Deformation control in a highQ deformed microsphere toward singledirectional emi
Experimental Characterization of Polyurethane Foam Deformation During Bra Cup Mo
Experimental Characterization of Polyurethane Foam Deformation During Bra Cup Moulding
16 2021-04-01 -
Mixture Stress Tensor and Non linear Motion Equations for Large Deformation
大变形的混合应力张量和非线性运动方程,肖建华,,在理性力学中,变形的非线性运动方程是一个值得探讨的论题. 对本研究而言, 把变形定义为几何场理论中拖带坐标基矢的变换.做为一个逻
19 2020-07-25 -
FE analysis of creep deformation of single crystal under temperature gradient
16 2020-08-05 -
Measurement of out of plane deformation of curved objects with digital speckle p
Digital speckle pattern interferometry (DSPI) is a high-precision deformation measurement technique
19 2021-02-23 -
Modeling and deformation analyzing of InSb focal plane arrays detector under the
Modeling and deformation analyzing of InSb focal plane arrays detector under thermal shock
8 2021-02-17 -
Sensitive Information Protection of CAD Model Based on Free Form Deformation in
Sensitive Information Protection of CAD Model Based on Free-Form Deformation in Collaborative Design
7 2021-02-09 -
An Introduction to Intelligent Control and autonomous control
30 2020-06-08 -
23 2020-08-17 -
Toward mid infrared nonlinear optics applications of silicon carbide microdisks
We report the fabrication and characterization of silicon carbide microdisks on top of silicon pilla
17 2021-01-31 -
Alleviated aluminum toxicity by exogenous nitric oxide in wheat toward regulati
14 2020-02-23