New fixed point theorems of econcaveconvex mixed monotone operators
Common Fixed Point Theorems in a New Fuzzy Metric Space
Common Fixed Point Theorems in a New Fuzzy Metric Space
14 2021-04-17 -
Computation of A Generalization of Fixed Point Theorems to A Class of Nonconvex
17 2020-07-24 -
Fixed point theorems of GPS carrier phase ambiguity resolution
43 2019-09-15 -
fixed point theorems and their applications.Ioannis Farmakis Mar
fixed point theorems and their applications.Ioannis Farmakis Martin Moskowitz.pdf
8 2023-01-24 -
Strong convergence theorems for fixed point problems of two countable families o
实 Banach 空间中关于两族映射的不动点问题的强收敛定理,步尚全,蔡钢,本文在实 Banach 框架下,对于两族可数个映射引进一种新的隐式迭代过程。在适当的条件下,我们得到了一些强收敛定理。所得结
21 2020-07-17 -
A new constrained fixed point algorithm for ordering independent components
A new constrained fixed-point algorithm for ordering independent components
9 2021-02-10 -
Fixed Point Arithmetic
Fixed-Point Arithmetic: An Introduction Randy Yates
11 2021-04-25 -
eslint plugin no mixed operators针对eslint的可修复的no mixed operators规则源码
eslint-plugin-no-mixed运算符 固定的不混搭算子规则适用于eslint。 为什么 该插件最初来自支持以与eslint一起使用的需求。 但是由于未能从团队中获得足够的共识,因此我想自
29 2021-02-07 -
Common fixed point results
In this paper, we investigate the existence of common fixed points of a certain mapping in the frame
15 2020-07-23 -
Helix AAC fixed point decoder
高性能的定点式AAC decoder源代码
39 2020-09-16