Algorithms for Ellipsoid detection *author : Konstantinos Lagogiannis 2017 I ve been looking for ellipse detection algorithms and I came across an interesting paper for which however I could not find code in C. So, here is my, yet unpolished implementation of the IEEE paper "A NEW EFFICIENT ELLIPSE DETECTION METHOD", Yonghong Xie & Qiang Ji 2002. \note Minor Customization have been added so as to improve detection ellipsoids in low-res images, but also show debug output of points used on an image - using OpenCV a nd Gcc. Summary : Algorithm creates list of point pairs, and then checks/scores for candidate ellipse with major axis between a chosen pair of test points, it then estimates minor axis by testing all 3rd points and uses a voting procedure to check for possible minor axis and ellipse nd Gcc. Summary : Algorithm creates list of point pairs, and then checks/scores for candidate ellipse with major axis between a chosen pair of test points, it then estimates minor axis by testing all 3rd points and uses a voting procedure to check for possible minor axis and ellipse