High temperature piezoelectric properties of Crmodified calcium bismuth niobate
Wollastonite fibres doped calcium phosphate cement for bone repair
14 2020-07-17 -
Interaction of calcium intake and osteoprotegerin gene polymorphisms on bone mas
钙摄入量与护骨素基因多态性对青春前期女童骨量的交互影响,何国鹏,陈裕明,了解护骨素(osteoprotegerin ,OPG)基因启动子区A163G、T245G和T950C位点多态性与钙摄入量对青春前
12 2020-07-23 -
Structural characterization of calcium glycinate magnesium glycinate and zinc gl
Metal glycinate chelates are formed by glycine and metal compounds through chemical reactions. Calci
8 2021-03-23 -
Useful way to compensate for intrinsic birefringence caused by calcium fluoride
Calcium fluoride is widely used in optical lithography lenses and causes retardation that cannot be
4 2021-02-16 -
A glassy carbon electrode modified with bismuth nanotubes in a silsesquioxane fr
A glassy carbon electrode modified with bismuth nanotubes in a silsesquioxane framework for sensing
18 2021-04-24 -
A glassy carbon electrode modified with bismuth oxide nanoparticles and chitosan
A glassy carbon electrode modified with bismuth oxide nanoparticles and chitosan as a sensor for Pb(
13 2021-02-09 -
properties editor java Properties中文
properties中汉字提示信息经常显示乱码。 这个插件可以解决这个问题, 同时也可以直接将unicode字符显示为中文查看. 下载解压后复制到Eclipse安装目录下dropins的文件夹重启即可
33 2020-08-10 -
java jdbc连接Mysql数据库Dao模式下的带配置文件的(properies)
26 2019-01-02 -
Advances in on chip photonic devices based on lithium niobate on insulator
Crystalline lithium niobate (LN) is an important optical material because of its broad transmission
17 2021-02-23 -
Sum frequency generation in on chip lithium niobate microdisk resonators
We report the first observation, to the best of our knowledge, of sum-frequency generation in on-chi
26 2021-02-19