Dynamic Water Physics2.rar
Bullet Physics Engine
提到开源物理引擎,可能大多数人都会想到ODE。但是,实际上,开源物理引擎的霸主是Bullet Physics Engine。Bullet Physics Engine是专业的开源物理引擎,可免费用于商
57 2018-12-27 -
physics engine源码
物理引擎 我自己的实验,并尝试编写一个物理引擎来学习如何在游戏中模拟刚体动力学。 依存关系 Cmake 2.8或更高版本 libsdl2-dev gcovr 指示 安装构建依赖关系(对于Ubuntu
20 2021-04-26 -
Learning Unity Physics
Chapter 1, Introduction to Physics in Unity3D, serves as a quick introduction to Physics, and specif
50 2018-12-25 -
Mathematica®for Theoretical Physics
The present text uses Mathematica as a tool to discuss and to solve examples from physics. The inten
27 2020-07-18 -
The Empirical Models to Correct Water Column Effects for Optically Shallow Water
The Empirical Models to Correct Water Column Effects for Optically Shallow Water
8 2021-04-18 -
Measurement of water leaving radiance on smooth water surfaces at different view
This letter describes a method for calculating water-leaving radiance on smooth surfaces at differen
24 2021-03-01 -
Physics of Shock Waves and HighTemperature Hydrodynamic Phenomena Vol.2
31 2020-04-25 -
unity流体Liquid Physics2D_1.2.zip
基于Box2D C++物理模拟引擎扩展的C#版Unity插件,使用在Unity2017.3.1f1版本,2D物理流体插件 仅供学习使用 商业用途请去资源商店下载
9 2020-08-22 -
Building a2D Game Physics Engine.pdf
29 2019-06-27 -
优化车辆动力NWH Vehicle Physics2for Unity
如果您需要实现更真实的汽车模拟效果,NWH Vehicle Physics 2 for Unity是您的理想选择。这款车辆动力系统提供了各种高级功能,包括物理空气阻力,差速器模拟和车载计算机系统。随着
13 2023-06-07