096FPC SPEC QG 2864KLBEG12 VER C.pdf
0.96OLED驱动芯片手册,准确无误,有问题随时可问。。Ver: cI vision1.1 Display Specifications1.2 Mechanical specifications1.3 Active Area/ Memory Mapping Pixel Construction1.4 Mechanical Drawing1.5 Pin Definition3.1 Optics Characteristics3.2 DC Characteristics3.3 AC Characteristics3.3. 1 68XX-Series MPu Parallel interface characteristics3.3.2 80XX-Series MPU Parallel interface characteristics3.3.3 Serial Interface Characteristics(4-wire SPI)3.3. 4 IC Interface CharacteristicsIAL4.1 Commands4.2 Power down and power up sequence4.2.1 Power up sequence4.2.2 Power down Sequence4.3 Reset circuit4.4 Actual Application Example4.4.1 VCC Supplied Externally禁止复印5.1 Contents of Reliability Tests5.2 Failure check standard6.1 Environment Required文件6.2 Sampling Plan6.3 Criteria Acceptable Quality Level6.3. 1 Cosmetic Check(Display Off)in Non-Active Area6.3.2 Cosmetic Check(Display Off) in Active Area6.3. 3 Pattern Check(Display On) in Active Area8.1 Handling Precautions8.2 Storage Precautions8.3 Designing Precautions8.4 Precautions when disposing of the oel display modules8.5 Other Precautionshttp://www.szallvision.comVer: cI vision1) Display ModePassive matrix2)Display Color:Monochrome(blue)3) Drive Duty1/64 duty1)Outline DrawingAccording to the annexed outline drawing2) Number of Pixels128×643)Panel Size26.70×19.26×1.4(mm)4Active Area21744×10.864(mm)5)Pⅸ xel pitch017×0.17(mm)6 Pixel Si0154×0154(mm)7)Weight:1.54(g)CONFIDENTIALhttp://www.szallvision.comVer: cI visionCONEDDENTIhttp://www.szallvision.com2Ver: cI visionVDDP This is a voltage supply pin, It must be connected to external source.VSSP This is a ground pin. It acts as a reference for the logic pins. It must belconnected to external groundVCCThis is the most positive voltage supply pin of the chip. A stabilization capacitorshould be connected between this pin and vss when the converter is used. Itmust be connected to external source when the converter is not usedIREFI This pin is segment current reference pin. A resistor should be connectedbetween this pin and Vss. Set the current at 12. 5uA maximum19VCOMHo This pin is the input pin for the voltage output high level for COM signals. Acapacitor should be connected between this pin and vssThese pins are mCu interface selection input. See the following tableBS1BS1BS24-wire sPi0▲8-bit68XX Parallel8-bit 80XX ParallelRES#i This pin is reset signal input. When the pin is low, initialization of the chipexecuted. Keep this pin pull high during normal operation.CS#I This pin is the chip select input. The chip is enabled for MCU communication onlywhen CS# is pulled lovThis pin is Data/ Command control pin. When the pin is pulled high, the input atD7NDO is treateWhen the pin is pulled low the input at D7.will be transferred to the command registerD/C#i When the pin is pulled high and serial interface mode is selected, the data at SDINwill be interpreted as data. When it is pulled low, the data at SDIN will beltransferred to the command register. In I2'c mode, this pin acts as sAo for slaveaddress selectionFor detail relationship to MCU interface signals, please refer to the TimingCharacteristics DiagramsThis pin is MCU interface input. When interfacing to a 68XXmicroprocessor, this pin will be used as the Enable(E)signal. Read/write operationRD#is initiated when this pin is pulled high and the CS# is pulled lowi When connecting to an 80XX-microprocessor, this pin receives the Read(RD#)signal. Data read operation is initiated when this pin is pulled low and cs#When serial or IC mode is selected this pin must be connected to vsshttp://www.szallvision.com3Ver: cI visionThis pin is MCU interface input. When interfacing to a 68XX-seriesmicroprocessor, this pin will be used as Read /Write(R/#)selection input. PullR/W#this pin to Hih"for read mode and pull it to " Low"for write mode.When 80XX interface mode is selected, this pin will be the Write(WR#) inputData write operation is initiated when this pin is pulled low and the CS# is pulledI2C mode is selected this pin must be connected to vsspins are 8-bit bi-directional data bus to be connected to themicropracessor's data bus. When serial mode is selected, Di will be the serial10~17DOwd I/o data input SDIN and Do will be the serial clock input SCLK. When I2C modeselected, d2& D1 should be tired together and serve as sdAout SpAin inapplication and DO is the serial clock input SCLUnused pins must be connected to Vss except for D2 in serial mode.机密文件禁止复印控文作http://www.szallvision.com4Ver: cI visionSupply Voltage for LogicDD-0.31,2Supply Voltage for Display161,2Operating TemperatureOP85Storage Temperature85C3Life Time( 120 cd/m)10,000hour4Life Time(80 cd/m)30,000hour4Life Time(60 cd/m2)50,000hot4Note 1: All the above voltages are on the basis of Vss = oVNote 2: When this module is used beyond the above absolute maximum ratings permanent breakage of themodule may occur. Also, for normal operations, it is desirable to use this module under theconditions according to Section 3. "Optics Electrical Characteristics". If this module is usedbeyond these conditions, malfunctioning of the module can occur and the reliability of the modulemay deteriorateNote 3: The def ined temperature ranges do not include the polarizer. The maximum withstoodtemperature of the polarizer should be 80'CNote 4: Vcc= 12.0V, Ta= 25C, 50% CheckerboardSoftware configuration follows Section 4. 4 InitializatiEnd of lifetime is specified as 50% of initial brightness reached. The average operating lifetime atroom temperature is estimated by the accelerated operation at high temperature conditions文件http://www.szallvision.comVer: cI visionBrightnessNote 5100(Vcc Supplied EXternally)120C I.E. (Blue)C.IE.19310120.160.200220.20.30Dark Room ContrastCR2000:1Viewing angleFreeegreeOptical measurement taken at VDD=2. 8V, Vcc = 12VSoftware configuration follows Section 4.4 InitializationSupply Voltage for Logic1.652.83.3Supply voltage for Display12.5V(Supplied Externally)High Level inputVIH IOUr =100HA, 3. 3MHz 0. 8xVDDLow Level InputIL IOUT= 100HA, 3. 3MHz 0DDVHigh Level outputIour=100μA3.3MHz09VLow Level outputIOUT =100HA, 3.3MHZ0.1×yDDVOperating Current for VoD180300AOperating Current for vccCCNote 615.4(Vcc Supplied Externally)mA-------Sleep Mode Current for VDD IDD, sLEEP15ASleep Mode Current for Vcc Icc, sLEEP210ANote 5: Brightness(Lbr) and Supply Voltage for Display(va) are subject to the change of the panelcharacteristics and the customers requestNote 6VdD=2. 8V, Vcc=12V, 100 Display Area turn onSoftware configuration follows Section 4.4 Initializationhttp://www.szallvision.com6Ver: cI vision3.3. 1.1 68XX-Series MPU Parallel Interface Timing CharacteristicsClock Cycle Time300nstAAddress Setup TimensAddress Hold Time0nsWrite Data Setup TimenstDHw Write Data Hold TimensdhrRead data hold Time20nsOutput Disable Time70nstACCAccess Time140nsChip Select Low Pulse Width(Read)120PWnsChip Select Low Pulse width(Write)Chip Select High Pulse Width (Read)60PWcsHnsChip Select High Pulse Width(Write)0Rise timensFall Time40ns*(VDD-Vss =1.65V to 3. 3V, Ta= 25CD/C#R/W#C S#DM: U(WRITE)Valid DataDI: O(REALValid datahttp://www.szallvision.com