Hitis V1.2
Hitis V1.2 (1)在ibatis中,不能取得实际执行的sql,也不能取得实际执行的sql所需要的参数数组,而Hitis可以 (2)在ibaits中,不能在逻辑节点写入像"大于号"这样的特殊字符,因为,它是基于xml的,而Hitis可以,Hitis很像html,可以在逻辑节点直接写“特殊字符” (3)在ibatis中,也须90%的情况下,你用的是其强大的“动态组装sql”,而Hitis只取其这一项强大的功能,完全没有什么操作database的代码 (4)在Hitis中,你可以与spring无缝集成,借助于JdbcTemplate,你可以快速封装出自己的dao层 (5)在ibatis中,想做物理分页,你必须在写一个列表sql,还要写一个90%一样的总页数的sql,不仅如此,你还要在列表sql外包上一层分页sql代码,你不觉得麻烦吗?但Hitis,直接返回给你实际执行的sql和paramters数组,你想封装分页,还不是轻而易举的事 (6)在ibatis中,也许你看不懂其代码,看不懂其设置模式,但Hitis,会让你看的很轻松,很明白,你想怎么改,就怎么改... (7)在ibatis中,会依赖这样那样的jar包,虽然不多,但总有 几个吧,但Hitis,不依赖任何第三方jar包 (8)在Hitis中,...,你不心动吗?不想试用一下吗?试试用吧,永久开源的,放心用吧... New Features In Hitis V1.2 1:reconstract the framework (1)delete the old Interface:HitisNode (2)add a new root class:HitisNode, it's an common class that can be instanced as an common tag (3)add some TemplateMethod in class:LogicNode, to reduce the amount of java code 2:an important new feature in this version is:******[[thread-safe]]****** (1)i'm not used ThreadLocal in this version to ensure that:thread-safe because if you use this framework in an java project, maybe ThreadLocal is not fited plus, i worked a lot on j2ee project, so, not familiar with java project (2)i'm used local method or static method to ensure that:thread-safe 几个吧,但Hitis,不依赖任何第三方jar包 (8)在Hitis中,...,你不心动吗?不想试用一下吗?试试用吧,永久开源的,放心用吧... New Features In Hitis V1.2 1:reconstract the framework (1)delete the old Interface:HitisNode (2)add a new root class:HitisNode, it's an common class that can be instanced as an common tag (3)add some TemplateMethod in class:LogicNode, to reduce the amount of java code 2:an important new feature in this version is:******[[thread-safe]]****** (1)i'm not used ThreadLocal in this version to ensure that:thread-safe because if you use this framework in an java project, maybe ThreadLocal is not fited plus, i worked a lot on j2ee project, so, not familiar with java project (2)i'm used local method or static method to ensure that:thread-safe