Android代码Simple sms remote
Laravel开发simple sms
Laravel开发-simple-sms Laravel SMS是为Laravel发送/接收(轮询/推送)文本消息而设计的包。目前支持Melipayamak和Twilio。
12 2020-07-27 -
Android代码SMS Scheduler
SMS Scheduler An android app which lets you schedule an sms to be sent at a specific time This app i
19 2020-07-20 -
Android代码Nextcloud SMS
Nextcloud SMS (Android) Nextcloud SMS app pushes your Android devices conversation into your Nextclo
28 2020-08-18 -
Android代码Clementine Remote
Android-Remote Clementine Remote lets you remotely control the music player "Clementine".
20 2020-07-16 -
Simple SMS Viewer and Archive 开源
标题"Simple SMS Viewer and Archive-开源"暗示我们讨论的是一个专为查看和存储短信而设计的应用程序,而且这个应用是开放源代码的。这意味着任何人都可以访问、查看、修改其源代码
0 2024-08-11 -
SMS Gateway This is a simple android 2.0 application that allows one to use their android-based phon
21 2020-08-10 -
Android代码Simple Markdown
SimpleMarkdown SimpleMarkdownissimplyaMarkdowneditor:)Iwroteittoofferupanopensourcealternativeto th
18 2020-04-19 -
Remote Monitoring System Sends Email via SMS
21 2022-09-05 -
android SMS
31 2019-05-28 -
Android代码Simple Android SharedPreferences wrapper
Prefs SimpleAndroidSharedPreferenceswrapper. Repository Addthisinyourrootbuild.gradlefile(notyo
22 2020-06-15