A lightweight process mashup approach based on business unit
A lightweight process mashup approach based on business unit
10 2021-02-25 -
Lightweight Sharable and Traceable Secure Mobile Health System
Lightweight Sharable and Traceable Secure Mobile Health System
7 2021-02-23 -
WebSocket WebSocket Spring Boot项目源码
WebSocket:WebSocket Spring Boot项目
32 2021-02-27 -
Presenting the fundamental principles of cooperative communications and networking, this book treats
12 2020-11-06 -
Principles of Communications solutions manual
It is the solution to Principles of Communications 5th
8 2020-10-30 -
Millimeter Wave mmWave Communications
Millimeter-Wave (mmWave) Communications
22 2021-01-16 -
Communications杂志 201208期
5 2021-01-18 -
The Project Management Communications Toolkit
这是一款整理发布的The Project Management Communications Toolkit,适用于针对企业环境、规...该文档为The Project Management Comm
7 2021-01-31 -
国外通信原理教材 作者 MichaelP.Fitz 经典教材之一,适合有一定基础的人看吧
13 2020-10-27 -
Wireless Communications principle and practic
Wireless Communications principle and practic 无线通信原理英文版【第二版】
8 2020-08-16