论文研究 A Resource Allocation Scheme with Multiple Relays Aided in Downlink OFDMA S
QoE and Energy Aware Resource Allocation in Small Cell Networks with Power Selec
QoE and Energy Aware Resource Allocation in Small Cell Networks with Power Selection, Load Managemen
15 2021-02-08 -
Traffic aware Radio Resource Allocation for UE Relay Enhanced Wireless Cellular
Traffic-aware Radio Resource Allocation for UE-Relay Enhanced Wireless Cellular Network
15 2021-02-08 -
Resource Allocation for Uncoded Multi user Video Transmission over Wireless Netw
Resource Allocation for Uncoded Multi-user Video Transmission over Wireless Networks
17 2021-02-08 -
Cooperation Set Selection and Resource Allocation of JT CoMP in Ultra Dense Netw
Cooperation Set Selection and Resource Allocation of JT CoMP in Ultra Dense Network
14 2021-02-08 -
how to export the multiple wpf datagrid s sfdatagrid s into multiple worksheet i
如何将多个WPF数据网格(SfDataGrid)导出到Excel中的多个工作表中? 关于样本 此示例说明如何将数据从多个SfDataGrid导出到同一excel工作簿中的不同工作表。 您可以使用 (S
16 2021-04-22 -
A direct MRAC based multivariable multiple model switching control scheme
A direct MRAC based multivariable multiple-model switching control scheme
11 2021-04-16 -
32 2019-09-19 -
论文研究Transmission Mode Switching for Device to Device Communication Aided by Rel
14 2020-07-18 -
Phase Failure Relays
Electrical phase Failure Relays
22 2020-09-21 -
14 2020-07-18