Size dependence of acoustic dielectric and photoelectronic behaviour of nanosoli
Folder Size Portable工具
Folder Size Portable是一款专为Windows系统设计的便携式磁盘清理工具,帮助用户分析磁盘空间使用情况并释放空间,特别适用于C盘瘦身。主要功能包括:-<strong>
0 2024-12-29 -
SteamAdvisorBlob Size Detection Function
蒸汽顾问 # Detects the size of the blob. # # @example # blob_size(filename, blob) # => some value # #
0 2024-12-16 -
Estimating the Size of Criminal Populations
The estimation of total population size for various phenomena of crime is an important factor critic
20 2020-08-15 -
background size使用详解
10 2021-01-16 -
Behaviour Designer Ver.1.6.2最新版
102 2019-07-27 -
Photoinduced Bending Behaviour of Crosslinked Liquid Crystalline Polymers with H
17 2020-04-01 -
Transport behaviour of spreading droplet in sliding soft contact region
17 2020-04-24 -
Dendrite core grain refining and interdendrtic coarsening behaviour in Wcontaini
含W钛铝合金的枝晶偏析和晶粒细化,孙红亮,黄泽文,本文研究了标称含铝量分别为44%和46%的两种含钨铌的铸锭钛铝合金。 研究发现, 在这两种含钨铌的铸锭合金中均存在着明显的轻重元
5 2020-07-16 -
A behaviour based control and software architecture for the visually guided robu
A behaviour‐based control and software architecture for the visually guided robudem outdoor mobile r
37 2018-12-28 -
A large dataset of360video user behaviour源码
360个视频用户行为的大数据集 创建此数据集是研究的一部分-视口感知的动态360视频片段分类。 这是6个不同的先前发布的数据集的集合。 当使用头戴式流媒体设备观看360度视频时,原始数据集包含用户的头
17 2021-05-10