lpc1788的公司买的评估板的例程,你要用的都有! | +--Example - Peripheral example. | | +--Audio - Demo for Audio. | | +--BT_RN42 - Demo for BT_RN42. | | +--Ethernet - Demo for Ethernet. | | +--I2C_Eeprom - Demo for I2C EEPROM. | | +--KeyBoard - Demo for KeyBoard. | | +--knob - Demo for knob. | | +--LCD - LCD example | | | +--emWin - Demo for emWin GUI. | | | +--LCD_Demo - Demo for LCD Display. | | | +--LCD_Touch - Demo for LCD Touch. | | +--Led_Blinky - Demo for LED. | | +--MCPWM - Demo for Motor control PWM. | | +--Power_Manage - Demo for Power Manage. | | +--Sdio_Fatfs - Demo for SD card with an file system. | | +--SDRAM - Demo for SDRAM. | | +--UCOS-II&emWin - Demo for UCOS-II and emwin. | | +--Wifi_EMW3162 - Demo for EMW3162 moudle. | | +--LCD_Demo - Demo for LCD Display. | | | +--LCD_Touch - Demo for LCD Touch. | | +--Led_Blinky - Demo for LED. | | +--MCPWM - Demo for Motor control PWM. | | +--Power_Manage - Demo for Power Manage. | | +--Sdio_Fatfs - Demo for SD card with an file system. | | +--SDRAM - Demo for SDRAM. | | +--UCOS-II&emWin - Demo for UCOS-II and emwin. | | +--Wifi_EMW3162 - Demo for EMW3162 moudle.