This is a tool to convert ESRI shape files to SVG files, you can use it in any way. Usage: Shp2Svg.exe -/shp=xxx -/svg=xxx [-/uom=xxx] [-/width] [-/height] [-/strokewidth] [-/strokecolor] [-/fillcolor] -shp=xxx 'xxx' means input shape file path. -svg=xxx 'xxx' means output svg file path. -uom=xxx 'xxx' means unit of meter in svg file. -width=xxx 'xxx' means output svg width, ignored if uom parameter used. -height=xxx 'xxx' means output svg height, ignored if uom parameter used. -strokewidth=xxx 'xxx' means shape border width, default is 1.0. -strokecolor=xxx 'xxx' means shape border color, default is black. -fillcolor=xxx 'xxx' means shape fill color, default is none. -h show usage information. -strokewidth=xxx 'xxx' means shape border width, default is 1.0. -strokecolor=xxx 'xxx' means shape border color, default is black. -fillcolor=xxx 'xxx' means shape fill color, default is none. -h show usage information.