Visual.Studio.2010.高级编程[英文版]Visual.Studio.2010.高级编程[英文版]Visual.Studio.2010.高级编程[英文版]PROFESSIONALVISUAL STUDIO 2010NTRODUCTION.。,,,。。,,,,,,XXXIXCHAPTER 1 A Quick TourCHAPTER 2 The Solution Explorer, Toolbox, and PropertiesCHAPTER 3 Options and Customizations33CHAPTER4 The visual Studio Workspace.................53CHAPTER 5 Find and Replace and help73CHAPTER 6 Solutions, Projects, and Items89CHAPTER 7 ntellisense and bookmarks119CHAPTER 8 Code snippets and refactoring..137CHAPTER9 Server Explorer.159CHAPTER 10 Modeling with the Class Designer,,,,,,,,,.,175CHAPTER 11 Unit Testing.191CHAPTER 12 Documentation with XMl comments219CHAPTER 13 Code Consistency Tools245CHAPTER 14 Code generation with t4........263CHAPTER 15 Project and Item Templates.291CHAPTER 16 Language-Specific Features311CHAPTER 17 Windows Forms Applications....335CHAPTER 18 Windows Presentation Foundation(WPF).351CHAPTER 19 Office Business Applications379CHAPTER 20 ASP.NET Web forms.399CHAPTER 21 ASPNET MVC.437CHAPTER 22 Silverlight.471CHAPTER 23 Dynamic Data.......,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,485CHAPTER 24 Share Point513CHAPTER 25 Windows azure533CHAPTER 26 Visual database tools549CHAPTER 27 Data Sets and Data Binding559CHAPTER 28 Language Integrated Queries(LINQ)587CHAPTER 29 The Ado. NET Entity Framework.521CHAPTER 30 Reporting........645CHAPTER 31 Windows Communication Foundation(WCF)...681CHAPTER 32 Windows Workflow Foundation(WF).,,,701CHAPTER 33 Client Application Services............725CHAPTER 34 Synchronization Services........745CHAPTER 35 WCF RIA Services757CHAPTER 36 Configuration Files773CHAPTER 37 Connection Strings795CHAPTER 38 Resource files805CHAPTER 39 Using the Debugging Windows..,,,,,...827CHAPTER 40 Debugging with Breakpoints845CHAPTER 41 DataTips, Debug Proxies, and visualizers857CHAPTER 42 Debugging Web Applications871CHAPTER 43 Advanced Debugging Techniques.887CHAPTER 44 Upgrading with visual studio 2010....,,,,,,,,,,,905CHAPTER 45 Build customization911CHAPTER 46 Assembly Versioning and Signing....,929CHAPTER 47 Obfuscation, Application Monitoring, and management937CHAPTER 48 Packaging and Deployment..,,,,,,,,,..961CHAPTER 49 Web Application Deployment....983CHAPTER 50 The automation model1001CHAPTER 51 Add-Ins1009CHAPTER 52 Macros....1025CHAPTER53 Managed Extensibility Framework(MEF)..……,…,1033CHAPTER 54 Visual studio ultimate for architects....1061CHAPTER 55 Visual Studio Ultimate for Developers1075CHAPTER 56 Visual studio Ultimate for Testers1095CHAPTER 57 Team Foundation server111NDEX,。,。,,,,,1139PROFESSIONALVisual studio 2010Nick RandolphDavid gardnerMichael MinutilloChris andersonWILEYWiley Publishing, IncProfessional visual studio@ 2010Published bWiley publishing, Incoint boulevardIndianapolis, IN 46256Copyright o 2010 by Wiley Publishing, Inc, Indianapolis, IndianaPublished simultancously in CanadaISBN:978-0-470-54865-3Manufactured in the United States of america10987654321No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any meanselectronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorizationthrough payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, DanversMA01923, (978)750-8400, fax(978)646-8600 Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed tothe Permissions Department, John Wiley Sons, Inc, 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030, (201)748-6011fax(201)748-6008,oronlineat of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: The publisher and the author make no representations or warranties withrespect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this work and specifically disclaim all warranties, includingwithout limitation warranties of fitness for a particular purpose. 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Further,readers should be aware that Internet Web sites listed in this work may have changed or disappeared between when thiswork was written and when it is readFor general information on our other products and services please contact our Customer Care Department within theUnited States at(877)762-2974, outside the United States at(317)572-3993 or fax (317)572-4002Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats. Sonle content that appears in print mlay not be availablein electronic booksLibrary of Congress Control Number: 2010922566Trademarks: Wiley, the Wiley logo, Wrox, the Wrox logo, Wrox Programmer to Programmer, and related trade dressarc trademarks or rcgistcrcd trademarks of John Wilcy sons, Inc. andior its affiliates, in the Unitcd Statcs and othcrcountries, and may not be used without written permission. Visual Studio is a registered trademark of MicrosoftCorporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Wiley Publishing, Inc is not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this book.To my beautiful cynthiaNICK RANDOLPHTo my wife julie-DAVID GARDNERFor Barbara, amore sempreMICHAEL MINUTILLOFor my parents, Michael and narelleCHRIS ANDERSONABOUT THE AUTHORSNICK RANDOLPH currently runs Built To Roam which focuses on building rich mobile applicationsPreviously, Nick was co-founder and Development Manager for squared solutions where he led ateam of developers to build inspirational software using next wave technology. Prior to nsquaredNick was the lead developer at intilecta Corporation where he was integrally involved in designingand building their application frameworkAfter graduating with a combined Engineering(Information Technology )Commerce degree, Nickwent on to be nominated as a Microsoft mvp in recognition of his work with the Perth. NET ugroup and his focus on mobile devices. He is still an active contributor in the device applicatloperdevelopmentspaceviahisblogat, has been invited to present at a variety of events including Tech Ed Australia, MEDC andCode camp. He has also authored articles for MSDN Magazine(ANZ edition), two books entitledProfessional visual Studio 2005 and Professional Visual Studio 2008, and helped judge the 20042005, 2007 and 2008 world finals for the Imagine CupDAVID GARDNER is a seasoned. neT developer and the Chief Software Architect at IntilectaCorporation. David has an ongoing passion to produce well-designed, high-quality softwareproducts that engage and delight users. Since the mid 90s, He has worked as a solutions architect,consultant, and developer and has lent his expertise to organizations in Australia, New Zealandand malaysiaDavid is a regular speaker at the Perth NET user group and has presented at events including MicrosoftTechEd and the microsoft Executive Summit. He holds a bachelor of Science( Computer Science)andis a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer. David was co-author of Professional Visual Studio 2008, andblogsaboutVisualStudioandNetatwww.professionalvisualstudio.comMICHAEL MINUTILLO is a NET software engineer with a Bachelor of Science degree in ComputerScience. A self-described "Indiscriminate Information Sponge, he started writing. NET softwarein early 2000 to fund his university studies and has been an active member of the. NET communityever sinceMichael is a regular attendee at the Perth. NET Community of Practice where he has givenpresentations on the new teatures of C, ASP.NET MVC and Test-Driven Philosophy. In 2009Michael started the Perth ALT. NET User Group which meets monthly to discuss softwareengineering tools and practices in the net development spaceMichaclmaintainsatcchnicalblogathttp://wolfbyte-net.blogspot.comandcanbccontactedat ANDERSON has been a professional developer for over 10 years, specializing in buildingdesktop, Web, and mobile business applications using Microsoft technologies for industriesas wide ranging as accounting, property valuation, mining, the fresh produce industry, petcremations, logistics, field services, sales, and construction. He holds a Bachelor of engineeringn Computer Systems with a Diploma in Engineering Practise. Chris is a co-owner of PeerPlacements(a specialist recruitment firm for software developers)in addition to working as aconsultant and author. Currently specializing in Silverlight (particularly in relation to buildingbusiness applications in Silverlight), Chris has spoken on this topic at Code camp australia2009, TechEd Australia 2009, Silverlight Code Camp Australia 2010, and numerous SydneySilverlight Designer and Developer Network(SDDN) meetings for which he is a co-organizerChrismaintainsablogathttp:/ichrisa.wordpresscomandcanbefoundontwitterat THE TECHNICAL EDITORJOE BENNETT has been consulting as a developer and software solutions architect for more than20 years and has been working with. NET exclusively since the beta for version 1.0. He is passionateabout building well-architected robust software for organizations of all sizes, and loves sharing hisknowledge and experience with other developersJoe is the Chief Software Architect at Carolina Software Consultants, LLC and a past President of theTriangle NET User Group located in the Triangle area of North Carolina. He frequently speaks atmeetings and events and holds a bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from the universityof clouston