小巧却功能强大的 BT 客户端程序,拥有所有常规功能,内网下载方面不错的表现,外网就更不用提了。支持多任务同时下载,支持设置文件下载优先级,可以根据计划任务调整占用的带宽,全局/单个任务的速度限制,快速断点续传机制,支持 UPnP 和 NAT-PMP,支持流行的 BT 扩展协议,支持用户来源交换,支持 DHT 网络,支持 BT 协议加密以突破封锁,支持 RSS 下载,支持自动关机/重启/待机,占用系统资源很小,运行速度飞快。更多功能请自行发掘。^_^ -- 2009-04-1: Version 1.9 (build 14981) - Fix: uTP would not ramp up its rate fast enough - Change: .torrent association not a factor in displaying the installer - Fix: remove file association registry keys on uninstall - Fix: invalid encoding of non-ascii urls in web seeds - Fix: uTP fix when receiving acks for old packets - Fix: uTP variable packet size bug - Change: link to EULA in installer - Change: added knob to set the uTP target delay (adjusts how hard to push uTP uploads) - Fix: don't wait indefinitely for trackers and UPnP when shutting down (two new advanced options) -- 2009-04-08: Version 1.8.3 (build 15104) - Change: Installer UI checkbox whether to install or run standalone - Change: Left align numeric fields in settings - Fix: Remember category list selection after adding a torrent - Fix: download rate limiter for uTP connections - Change: Disabled feed icon has precedence over broken feed icon - Fix: DHT bootstrap failures now have an exponential back-off acks for old packets - Fix: uTP variable packet size bug - Change: link to EULA in installer - Change: added knob to set the uTP target delay (adjusts how hard to push uTP uploads) - Fix: don't wait indefinitely for trackers and UPnP when shutting down (two new advanced options) -- 2009-04-08: Version 1.8.3 (build 15104) - Change: Installer UI checkbox whether to install or run standalone - Change: Left align numeric fields in settings - Fix: Remember category list selection after adding a torrent - Fix: download rate limiter for uTP connections - Change: Disabled feed icon has precedence over broken feed icon - Fix: DHT bootstrap failures now have an exponential back-off