Yokogawa FA M3R PLC 万能输入温度PID控制模块规格书.PDF
Yokogawa FA-M3R PLC 万能输入温度PID控制模块规格书PDF,Yokogawa FA-M3R PLC 万能输入温度PID控制模块规格书<< Contents>< Index》SpecificationsGeneral SpecificationsSpecifiF3CU04-0NF3CU04-1NNumber of loopsBetween input terminals and internal circuit Isolated by photocouplers and transformers (tested for 1500V AcIsolation Between internal terminalsvoltage withstanding)Between output terminals and internal circuit12 types of alarm: measured value upper limit, measured value lowerAlarm typeslimit, deviation upper limit, deviation lower limit, deviation upper/lowerlimit, and within deviation upper/lower limit, all with or without waitingNumber of alarm outputs (internal relays)4 alarm outputs per loop(2 input relays foralarms 1 and 2 for each loop)Alarm ON-delay functionYesWarm-up timeMax allowable ambient temperature change rate10°C/hmaxMounting positionHorizontal or inverted orientation not allowedExternal connectionOne 18-point terminal blockTwo 18-point terminal blockswith m3, 5 screwswith m3.5 screwsExternal dimensions289W)×100(H)×106.1(D)mm58W)x100(H)x106.1(D)mmCurrent consumption460 mA(5VDC)470 mA(5 VDC200g1: The stated accuracy for the reference junction for thermocouple input is not guaranteed if this ambient temperature change rateOutside dimensions excluding protrusions(for details, see the Extension Dimensions diagram)Input specificationsSpecifiItemF3CU04-ONF3CU04-1NInput sampling period200 ms for four loops or 100 ms for two loops(individual inputs separately configurable by software or collectively byhardware)Input types and rangesThermocouple input: 1 5 rangesRTD input9 rangesDC mv input2 rangesDC Vinput4 rangesInput accuracyof F.S.Thermocouples or RTDs are checked for burnoutBurnoutSelectable as Upscale, Downscale or nonedetectionDetectionhermocouple100 nA maxcurrentRTD100 nA maxReferencejunctionThermocouple±20°c(0to55°C)compensationMeasuringRTDApprox. 270 HAAllowable inRIDwiring resistance10 Q2 max per wire (three wires must have the same resistanceThermocouple orAllowable signal DC mV input250 Q maxresistanceDC input2 ko maxAllowable input voltage range-20 to 20 VDCNoise reductionCommon mode120dB(5060Hz)Normal mode40aB(50/60Hz)Effect of ambient temperatureInput stability:±0.01%/°cor±1pV!°c, whichever is greater1: See Table 1, "Instrument Range and Accuracy (for high resolution operation)1/22: This value assumes that all input and output terminals are correctly wired(that is, solderless termination, wiring and connection arecorrect*3: This value assumes that the power supply frequency is correctly selectedAll Rights Reserved. Copyright@2003 Yokogawa Electric CorporationGS 34M6H62-01EJuy1,2003<< Contents>< Index》Table 1 Instrument Range and Accuracy(for high resolution operation with SW1-1 set to OFF)174Input Type Selector witchInpuInstrument DefaultSoftwareTypeRangeSW1-3 SW1-4 SW5SettingAccuracyesolutionSoftware setting(factory settingOFFOFF0Instrument default ranges may be specified bysoftware using one of the following codes-200.0to1370.0C1($010.5°0.1°CK-200.0to1000.0C2(S020.5°0.1°C000to500.0°C23453(S03)0.5°C0.10C°200.0to1200.0°c4(S04)0000to500.0°C5(05)0.5-270.0to400.0°Cs060.5°c00to1600.000.0to1600.0°℃OFFOFF8(S08)0.0to1600.0°C9(S09)1.0°C-200.0to1300.0C89ABCDEF012310($0A0.6°C270.0to1000.0C11($0B0.5c2000to9000°c12($0C06C0.1°C00.0to400.0°C13($0D)0.6°C0.1°c0.0to1600.0C14($0E)0.8°c14I Platinel 2 0.0 to 1390..C15(S0F)0.6°C0.1°c200.0to500.0°C6($10)0.4°C0.1°CJPt100-200.0to200.0°C17($11)0.4°C0.1°C0.0to300.0°C18($120.3°C0.00to150.00°Cc19($130.20°C0.02°C200.0to850.0cOFFON420($140.4C200.0to500.0°C521($15)=04°C0.1°cPt100200.0to200.0c22($160.4C0.1°C0.0to300.0°C23(5170.3°C0.1°C0.00to150.00°C24($180.20°C0.02°CDC mv0 to 10.00 mV DC925($190 to 100.0 mV DCA26($1A。0.000to1.000VDCON27($1B0. 1%of instrument range>DC V0.000to5.000VDCD29/$101 digit6 input15I1000 to 5.000V DC30($1E0.00to10.00VDC31($1F2: For thermocouples K, B, S,R, and W, instrument default ranges may be changed to wider ranges(see the notes below). Howeverif the instrument range exceeds 1600C, the resolution becomes twice of the indicated value Furthermore the actual range foracceptable input is instrument range+5%Data stored in the EEProM is initialized to follow the hardware switch when power is turned onthermocouple and reference junction compensation is used, you should also take into consideration the accuracy of the referenceunction compensationor K-type thermocouples, the instrument range may be set from.0 to 1370.0'C. The accuracy and resolution depend onmeasured temperatures as follows270.0 to-2000C: Neither accuracy or resolution is guaranteed200t0.0c:±10° C accuracy;0.2 C resolutionFor K-type thermocouples, the accuracy and resolution depend on measured temperatures as follows200.0 to-1800C:+0.9C accuracy, 0.2 C resolution180.0 to-1000C: 10.6C accuracy, 0.1C resolution7: For J-type thermocouples, the accuracy and resolution depend on measured temperatures as follows-200.0t-100.0°C:±1.0 C accuracy0.2 C resolution200.0 to-1500C:+0. C accuracy, 0.1 C resolution pend on measured temperatures as follows8: For J-type thermocouples, the accuracy and resolution d9: For T-type thermocouples, the accuracy and resolution depend on measured temperatures as follows-270.0 to-2000C: +3. C accuracy, 0.5 C resolution-200.0 to-1000"C: +1.0.C accuracy, 0.1C resolution10: For B-type thermocouples, the instrument range may be set from 0.0 to 1800.0C. The accuracy and resolution depend onmeasured temperatures as follows0.0 to 3000-C: Neither accuracy nor resolution is guaranteed0.0to90o.0c:±25° c accuracy,0.3° C resolution11: For S-type and R-type thermocouples, the instrument range may be set from 0.0 to 1700.0C. The accuracy and resolution dependon measured temperatures as follows0.0 to 200.0.C: +1.5"C accuracy, 0.2C resolutionFor N-type thermocouples, the accuracy and resolution depend on measured temperatures as follows2000to00°C:±1.3 C accuracy,0.3 C reso| ution13: For E-type thermocouples, the accuracy and resolution depend on measured temperatures as follows270.0 to -2000C:+6.5C accuracy, 2.0"C resolution200.0to-100.0°c:±1.0° C accuracy,0.2 C resolution14: For W-type thermocouples, the instrument range may be set from 0.0 to 23000C. The accuracy and resolution depend onmeasured temperatures as follows:0 to 100.0.C: +1.0"C accuracy, 0.2C resolution15: Resolution is determined by the upper and lower limits for the instrument range, as well as the upper and lower scaling limits. It isrepresented bydigitmeans that the value is ignoredAll Rights Reserved. Copyright@2003 Yokogawa Electric CorporationGS34M6H62-01EJuy1,2003<< Contents>< Index》Table 1 Instrument Range and Accuracy(for low resolution operation with Sw1-1 set to OFF)2/4Input Type SelectorSwitchInputInstrument DefaultTypeRangeSoftwareAccuracyResolutionSW1-3 SW1-4SW5SettingInstrument default rangeSoftware settingONOFF0 specified by software using one of thefollowing codes200to1370°C33($21)±2C1°C200to1000°c34($22)200to500°C35($23)±2C-200to1200°C36($24)±2C1°C200to500°037($25)±2C270to400°c±2°C°61°C0to1600C0to1600°cONOFF3456789ABCDEF0123456739($27)±2C1°C40($28)±2°C°C0to1600°C41($29)±2°CN200to1300°C42($2A)±2C1°C270to1000°c43($2B)土2C"°1-200to900°c44($2C)±2C200to400°c45($2D)±2°C1°C0to1600°46($2E)±2C°CPlatine|20to1390°C47($2F)±2C1°C200to500°C48($30)±2C°C-200to200°c49($31)±2°C1°CJPt1000to300°C50($32)±2°C1°C0.0to150.0C51($33)±0.3°C0.1°C200to850°cONON200to500°53($35)±2°C1°CPt100-200to200°c54($36)±2°CL1C0to300°C55($3±2°C1°C0.0to1500°C56($38)±0.3°C0.1C1: Applicable standard is JIS/EC/DIN (ITS-90)for thermocouples and RtD2: For thermocouples K, B,, R, and w, instrument default ranges may be changed to wider ranges(see the notes below)Furthermore, the actual range for acceptable input is instrument range+5%R3: Data stored in the EEPROM is initialized to follow the hardware switch when power is turned on4: This accuracy applies if the ambient temperature is 25+5 C and the input value is within the instrument range. If the input type isthermocouple and reference junction compensation is used, you should also take into consideration the accuracy of the referenceunction compensation5: For K-type thermocouples, the upper and lower range limits may be set from -270 to 1370C. The accuracy and resolution dependon measured temperatures as follows-270 to-200oC: Neither accuracy nor resolution is guaranteed6: For T-type thermocouples, the accuracy and resolution depend on measured temperatures as follows270to200c:±4° C accuracy.1 C resolution7: For B-type thermocouples, the upper and lower range limits may be set from 0 to 1800C. The accuracy and resolution depend onmeasured temperatures as follows0 to 300 C: Neither accuracy nor resolution is guaranteed300 to 900C: t3C accuracy, 1C resolution8: For S-type and R-type thermocouples, the upper and lower range limits may be set from 0 to 1700C9: For N-type thermocouples, the accuracy and resolution depend on measured temperatures as follow-200toc:±3° C accuracy,1° C resolution10: For E-type thermocouples, the detailed accuracy and resolution are as follows-270to200c:±8° C accuracy,2° resolution200 to 1000C: +2C accuracy, 1C resolution11: For W-type thermocouples, the upper and lower range limits may be set from 0 to 2300CAll Rights Reserved. Copyright@2003 Yokogawa Electric CorporationGS 34M6H62-01EJuy1,2003<< Contents>< Index》Table 1 Instrument Range and Accuracy (for high resolution operation with Sw1-1 set to ON)3/4nput Type Selector SwitchInputInstrument DefaultSoftwareTypRangeSW1-3SW1-4SW5SettingAccuracyResolution2Software setting (factory setting)OFFOFFInstrument default ranges may be specified bysoftware using one of the following codes-328.0to2498.0°F1($01)±10°FK-3280to1832.0°F2($02±10°F0.2°F-328.0to932.0°F3($031.0°F0.2F-328.0t2192.0°F4($04)1.0°F02F-328.0to932.0°F23456789ABCDEF0125($0-454.0to752.0°F6($06)±1.0°F02F32to2912F32to2912OFFOFF8($08)E RT32to2912°F9($09)-328.0to237210($0A土±土FE-454.0to1832.0°F11($0B)±1.0°F0.2°F1-3280to1652.0F0.2F-3280to7520F113($0D)±1.2).2F32to2912°F2FPlating2|320o25340°F15($0F)±12°F02°F-328.0to932.0°F16($10)±0.8°F0.2F-328.0to392.0FJPt10017($11)±0.8°F02F32.0to572.0F18($12±0.6°F0.2°F32.0to302.0°F19($13)±04°F02F328.0to1562.0°FFFFON0123456789ABD20($14)±0.80.2°F-328.0to932.0°F21($15)|±0.80.2°FPt100-328.0to392.0°F22($16)|±0.8°F0.2°F32.0to572.0°F23($17)±0.6°F0.2F32.0to302.0°F24($18±0.4°F0.2°FDc mV 0 to 10.00 mV DC25($19Input 150 to 100.0 mV DC26($1A)0.000to1.000VDC16ON27(51B)+0.1% of instrument rangeDc v0.000 to 5.000V DC29(81D)±1digt151.000to5.000VDc30($1E)0.00to10.00VDC31($1F)1: Applicable standard is JIS/EC/dIN (TS-90)for thermocouples and RTD3 Furthermore, the afal range for acceptable input is instrument range=% anged to wider ranges(see the notes below)For thermocouples K, B, S, R, and W, instrument default ranges may be chROM is initialized to follow the hardware switch when power is turned on.This accuracy applies if the ambient temperature is 77 F+g F and the input value is within the instrument range If the input type isjunction compensation5: For k-type thermocouples, the instrument range may be set from. to 2498. F The accuracy and resolution depend onmeasured temperatures as follows-454.0 to-3280 F: Neither accuracy or resolution is guaranteed3280to32.0°F:±20° F accuracy,6.4 F resolution6: For K-type thermocouples, the accuracy and resolution depend on measured temperatures as follows3280to-292.0F:±2.0° F accuracy,0.4° resolution-292.0 to-1480F: +1.2F accuracy, 0.2 F resolution7. for jthermocouples, the accuracy and resolution depend on measured temperatures as follows-148.0°FPF accuracy, 0. 4 F resolution8: For J-type thermocouples, the accuracy and resolution depend on measured temperatures as follows:3280to-2380°F:±1.2° F accuracy,0.2 resolution9: For T-type thermocouples, the accuracy and resolution depend on measured temperatures as follows-4540to-32865° F accuracy,1.0° F resolution328.0 to-148.0.F: +2.0F accuracy, 0.2 F resolution10: For B-type thermocouples, the instrument range may be set from 32 to 3272 F The accuracy and resolution depend on measuredtemperatures as follows:32 to 572 F: Neither accuracy nor resolution is guaranteed572 to 1652 F: +5F accuracy, 1"F resolution11: For S-type and R-type thermocouples, the instrument range may be set from 32 to 3092F. The accuracy and resolution depend onmeasured temperatures as follows:32 to 3092 F: +3%F accuracy, 1F resolution12: For N-type thermocouples, the accuracy and resolution depend on measured temperatures as follo328.0 to 32. F: +2.5 F accuracy, 0.6 F resolution13: For E-type thermocouples, the accuracy and resolution depend on measured temperatures as follows+454.0 to 328.0%F:+12.0F accuracy, 4.0%Resolution328.0t.-148.0°F:±2.0° F accuracy,0.4° F resolution14: For W-type thermocouples, the instrument range may be set from 32 to 4172F15: Resolution is determined by the upper and lower limits for the instrument range, as well as the upper and lower scaling limits. It isted by one digitmeans that the value is ignoredAll Rights Reserved. Copyright@2003 Yokogawa Electric CorporationGS34M6H62-01EJuy1,2003<< Contents>< Index》Table 1 Instrument Range and Accuracy(for low resolution operation with Sw1-1 set to ON)4/4Input Type selectorSwitchInputInstrument DefaultSoftwareypeRangeSettingAccuracy Resolution2SW1-3 SW1-4SW5Instrument default ranges may beSoftware settingONOFF0 specified by software using one of thefollowing codes-328to2498°F33($21)±2°F1F328to18324($22)±2F11F-328to932F35($23)±2F1328to2192°F36($24)±2F1°F328to932°F454to752F32to2912°F32to2912°FONOFF23456789ABCDEF012±2F°F38($26)±2F°619F39($27)±2F1°F40($28)±2°F[1FER32to2912°F41($29)±2F°F-328to2372F42($2A)±2F°F43($2B)±2F“1F-328to1652°F44($2C)±2F1°F328to752°F45($2D)±2F1°F32to2912°F46($2E)±2F1°FPlatinel 2 32 to 2534F47($2F)±2F-328to932°F48($30)±2F1°FJPt100328to392°F49($31)±2F32to572°F50($32)±2F1°F32to302°F51($33)±2F°F328to1562°F52($34)±2°F1°F-328to932°53($35)±2F1°FPt100328to392F32to572°F234567854($36)±2F1°F($37)±2FoF32to302°F56($38)±2F1: Applicable standard is JIS/EC/DIN (ITS-90)for thermocouples and RTD2: For thermocouples K, B, S,R, and W, instrument default ranges may be changed to wider ranges(see the notes below)Furthermore, the actual range for acceptable input is instrument range+5%3: Data stored in the EEPRoM is initialized to follow the hardware switch when power is turned on4: This accuracy applies if the ambient temperature is 77Fi9'F and the input value is within the instrument range. If the input type isthermocouple and reference junction compensation is used, you should also take into consideration the accuracy of the referencejunction compensation5: For K-type thermocouples, the upper and lower range limits may be set from -454 to 2498F. The accuracy and resolution dependfollow-454 to 328F: Neither accuracy nor resolution is guaranteed6: For T-type thermocouples, the accuracy and resolution depend on measured temperatures as follows454to-328°F:±7" F accuracy,1 F resolution7: For B-type thermocouples, the upper and lower range limits may be set from 32 to 3272 F The accuracy and resolution depend onmeasured temperatures as follows32 to 572 F: Neither accuracy nor resolution is guaranteed572to1652°F:±5 F accuracy;1° F resolution8: For S-type and R-type thermocouples, the upper and lower range limits may be set from 32 to 3092 F. The accuracy and resolutiondepend on measured temperatures as follows32to3092F:±3° F accuracy,1° F resolution9: For N-type thermocouples the accuracy and resolution depend on measured temperatures as follows-328 to 32 F:+4F accuracy, 1 F resolution10: For E-type thermocouples, the detailed accuracy and resolution are as follows454 to 328 F: +.F accuracy, 4F resolution-328 to 148 F: 3 F accuracy, 1F resolution11: For W-type thermocouples, the upper and lower range limits may be set from 32 to 4172FAll Rights Reserved. Copyright@2003 Yokogawa Electric CorporationGS 34M6H62-01EJuy1,2003<< Contents>< Index》Table 3 Power Supply FrequencyPower SupplyInput Type Selector SwitchRemarksFrequencysW1-2sW1:4SW5Software settingOFF0Power supply frequency may be specified by software. Factory setting)50HzOFFRemoves 50 Hz power supply frequency noise overlapping input signals60HzONOther than the above. Removes 60 HZpOLver supply frequency noise overlapping nput signalsData stored in the eEprom is initialized to follow the hardware switch when power is turned onControl Specifications(can be set for individual loops)IterSpecificationF3CU04-0NF3CU04-1NControl modeON/OFF control, PID control, and heating/cooling contro/> monitoringNormal, cascade, two-input changeover, setting output, andOutput mode selectionNumber of setting4 groups: control set point, proportional band, integration timedifferentiation time, manual reset value, and forward /reverse operationgroupChangeover methodZone changeover using control set point number or input temperatureAuto-tuningCalculates PID parameters using limit cycle method(when specified"Dynamic auto-tuning" +3PID parameters are automatically recalculated at control start, control setpoint change, or hunchingStSuppresses overshooting using fuzzy logic theoryRUN/STOP, automatic output/manual output, local/remote, control setOperation modepoint number, and cascade output/automatic output/manual outputThen cascade is usedControl set point gradient settingBoth acceleration and deceleration can be setOutput limitBoth upper and lower limits can be setControl periodquivalent to input sampling periodOutput updateTime-proportional PiD outputDetermined by cycle time(0.5 to 240 s)periodContinuous PID output (4-20 mA)NAEquivalent to input samplingperiod1: Cascade or two-input chang owing control mode requires another output module, and uses two loops ot input and output terminals(for F3CU04-oN only)3: Not available in the heating/cooling control mode4: Not available in the ON/OFF or heating/cooling control modeOutput SpecificationsItemSpecificationF3CU04-0NF3CU04-1NNumber of outputsExternal power supply24VDC±10%,50mA24vDC±10%6,400mARated load voltageper point0.1 a per point and oMaximum load currentointsTime-proportionalON residual voltage0.5VDC maxPID outputOFF leakage current(Open collector)0. 1 mA maxResponse timeOFF→ON:1 ms max.,ON→OFF:1 ms maxCycle0.5to240sTime-proportional resolution 10 ms or 0.05% of F.S., whichever is greaterOutput rangeContinuous pid(32-20.8mA)Allowable load resistanceNAoutput(4-20mA)600 2 maxOutput accuracy±1.0%ofF.S.Output resolution0.05%ofF.S.External power supply is not required if no output terminal is used (that is, if only input terminals are usedAll Rights Reserved. Copyright@2003 Yokogawa Electric CorporationGS34M6H62-01EJuy1,2003<< Contents>< Index》External Connection DiagramO F3CU04-0N terminal block(front)and F3CU04-1N terminal block(front left)Voltage ThermocoupleThermocouple VoltagenputinputInpuA 2N4IN3436567 A7IN2IN1b10912B121113(See note 2)13OUT141521516+24VcollectorCOMutput18Note 1: The module supports mixed input types. Each channel may be wired for RTD, thermocouple, or voltage input independentlyNote 2: The F3C004-1N has no output functions and requires no external power supply. Use the output terminals of the right terminalblocko F3CU04-1N terminal block(front rightTime-proportional PId outpu4-20 ma outpuouT8LOUT734L5OUT5L6OUT57L8OUT4910OUT31112OUT21314OUT115161624V171818Note: The module allows mixed outputs. Each channel may be wired for time-praportional Pid or 4-20 mA output independentlyAll Rights Reserved. Copyright@2003 Yokogawa Electric CorporationGS 34M6H62-01EJuy1,2003<< Contents>< Index》■ Functions ListFunctionDescriptionInput sampling perSets the input sampling period(This affects the number of available channelsMonitoring mode selectionSpecifies monitoring mode for a pair of 2 channelss ingle inputBasic control mode with one control and computation system where two channels operate independentlyMonitoring CascadeTwo control and computation systems perform cascade control (using 2 channels of input and output)Two-inpuSwitches between two measured inputs(using a register or measured value range) and handles them as anemeasured input (using 2 channels of input and output)DisabledChannels specified as 'disabled are not usedOutput mode selectionSelects from on/off, PID, and heating/cooling control modesControl On/offPerforms control by turning on (100%output )or turning off the output (0% output).*utputPIDControls output according to Pid computation results8 modes Heating/cooling Controls both heating and cooling outputs according to PID computation results.Control Output limiterSets the upper and lower limits for control output3 outputRate-of-change Sets the maximum allowable rate-of-change of control outputfunctions limitero Output type selection *elects between time-proportional output(open collector)and continuous output (4-20 mA).Analog outputspecifies a fixed value output for any output terminal not used for process control.Input type selectionSets input type using switches(for all channels or software (for individual channels )Power supply frequencypecificationSpecifies the power supply frequency. An appropriate setting value will reduce common mode noiseInput range settingSets input rangesPV range settingSets Pv range for two-input changeover modeBurnout selectionSelectable from Up-scale, Down-scale, or OF F(no burnout detection for thermocouple or RTD inputopen-circuit detectIoReferencecompensationSets thermocouple reference junction compensation to either on or fixed valueBroken-ineSpecifies any temperature and its bias value. A compensation value based on the linear interpolation of thebiasingspecified bias values is automatically added to a measured input. This function is particularly useful for adeteriorated sensor, for which input compensation is desirableSpecifies a fixed bias value to be automatically added to measured input values This function is useful when aInputFixed biasingmeasured input suffers a fixed deviation due to a known physical problem with a sensor, or when fineoperatid justment of measured input is desirable for better consistency with values indicated by other equipment, evenfunctionsthough data deviation is within toleranceInput filteringFiltering can be used to remove high frequency noise from measured inputs such as flow rate and pressureFiltering is a first order deSquare rootPerforms square root extraction on measured inputs This function is useful for converting differential pressureextractionsignals(of orifice, nozzle, or other types of restriction flowmeter )to flow rate signalsTWD-input changeoverSets the two-input changeover mode to perform changeover based on temperature range, preset temperaturevalue, or register valueExternal process inputAn extemal value such as a processed value from a CPU module may be used as an input to the module.Control set points Four preset values are assigned to each channel. The control set point can be selected using the control set upnumber selection parameterControl SPlimiterLimits the control set point value Control set points are restricted within the specified range in remote orset pointSP gradientAcceleration(UPR)and deceleration (DNR)may be set independently to vary the control set point at a fixed rateor to prevent sudden changes in the control set pointRemote settAllows the control set point to be changed continuously and remotely by a CPU module.DynamicAutomatically recalculates Pid constants when control begins or when the control becomes unstable to achieveAutoauto-tunincontinuous stable contreAuto-tuningWhen given a start tuning instruction, measures the characteristics of a control object by switching on and thenswitching off the output, and then automatically determines and sets an optimum PID constant.Forwardd/reverse Defines the direction of output increase or decrease corresponding to a positive or negative deviationSelectable between constant-value and follow-up control modes. Automatically selects an optimum PID control8 Control/ PID control mode mode( differentiation-precedent PID control or deviation-differentiation PID control)according to operationompucharacteristics. PId control mode is selectable in cascade or remote operationtationSuppresses overshooting using fuzzy logic theories.Prevents excessive integration and hence overshooting by suspending PID computation. The deviation widthAnti-reset windup for resuming PID camputation can be set using parametersPID Selection functionEach channel may select one of the four PID setting groups assigned to itControl set pointnumber selectionSwitches between Pid parameters according to the control set point number selection.selection Zone PIDfunctionsetting groups when es between PID setting groups based on process values May also switch between PIDn the deviation is too largOperationSwitches between run/stop, automatic/manual/cascade remote/local, and other operation modes.Alarm setupSets two alarms for each channel. Alarms may be triggered by measurement value upper or lower limit orAlarmdifferential upper or lower limitNaitingSuppresses alarm during the startup period after powering on until the operation stabilizes.Delay timerReports an alarm only if an alarm condition persists for a minimum duration.Backup function(storing of preset valuesStores parameters to the eEProm, which is writable up to 1,000,000 timesNumbers within parentheses (100% and 0%)applies when the output is configured as a continuous output (for F3CU04-1N onlyAvailable for F3C004-1N onlyWhen burnout selection is set to OF F, the measured input value at the time of burnout (open circuit) is unpredictable and mayapproach either the upper limit or the lower limit. Furthermore, the burnout relay is not set. However +oVER or-oVER is detectedAll Rights Reserved. Copyright@2003 Yokogawa Electric CorporationGS34M6H62-01EJuy1,2003