安装步骤如下: 1. Install Eplan P8 2.2 2. Copy the license file (SN-U10066.EGF) C: \ User \ Public \ Eplan \ Common \; 3. SN-U10066.reg run the file and add data to the registry; 4. Run the driver installation Multikey - emulator from your Release \ MultiKey64 \ install.cmd; 5. Run a test mode in Windows 7 x64 dseo13b.exe running the program and the radio button for "Enable Test Mode". By the way, just note that here also provides the opposite effect "Disable Test Mode", disable the test mode; 6. In one corner will display "Test Mode Windows 7 Rekease 7600; 7. Run the program dseo13b.exe; 8. Add a digital signature for the driver Multikey. To do this, select "Sign a System File" and enter the filename including the full path "C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\multikey.sys", test mode does not turn off! 9. Reboot your computer; 10. run eplan prof+ display "Test Mode Windows 7 Rekease 7600; 7. Run the program dseo13b.exe; 8. Add a digital signature for the driver Multikey. To do this, select "Sign a System File" and enter the filename including the full path "C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\multikey.sys", test mode does not turn off! 9. Reboot your computer; 10. run eplan prof+