论文研究On the frequency offset compensation in physicallayer network coding using O
linear spatial pyramid matching using sparse coding
27 2019-07-08 -
论文研究An Algorithm of Realtime Network Topology Discovery for Network Situation Aw
28 2019-09-07 -
Online sensor drift compensation for E nose systems using domain adaptation and
Online sensor drift compensation for E-nose systems using domain adaptation and extreme learning mac
11 2021-02-09 -
Method for BGR s second order temperature compensation using resistor combinatio
Method for BGR's second-order temperature compensation using resistor combinations with specified te
17 2021-02-07 -
Advances in Network Electrophysiology using Multielectrode arrays
8 2020-04-22 -
computing convolutions using a neural network processor
20 2019-09-07 -
Sentiment analysis using convolutional neural network
Sentiment analysis using convolutional neural network
13 2021-02-24 -
social network analysis using sigmajs and angularjs
社交网络分析(Social Network Analysis,SNA)是一种研究社会中个体间关系结构的方法,通过量化和模型化这些关系揭示网络中的模式、影响力和群体动态。在本项目中,我们利用SigmaJ
0 2024-10-31 -
Laser frequency stabilization and shifting by using modulation transfer spectros
23 2020-09-21 -
Wideband adaptive microwave frequency identification using an integrated silicon
Photonic-assisted microwave frequency identification with distinct features, including wide frequenc
10 2021-03-20