AVR_studio_4教程ATMEL APPLICATIONS JOURNALNumber1-Summer2003第三节:面向新手的AVR开发工具,及基本知识互联网上下载AVR STUDIO4首先,请放松,我们首先要做的只是下载AVR开发软件和相关的资料。下载前确保这些软件有效,下载的时间取决于你连接互联网的速度。下载以下文件到你的计算机中(如C:\Temp)AVR STUDIO4This file contains the AVR Studio4Program.This(~15MB)program is a complete development suite,and containsan editor and a simulator that we will use to write ourcode,and then see how it will run on an AVR device.Assembly Sample CodeThis file contains the Assembly Sample code you will(~1kB)need to complete this guide.AT90S8515Datasheet This is the Da