NULL博文链接:开发入门之环境搭建篇0 Android SDK Tools SetupJava se Development kitDetect whetheSE Development kit is installedJava SE Development Kit(DK not foundAndroid SDK relies on the Java SE Development kit(]DK)Gotohttpljava,oraclecom>downLoads>JavaSe>Dktodownloadandinstalla]dKbefore continuingNote: A Java Runtime(JRE) is not enough to develop for Androidisit iψIf you believe you have a DK installed and it was not properly recognized please use theReport Error button This will also enable the Next buttoReport erroNullsoft Install System y24-Nov-2011, CysBaNext>incel这个地方有可能出现个,就是我的机器已经安装了,但是他还是会提示我说需要,解决的办法是,点击按钮Android sDe Tools setupIf you believe Java is prcper-y installed and this script failed to celect it, please file a:ols tug including hefollowing debug information a- lttp.//b android. conaS不管他,直接确开发入门之环境搭建篇0 Android SDK Tools SetupJava se Development kitDetect whether Java SE Development kit is installedJava SE Development Kit(DK not foundAndroid SDK relies on the Java SE Development kit(]DK)Gotohttpljava,oraclecom>downLoads>JavaSe>Dktodownloadandinstalla]dKbefore continuingNote: A Java Runtime(JRE) is not enough to develop for Androidisit iψIf you believe you have a jDk installed and it was not properly recognized, please use theReport Error button This will also enable the Next buttonReport errorNullsoft Install System y24-Nov-2011, Cys「 Cancel发现按钮可以用了,点他D Android SDK Tools SetupChoose lnstall locationChoose the folder in which to install android sdK tooletup will install Android SDk Tools in the follow ing folder To install in a diFferent folder, clickBrowse and select another folder click Next to continueDestination folderIProgram FileslAndroid android-sdkBrowpace required: 45, 1MBpace available: 34.6GBNullsoft Install System y24-N0w-2011 CY5≤2[cam可以修改安装目录,开发入门之环境搭建篇0 Android SDK Tools Setuphoose start yenu folderChoose a start Menu folder for the android sDk tools shortcutsSelect the Start Menu folder in which you would like to create the program s shortcuts, Youcan also enter a name to create a new folderdroid sDk tools0安全中心Android sDk toolsbar2000IETesterMicrosoft oFFirosoff SQL Server一版本切换yortoisecys□ Do not create shortcutsNullsoft Install System y24-Nov-2011, CysBaInstallincelAndroid sDk Tools SetupInstallation CompletempletCompletedHH国Output folder: e Program Files\\ android-sdktoolsiproguard libExtract: proquardExtractExtract: retrace. jar…,1%Output folder: e: Program FilesiAndroid android-sdkOutput folder: e: iProgram Files\androidandroid-sdkCreated uninstaller: e: Progr am FilesAndroidjandroid-sdkyuninstall exeOutput folder:C: Documents and SettingsjAll Users「开始」菜单程序 Android5DCreate shortcut:c: Documents and Settings All Users「开始」菜单程序\ Androidreate shortcut:c: Documents and sett ings{ al Lasers「开始」菜单程序 AndroidCreate shortcut;c: Documents and Settings all users「开始」菜单程序 AndroidCompletiNullsoft Install System y24-N0w-2011 CY5开发入门之环境搭建篇0 Android SDK Tools SetupCompleting the Android sDk ToolsSetup wizardAndroid sDK Tools has been installed on your complClick finish to close this wizard回式 start sDk Manager( to download sys5 em images,etc:s BackFin安装完成,这个安装好,还不代表安装完成,还需要下载一些补充工只,接上一步,会自动打开,或者于动打开工具。Indroid SDi anager回区Packages T301s聊k:Rey匚□Ee口 I Android SDE Toc1alledpia faroDtjn≤a区图A山u44.0.3AI15助2 entation for AndrcidSpr回③回回岛s0 es for A:bidH匚 Ardroid40(F14)H二 Ardroid32A13王二园 Ardroid3.1〔AF1:①匚 Ar droid3.0(API1二 hrroi d233(API0①匚( hr. droid22(A3sw;: Updates/I"回 LRSt1lqa□ b=late slant ba or vdetALL TSort by: API level O depositorSElect flDelete Packages.Dcne loading pachage出现这个界面可能需要几秒钟,这里默认安装就了,点击钮,当然你还可以下载其他版本的版本包开发入门之环境搭建篇s to installachatesacka己 escripti on LiAndoid 33)K Flatform-tools, revision已 Deser LulinDR. API 1y SIk Plat=]rm An=roid 4.0.3 API =5lamendenciesVA EA7 a System工mndro:d丸sArchive Description⊥159.5iB4SFAI. ddeceE9 d0efltctc3fc3frtbf16te618 1 eg4E+] Something depends on th: s packagInst all cancel窗凵内,绿色勾勾的是下载的项,黑色问号是需要你确认是否下载的项,他默认不下载,你可以选择全部下载,这里我选择全部下载,再点击安装,回到下载页面Indroid SDi tanager口回区ToolsSIK Path: E: \Progam Files\Pndroi d\ar. droid-sdlPackages章aneAPI Rer S:atus□其EDEFF6 An droid SDs Plat forw-tcoIsPot rustica区 hr.droid40.3(API少 eatate far an山crd5界 t rrstaleo斯 t installed区品 Sa ies for 5nlot restatedA5 FAPT 7a syste IwEre5了↓ hot installed回印eAFs5pt门spdSowrces for A:山pidS号 stalled匚rid4.0(1匚 droid32AI13中厂 Ar droid3.1(A工中二roid3.0PI11d2.3.3〔APT〔AF回 Insta11d□0bo1etes41 ect ey or u datest311Srt by: iPI 1Deselect h1Delete packagesDownloading Android SDE Plator-tools, revision 10 14%, 121 FiB/=, T7 seconds left)这个下载需要一段时间(比较漫长),这段时间里,我们可以再去做其他的事情。配置环境变量下载和安装完后,我们需要配置下环境变量这里我的下载目录是需要将这个目录中的这两个文件夹加到环境变量中去开发入门之环境搭建篇和系统环境变量中添加,路径添加上面两个目录,中间以分号分割新建系统变量p区变量名〕android变量值〕E:PRogr am Filks\Androi d'\android-sd确定取消确定编辑系统环境变量中的末尾添加辑系统变量变量名0Path变量值Q): MySQL\MyEQLServer5.51b1匚确定匚取消确定中运行,出现如下内容,说明环境变量配置戊功。命令提示符adb ppp ParametersRur PPP oter USBNote: you should not automatically start a PPP connection.ty> refers to the tty for PPP stream, eg. dew: dev/omap csni ttylparameters- Eg. defaultroute delug dump local notty usepeer dnsdbadblocaldir> can be interpreted in seweral wayIf is not specified, both /system and /data partitions will beIf it is syste or data, only the corresponding partitionenironmental variablesEPrint debug information. A comma separated listIf the following value11;adb。 sockets:packsysdeps, trANDROID SERIALThe sexial number to connect totakes pr10]f given.ANDROID LOG TAGSWhEn used with the logcat option, only thesebug tags are printed.Documents and Settings\Adm的下载及安装我使用的工具是,我需要下载一个的插件,有两种方式开发入门之环境搭建篇一种是直接采用的在线下载,另一种是单独下载插件。第一种情况安装启动然后选择“帮助”>“安装新软件。(安装可用软件挥一个站点或者输站点的位置fork vith:副入一个点Find mcre software by workin vith the“可用软件站点“ pr eference输入过滤器文本名矿版木[(i There is no site selected全堆中8)[全部不选⑩洋王信息只显示可用软什的最本LHide items that t'+ already installedGr on itemscon: act all up dats sites during install to find required softw aa上一步1)下一步)完成迎)取消点击添加按钮Add Repository名称_〕:位置u):p:/Archive确定C取消在添加存储库对话框中,名称:,位置()输入以下:单击确定:如果你有麻烦获取插件,尝试使用”的位置的,而不是“是出于安全原因的首选)开发入门之环境搭建篇守装可用软件CHycu wish to i五ytal1Mork with: adt-ht-2: //a1-ss1 goopEle ccni andr oldie活加Find mcre sofware by working with the“可用软件站卢“ preferen会名称版丰F000区 android drs16.01.w201112150204-235E4 Android Development Tool01.wm1112150204-2365roi d hi16.01.w01112150204-235534区 oi d traceries18.01.v201112150204-233531全中()[全部不达⑩)已挥4项详汪信息只显示可用软件的最板本〕Hide items that are already installedCcn:act all up date sites during install to find requirec software让一步1[下一步四)完成取消点击全部选中,同时取消底部并单击下一步在接下来的窗口,你会看到要下载的工具列表。单击“下一步”阅读并接受许可协议,然后单击完成。注意:如果你得到一个安仝警告,说不能成立的真实性或有效性的软件,单击“确定”当安装元成后,重新启动我的老是提示找不到文件