Collusion resistant Incentive compatible Feedback Payments.pdf
Moments of discounted dividend payments in a risk model with randomized dividend
13 2020-07-17 -
The Mobile Payments and NFC Landscape A U.S.Perspective
The Smart Card Alliance has developed this white paper to provide a snapshot of the mobile payments
40 2018-12-28 -
Light Weight and Privacy Preserving Authentication Protocol for Mobile Payments
Light-Weight and Privacy-Preserving Authentication Protocol for Mobile Payments in the Context of Io
12 2021-02-24 -
Balluff We Provide Position Feedback and Sensors for Hazardous Areas.pdf
12 2020-04-27 -
控制工程英文版经典书籍!!! Feedback_Control_of_Dynamic_Systems_6th_Franklin_G.pdf
35 2018-12-25 -
Robust finite time output feedback stabilisation of the double integrator.pdf
Robust finite-time output feedback stabilisation of the double integrator
10 2021-04-17 -
MintDuino Building an Arduino_compatible Breadboard Microcontroller epub
MintDuino Building an Arduino-compatible Breadboard Microcontroller 英文epub 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn
33 2018-12-08 -
MintDuino_Building an Arduino_Compatible Breadboard Microcontroller
Get started with MintDuino, the Maker Shed kit that's perfect for learning or teaching the fundament
37 2018-12-08 -
HAXM installer NOT compatible with windows的解决方法
27 2020-04-23 -
H3C802.1X Client Compatible
23 2019-09-14