Transcriptome sequencing of a highly salt tolerant mangrove species Sonneratia a
A mathematical model of a three species preypredator system with impulsive contr
18 2020-05-15 -
A New Species of Anagyrus Howard Hymenoptera Encyrtidae from China
19 2020-06-10 -
Functional redundancy instead of species redundancy determines community stabili
14 2020-07-17 -
Geometric approach for global asymptotic stability of three species competitive
三种群竞争 Gompertz 模型的全局渐近稳定性的几何证明,吕贵臣,陆征一,本文使用 Li 和 Muldowney 的几何判据与 Gompertz 模型的时间平均性质,考虑了生物防治中的三维竞争 G
16 2020-07-17 -
Cleantioides longicornis a new species of Holognathidae Crustacea Isopoda Valvi
长角类闭尾水虱Cleantioides longicornis,中国长江口全颚水虱科Holognathidae一新种(甲壳亚门,等足目,瓣尾亚目)),刘文亮,Poore Gary C. B.,根据在中
23 2020-07-18 -
Generation of Reactive Oxygen Species Electrons Holes and Photocatalytic Degrada
Generation of Reactive Oxygen Species, Electrons/Holes, and Photocatalytic Degradation of Rhodamine
5 2021-02-17 -
species api濒危物种api的开始源码
描述 在大会期间,我们被告知要找到一个外部API并在我们的第一个项目中使用它。 当我在寻找要使用的API时,我真的很想访问列出了濒危物种的API。 该项目的目标是创建该API,并允许查询位置/物种/家
10 2021-04-24 -
MultiFault Tolerant RAIM Algorithm for Hybrid GPSTV Positioning
21 2019-07-24 -
Finite time fault tolerant attitude.pdf
This paper investigates the finite-time attitude tracking control problem for spacecraft in the pres
24 2021-04-26 -
A distance based framework for inconsistency tolerant reasoning and inconsistenc
A distance-based framework for inconsistency-tolerant reasoning and inconsistency measurement in DL-
10 2021-05-10