff_Req, LMP-Unsniff_Req965.2 LMP_Host_Connection_ Req, LMP-Setup_Complete965.3 LMP_AU RAND LMP SRES986. Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol6.1 L2CAP Connection Establishment procedures1016.2 Some l2caP Functions103Contents7. RFCOMM Protocol1048. Service discovery protocol1049. Profiles10510. Host control interface106Il. Bluetooth Network Encapsulation Protocol10712. Conclusion1084IEEE 802.15.4 and zig beeTM1091. General architecture2. Physical Layer1122.1 2450 MHz Physical Layer1122.2 868/915 MHz Physical layer2. 3 PDU Packet Format1133. MAC Layer1143.1 Channel access1143.2 Energy Detection1153.3 Active and Passive scan1163.4 Association procedure3.5 Guaranteed Time Slot1164. Security1175. Frame Structures1175.1 Beacon frame195.2 Data frame1206. Zig1207. Conclusion122WiMAXTM and IEEE 802.161231. Introduction1231 Backhaul solutions1242 Mobile solutions1243 Business model1251.4 Evolution of the ieeE 802. 16 Group Activities1261. 5 Equipment Category and Frequency Bands1261.6 Layers and architecture1262. MAC Layer1272.1 Automatic Repeat request1282.2 Scheduling and qos1292.3 Contention Resolution in Ieee 802.16132. 4 Adaptive Antenna system322. 5 Joining an ieee 802. 16 Network and initialization1322.6 PDUS1332.7 PDU Organization1393. Physical Layer1393.1 IEEE 802.16 SC (Single carrier1403.2 The Single Carrier in Lower Bands1433.3 OFDM Physical Layer1463.4 OFDMA Physical Layer148ConterSecurity in WLAN, WPAN, Wsn and wman through Wi-FiTM153BluetoothTM, Zig BeeTM and WiMAXTM1. Security in Wi-Fi Systems1551. Security in Wi-Fi Networks1551. 2 Security Flaws1611.3 Taxonomy of Attacks1711. 4 Diverse solutions1745 WPA/PA2: eeE 802.1X and TKIP/AES1931.6 Synthesis1942. Security in Bluetooth Systems1952. Security architecture1952.2 Main procedures2002.3 Security Flaws2072. 4 Synthesis203. ZigBee security2103.1 Zig bee security architecture2113.2 Mechanisms2113.3 Trust Centre Concept2124. WiMAX and IEee 802. 16 Security2134.1 IEEE 802. 16 MAC Security Sublayer2134.2 PKM Protocol2144.3 Traffic Encryption Key2174. 4 Security Enhancement for Mobile communications2175. Conclusion2197Practising2211. Mastering the TinyOS Platform2211 Brief Historical Notes and State-of-the-art in TinyOs2221. 2 Basic Concepts of TinyOs and nesc241.3 Case Study Crossbow Motes2271. 4 Experimentation and measurements2352. Practising WiMAX Equipment2552.1 General Objectives and Action Plan2582.2 Case Study: Redline WiMAX Ecquipment2.3 Lab experiments264Appendix A: Structure of IeEE 802.11 Packets at VariousPhysical Layers2811. Packet Format of Frequency Hopping Spread-spectrumPhysical Layer(FHSS PHY)1 Preamble2811. 2 Physical Layer Convergence Protocol Header2812. Packet Format of Direct-Sequence Spread SpectrumPhysical Layer DSSS PhY2822.1 Preamble2822.2 PLCP Header2823. Packet Format of ieee 802.1 1b HR/DSSS PhY283Contents4. Packet Format of Infrared Physical Layer(IR PhY)2844.1 Preamble2844.2 Physical layer Convergence Protocol header2845. Packet Format of OFDM PhY(Physical Layer of IEEE 802.11a)2841 Preamble2855.2 PLCP Header286Appendix b: IeeE 802.11 MAC Frames Structure2871. Different Types of MAC frames2872. Management frames2873. Beacon Frames2884. Association frames2885. Reassociation2886. Disassociation frames897. Probe Request frames2898. Authentication frames2899. Deauthentication frames28910. Traffic Indication Map Structure29011. Status Codes291Glossary293References311