Strong $q$logconvexity of the Eulerian polynomials of Coxeter groups
Weak Hopf Algebras Corresponding to Non standard Quantum Groups
与非标准量子群对应的弱 Hopf 代数,程诚,杨士林,根据非标准量子群 $X_q(A_1)$交换关系等,对其Hopf 代数结构中的对极进行弱化,构造了与非标准量子群 $X_q(A_1)$ 相对应的弱
18 2020-08-08 -
forums groups plugin Vanilla论坛组插件源码
4 2021-03-02 -
Fusing cross media for topic detection by dense keyword groups
Fusing cross-media for topic detection by dense keyword groups
7 2021-02-21 -
Personalized POI Groups Recommendation in Location based social Networks
With development of urban modernization, there are a large number of hop spots covering the entire c
16 2021-02-09 -
1986年,GX Viennot引入了碎片堆理论,以可视化卡地亚(Cartier)和Foata的“部分可交换单线半体像”。 这些实质上是标记的体态,满足一些其他属性,并且它们出现的一种自然背景是作为C
10 2020-07-16 -
浅谈Rails4中Strong Parameters机制
要弄明白Rails 4 中Strong Parameters机制,首先我们要看看Rails3中的Parameters 在 Rails3 中创建或更新 Active Record 对象时,会有 Mass
10 2021-01-04 -
Strong mechanical squeezing in an optomechanical system based on Lyapunov contro
We propose a scheme to generate strong squeezing of a mechanical oscillator in an optomechanical sys
8 2021-02-01 -
Angular momentum distribution in strong field frustrated tunneling ionization
Using the classical-trajectory Monte Carlo model, we have theoretically studied the angular momentum
8 2021-02-01 -
Dark dimer mode excitation and strong coupling with a nanorod dipole
We theoretically investigate dark dimer mode excitation and strong coupling with a nanorod dipole. E
19 2021-02-01 -
Strong nonlinear optical effects in micro confined atmospheric air
Historically, nonlinear optical phenomena such as spectral broadening by harmonic generation have be
13 2021-01-31