Photon Rally Tutorial 1.1.0.unitypackage
Focusing properties of a modified Fibonacci photon sieve
We propose a type of diffractive optical element, a modified Fibonacci photon sieve (MFiPS), designe
7 2021-02-27 -
Photon theory of bio electromagnetic athermal effect
The formula <n>d=d/2, which describes bio-electromagnetic athermal effect, is deduced e
14 2021-02-25 -
Two photon interference with photons of different colors
23 2020-07-24 -
Deep tissue imaging by enhanced photon collection
We have developed a two-photon fluorescence microscope capable of imaging up to 4mm in turbid media
30 2021-02-23 -
7 2021-02-09 -
Multilevel photon communication on BPPM with convolutional coding
Multilevel photon combined with binary pulse position modulation (BPPM) (Manchester pulsed signals),
7 2021-02-08 -
Photon formed structure model for all matters
15 2020-08-17 -
First photon imaging via a hybrid penalty
First-photon imaging is a photon-efficient, computational imaging technique that reconstructs an ima
14 2021-02-01 -
pwa tutorial gitconnected pwa tutorial gitconnected源码
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31 2021-02-21 -
drupal tutorial
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2 2021-01-03