Optimization of the plasma spray parameters of Fe based amorphous coatings
spray socketio.zip
spray-socketio 是 spray 的扩展,实现对 Socket.io 的支持。 标签:spray
15 2020-07-18 -
RPAS spot spray源码
14 2021-03-17 -
jit spray source code
jit spray source code
10 2021-02-08 -
fastcam plasma
23 2020-05-19 -
Manufacturing of precision optical coatings
Thin film optical coatings tailor light reflected or transmitted from an optical element in a desire
11 2021-02-01 -
Coatings and color the early days
Color has been associated with thin films of materials for longer than we know, but, although the ef
9 2021-02-10 -
spray slick:使用Spray IO和Slick的示例应用程序
这是一个用于演示目的的示例Scala应用程序,展示如何使用Spray IO和Slick在Scala中创建服务层。该应用程序将显示一个无头服务层,这意味着这是一个只为服务提供RESTful API的服务
0 2024-09-16 -
Adaptive gradient based source and mask co optimization with process awareness
We develop a source and mask co-optimization framework incorporating the minimization of edge placem
10 2021-02-01 -
A cloud model based fruit fly optimization algorithm.pdf
A cloud model based fruit fly optimization algorithm
22 2020-09-25 -
A Particle Swarm Optimization Based Grey Forecast Model of Underground Pressure
14 2020-05-14