TinyML Machine Learning with TensorFlow Lite on Arduino and Microcontrollers
TensorFlow Lite六在树莓派上构建TensorFlow Lite
交叉编译 安装工具链 此功能已在64位的 ubuntu 16.04.3 和 Tensorflow devel docker image tensorflow/tensorflow:nightly-de
19 2021-01-15 -
TensorFlow Lite七在Android上构建TensorFlow Lite
下载源代码 git clone https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow 运行相关的TFLite android例子程序 https://github.com/
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Machine Learning
作者: Tom M. Mitchell 出版社: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math 出版年: 1997-3-1
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Machine learning
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Python Machine Learning Machine Learning And Deep Learning From Scratch
Python Machine Learning Machine Learning And Deep Learning From Scratch Illustrated With Python, Sci
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Hands.Machine.Learning.Scikit.Learn.Tensorflow.5225 housing-数据
9 2019-04-01 -
Hands_On Machine Learning with Scikit_Learn TensorFlow.epub
通过具体的例子、很少的理论以及两款成熟的Python框架:Scikit-Learn和TensorFlow,作者Aurélien Géron会帮助你掌握构建智能系统所需要的概念和工具。你将会学习到各种技
37 2019-04-15 -
Hands on Machine Learning with Scikit Learn and TensorFlow中文版.pdf
42 2019-07-17