Theoretical analysis of the doublelayer emitter with different doping concentrat
Theoretical Foundations and Numerical Methods for Sparse Recovery
31 2019-07-19 -
Theoretical investigation of structural mechanical and electronic properties of
Theoretical investigation of structural, mechanical and electronic properties of GaAs1-xNx alloys un
13 2021-03-03 -
Theoretical investigation of semiconductor supported tunableterahertz dielectric
Theoretical investigation of semiconductor supported tunableterahertz dielectric loaded surface plas
5 2021-04-06 -
Theoretical model and quantif ication of reflectance photometer
The surface morphology of lateral flow (LF) strip is examined by scanning electron microscope (SEM)
13 2021-02-22 -
Theoretical study on the characteristics of intracavity frequency doubling of a
Theoretical study on the characteristics of intracavity frequency doubling of a diode-pumped cesium
17 2021-02-19 -
Theoretical Neuroscience Dayan Abbott.pdf
计算神经科学是使用数学分析和计算机模拟的方法在不同水平上对神经系统进行模拟和研究: 从神经元的真实生物物理模型,它们的动态交互关系以及神经网络的学习, 到脑的组织和神经类型计算的量化理论等,从计算角度
60 2020-08-10 -
Theoretical and experimental investigations on the threshold of a laser induced
The threshold of a laser-induced breakdown of air is determined experimentally and theoretically. We
17 2021-02-19 -
Titanium nitride based integrated plasmonic absorber emitter for solar thermoph
Titanium nitride (TiN) as a refractory plasmonic material is proposed to be used as an angle-insensi
19 2021-02-26 -
Frequency doubled vortex beam emitter based on nonlinear Cherenkov radiation
In this work, we propose a new scheme to generate frequency-doubled vortex beams from a radially pol
10 2021-02-01 -
A model for LED spectra at different drive currents
A mathematical model for the spectra of monocolor light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and phosphor-coated w
3 2021-02-18