A triphenylaminebased fourarmed molecule for solutionprocessed organic solar cel
37element solar adaptive optics for26cm solar fine structure telescope at Yun
A 37-element solar adaptive optics (AO) system was built and installed at the 26-cm solar fine struc
21 2021-02-23 -
Strong optical force of a molecule enabled by the plasmonic nanogap hot spot in
Tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS) offers a powerful means to enhance the Raman scattering signa
9 2021-04-05 -
Tagged molecule induced nanoparticle aggregation Raman reporter labeled immuno A
A novel structure with high surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) activity and bio-specificity as
7 2021-03-27 -
ansible role molecule在系统上安装分子源码
在您的系统上安装Molecule。 的GitHub 亚搏体育app 质量 资料下载 版本 本示例摘自molecule/resources/converge.yml并在每次推送,拉动请求和释放时进行了测
21 2021-03-14 -
second simulation of satellite signal in the solar spectrum
this code predicts the satellite signal from 0.25 to 4.0 microns assuming cloudless atmosphere.the m
39 2018-12-20 -
solar-system-win-latest.rar solar 框架
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Solar panel Simulation temperature dependent model
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Solar Manufacturing Assembly Solutions.pdf
20 2019-10-19 -
Adaptive Control of Solar Energy Collector Systems
本书旨在介绍控制器设计的方法,以满足与这些特征相关的困难,并受到DCSF特定动态结构的强烈推动。 考虑到植物动力学知识的不确定程度,我们关注自适应方法。 此外,描述了不同的设计方法,其假设关于植物结构
9 2021-05-03 -
太阳能发电数据的探索性数据分析 PM5 Team4:分类器和回归器 介绍KNN,随机森林和回归模型,定义特征和标签训练数据标准测试数据标准化训练数据规范化测试数据标准化可视化比较示例KNN模型分割特征
5 2021-04-19