一些关于 Computer Aided Pronunciation Learning System (CAPL)的paper
一些关于 Computer Aided Learning System 的paper和thesis: Computer Aided Pronunciation Learning System Using Speech Recognition Techniques PLASER: Pronunciation Learning via Automatic Speech Recognition Computer Assisted Language Learning system based on dynamic question generation and error prediction for automatic speech recognition An overview of spoken language technology for education Automatic pronunciation error detection in Dutch as a second language: an acoustic-phonetic approach Audiovisual Tools for Phonetic and Arti culatory Visualization in Computer-Aided Pronunciation Training Computer Assisted Language Learning system based on dynamic question generation and error prediction for automatic speech recognition Speech Synthesis for Educational Technology Comparing different approaches for automatic pronunciation error detection Phone-level pronunciation scoring and assessment for interactive language learning A Multimedia English Learning System Using HMMs to Improve Phonemic Awareness for English Learning Computer Support for Learners of Spoken English (thesis) Computer Aided English Language Pronunciation Learning System culatory Visualization in Computer-Aided Pronunciation Training Computer Assisted Language Learning system based on dynamic question generation and error prediction for automatic speech recognition Speech Synthesis for Educational Technology Comparing different approaches for automatic pronunciation error detection Phone-level pronunciation scoring and assessment for interactive language learning A Multimedia English Learning System Using HMMs to Improve Phonemic Awareness for English Learning Computer Support for Learners of Spoken English (thesis) Computer Aided English Language Pronunciation Learning System
43-Computer Assisted Language Learning system based on dynamic question generation and error prediction for automatic speech recognition.pdf
30-CALL error prediction.pdf
23-Computer Assisted Pronunciation Training.pdf
Audiovisual Tools-CAPT.pdf
thesis-Computer support for learners of spoken English.pdf
32-An overview of spoken language technology for education.pdf
40-speech synthesis for educational technology.pdf
34-English Learning System Using HMMs.pdf
26-Computer Aided Pronunciation lEARNING syatem.pdf