This book covers some of the basics of visualizing data in R and summarizing high dimensional data w
R 语言学习系列之一。Using R for Data Analysis and GraphicsIntroduction, Code and CommentaryJ H Maindonald
Camebridge University Press 《Data Analysis and Graphics Using R》 Djvu格式
一个会议的论文集。英文版。 Big Data Analysis and Deep Learning Applications: Proceedings of the First Internation
Hadoop big data analysis framework,Hadoop用于大数据分析的教材
"Data Analysis and Graphics Using R: An Example-Based Approach" (Cambridge Series in Statistical and
Title: Cassandra Data Modeling and Analysis Author: C.Y. Kan Length: 171 pages Edition: 1 Language:
失效时间的统计分析,这是一本经典教材, 关于作者 JOHN D. KALBFLEISCH,博士,密歇根大学安娜堡分校和加拿大安大略省滑铁卢大学生物统计学教授。 ROSS L. PRENTICE,博士,