aix nim配置文档AIX NIM安装实例页码,3/7这里我们/etc/ hosts172.16.3.201test1172.16.3.202test2回车命令成功后,会在/etc/下生成 niminfo文件如下:#Network Install managerwarning- this file contains NIM configuration informationand should only be updated by nimexport NiM NAME=test2export NIM HostnaMe=test2export NIM CONF IGURATION=Standaloneexport NIM MAster HOSTNAME=testlexport NIM MASTER PORT=1058export NIM REGISTRATION PORT=1059export NIM LICENSE ACCEPT=yesexport RC CoNFig-rc bos instexport NIM BOSINST RECOVER=/. /SPOT/usr/lpp/bos. sysmgt/nim/methods/c bosinst env -a hostname=test2export spot-tscf50: /export/spot/spot1/usrexport NIM CUSTOM=/./SPOT/usr/lpp/bos. sysmgt/nim/methods/c script a location=test1: /export/nim/scripts/test2. scriptexport NIM BOS IMAGE=/ SPOT/usr/sys/inst images/ bosexport NIM BOS FORmAT=rteexport NIM HOSTS= 172. 16. 202: test2 172. 16.3. 201: test1export NIM mounts- test1: /export/lpp source/ lpp source1/SPOT/usr/sys/inst. images: dir2。我们也可以选择在 nlinl server上加入客户机Smitty nim > perform nim Administration tasks>>Manage machines>>Define a Machinek Host Name of Machine [test2](Primary Network Install Interface)选择网络为entk NIM Machine name [test2]k Machine Type [standalone]k Hardware Platform Type [chrpKernel to use for Network boot [mpPrimary network install interfacepNetwork Speed SettingNetwork Duplex Settinghttp://www-900.ibmcom/cn/support/faghtmlfag/2111124e31001.htm20049-23AIX NIM安装实例页码,4/7k NIM Network lent-Networkllck Network Type entk ethernet Type standardk Subnetmaskk Default Gateway Used by Machinek Default Gateway Used by masterk Host name test2Network Adapter Hardware Address [o]Network Adapter Logical Device Name [IPL ROM Emulation devicecpu IdMaachine Group六从 nlm server向客户机安装基木操作系统1.从test1上smitty nim bosinst > rof ao machines standalone> rte- Install from installation images >> lpp source resources lpp sourc >> spot resources spot回车后等刭ok出现,接下来,test2客户机上就会出现警示:nim服务已经启用,机器将被安装操作系统。然后test2就会自动重起。并且从网络启动进入安装界面就像我们从光盘安装系统一样,进行安装。安装后test2客广机会重起并且保留test2的主机名和172.16.3.202的i地址。但是 root password没有了,需要手工设置。2.还有一种安装基木操作系统的方法——从客户机开始安装smitty nim >>Manage Network Install Resource Allocation>>Allocate Network Install Resources>> it lpp source1Ipp source和spot1spotsmitty nim > Perform a NIM Client Operation >>bos inst >Nek Install Operation to Perform bos instSource for bos runtime files rteRemain Nim client after install? yesinstallp Flags [-aXg接下来test2客户机上就会出现警示:nim服务已经启用,机器将被安装操作系统等等,步骤同第一种方法http://www-900.ibmcom/cn/support/faghtmlfag/2111124e31001.htm20049-23AIX NIM安装实例页码,5/7七在nim客户机上使用 mkss映像安装基本操作系统先决条件。同上面步骤一样,先要配置 nlm server,然后把客户机加入到nim环境中二spo系统资源凵经在上述步骤中配置了,下面我们配置 mksysyb资1.首先要有 mksysyb映像文件。在 nim server上运行 smittymksysybck Backup device or File [/ tmp/liudllCreate map files? noeXcLUdE files? noList files as they are backed up? nIoVerify readability if tape device?noGenerate new /image data file? yesEXPAND/tmp if needed? noDisable software packing of backup? noNumber of bloCks to write in a single output []注意。 Mkss映像文件最好不要放在/目录下,在该例子中,我们把放在/tmp下。当然我们也可以从客户机或其他机器上作 mkss,然后传到nimserver3. AEnim server SMitty nim>> Perform NIM AdministrationasksManage resources)) define a resource选择 Inky sb= a mksysb inagek Resource Name [mksysbr半 Resource Typemkssk Server of Resource [ master* Location of Resource [/ tmp/liudlComments [iSource for Replication LjSystem Backup Image Creation Options:CREAtE System backup image?noNiM client to backup []PREVIEW only? noIGNORE space requirements?noEXPAND/ tmp if needed? noCreate map files? noNumber of BLOCKS to write in a single output [(leave blank to use system default)Use local exclude file? no(specify no to include all files in backupEXCLUDE FILES resourcehttp://www-900.ibmcom/cn/support/faghtmlfag/2111124e31001.htm20049-23AIX NIM安装实例页码,6/7叫车后,ok, mksysb资源就创建成功了。三用 mkss映像父裝客户机基木操作系统在 nim server上 smitty nim>Perform nim Software installation and maintenance tasks>>Install and Update sortware>>Install the Base Operating System on Standalone Clients>>选择客户机名称〉)选择安装方式 mkss- Install from amkss〉〉选择 mksysbres resources mksysb选择spot1 resources spotk Installation Target test 2k Installation Type nksy sb冰 SPOT spot1LPP SOURCEMKSYSB mksysbresBOSINST DATA tO use during installation [IMAGE DATA to use during installationRESOLV CONF to use for network configurationCustomization script to run after installation []Customization Fb Script to run at first reboot [ACCEPT new license agreements? yesRemain NIM client after install? LyesPreserve NiM definitions for resources on vesthis target?FORCE PUSH the installation? InoIInitiate reboot and installation now? Lyes回车后开始ni皿安装。客户机会重起,选择显示器,语言,硬盘等等开始客户机安装过程,然后客户机重起。八从没有操作系统的客户机上进行nim安装以上我们总结了如何从 nlm server和从nim客户机上安装基本操作系统。但是所举的例子都是在客户机上已有aiⅹ操作系统后,我们对客户机进行配置然后从 nlm server或从客户机自己本身激发安装过程。下面介绍一下如何从没有操作系统的客户机上用nim安装基本操作系统。1.首先还是安装并配置好 nim server2.把nim客户机加入到nim环境中。(从 nim server上做,见第五章第2小节)。3.启动客户机,并且进入sms菜单(见led上显示elf1时,按f1键)选择 utility选择RIPL( remote initial program load setup)选择 set address输入: client address: NIM安装实例页码,7/7server address :172.16.3 202gateway address mask 255 255. 255. 0按save选择 configibm 100/10 ethernet adapter选择okdata rate 10 mbfull duplex no选择save选择pingping set up:client address: 172.16.3 201server address 172,. 202gateway address 172. 16.3.1subnet mask: 255. 255. 255. 0选择 adapteribm 100/10 ethernet选择ping如果配置忙确的话,ping的结果是okexit退出选择: multiboot startup选择: boot sequence设置启动顺序:1. e thernet2. hdiskexit退出(这时系统会从网终启动。同时在 nim server上选择基本操作系统安装如:第六章第2小节。客户机就会从网络启动并且执行基木操作系统的安装。)http://www-900.ibmcom/cn/support/faghtmlfag/2111124e31001.htm20049-23