SOA With .Net這本書闡述了許多如何以.Net的技術進行雲端應用程式的開法,並且走SOA的架構,這是一本聖經級的著作Standardized Service Contract (693)Services within the same service inventory are in compliance with the same contract design standardsService Loose Coupling(695)Service contracts impose low consumer coupling requirements and are themselves decoupled fromtheir surrounding environmentService Abstraction(696)Service contracts only contain essential information and information about services is limited to whatis published in service contractsService Reusability(697)Services contain and express agnostic logic and can be positioned as reusable enterprise resourcesService Autonomy(699)Services exercise a high level of control over their underlying runtime execution environmentService Statelessness(700)Services minimize resource consumption by deferring the management of state information whennecessaryService Discoverability(702)Services are supplemented with communicative meta data by which they can be effectivelydiscovered and interpretedService Composability(704)Services are effective composition participants, regardless of the size and complexity of the compositionmplement astandardized contractStandardizedService ContractServiceinimize dependenciesLoose Couplingimplement generic andreusable logic and contractServiceReusabilityinimize the availabilityServiceof meta informationAbstractionimplement independentfunctional boundary andruntime environmentServiceAutonomyServicemaximize composablabilitComposabilityimplement adaptive andstate management-free logicServiceStatelessnessimplement communicativemeta informationServiceDiscoverabilityServicegnostic Capability [709 How can multicompatible Change [723purpose service logic be made effectivelyHow can a service contract be modifiedconsumable and composable?without impacting consumersAgnostic Context [710] How can multiDxO Compensating Service Transaction [724]purpose service logic be positioned as anHow can composition runtime exceptions beeffective enterprise resource?consistently accommodated without requirirservices to lock resources?Agnostic Sub-Controller [711 How canagnostic, cross-entity composition logic beComposition Autonomy [725] How canseparated,reused, and governed independently?compositions be implemented to minimize lossof autonomy○自○ Asynchronous Queuing712] How can aservice and its consumers accommodateConcurrent Contracts [726 How can aisolated failures and avoid unnecessarily lockingservice facilitate multi-consumer couplinresourcesrequirements and abstraction concerns at thesame time?Atomic Service Transaction [713 How cana transaction with rollback capability beContract Centralization [727] How canrated across messasging-based services?direct consumer-to-implementation couplingbe avoided?Brokered Authentication [714 How can aservice efficiently verify consumer credentials ifContract Denormalization [728 How can athe consumer and service do not trust each管的service contract facilitate consumer programsother or if the consumer requires access towith differing data exchange requirementsmultiple services?n Utility Layer [729]How canCanonical Expression [715]How cantility logic be avoidedservice contracts be consistently understooddomain service inventories?and interpreted?Data Confidentiality [730 How can dataM=M Canonical Protocol [716] How can serviceswithin a message be protected so that it is notbe designed to avoid protcol bridgingdisclosed to unintended recipients while intransitCanonical Resources [717] How canunnecessary infrastructure resource disparityData Format Transformation 731be avoided?How can services interact with programs thatcommunicate with different data formats作=自Canonical Schema[718 How canservices be designed to avoid data modelData Model Transformation [732] How cantransformationservices interoperate when using different datamodels for the same type of data?Canonical Schema Bus [719Canonical Versioning [720] How can serviceO-LO Data Origin Authentication [733 How cana service verify that a message originates from acontracts within the same service inventory beknown sender and that the message has notversioned with minimal impact?been tampered with in transitCapability Composition [721 How can a的Decomposed Capability [734 How can aservice capability solve a problem that requiresO logic outside of the service boundary?>service be designed to minimize the chances ofcapability logic deconstruction?Capability Recomposition [722]D. Decoupled Contract [735] How can a serviceHow can the same capability be used to helexpress its capabilities independently of itssolve multiple problems?implementation?(pattern list continued on inside back cover)This page intentionally left blankPraise for this bookMicrosoft's diverse product line has long supported the service-oriented enterprise,but putting it all together into a cohesive whole can be daunting. From more establishedproducts, like Windows Communication Foundation, Windows Workflow Foundation,Microsoft office SharePoint Server, and Biz Talk server, to newer offerings like windowsAzure and AppFabric, the experts assembled here expose the sweet spots for each technology, talk through the high-level trade-offs, and offer a roadmap to a unifiedMicrosoft Soa story:”Kevin p davis, Ph. DSoftware ArchitectThis book excels in giving hands-on and in-depth expertise on the soa architecturestyle with the. NET framework and the Azure cloud platform. It's a practical guide fordevelopers, architects, and SOA implementers. A must read!Ricardo p. schluterICT Architect, Parnassia Bavo groupWhile the industry overall may have hyped 'the cloud to the level it often seems tocure world hunger, SOA with. NET and Windows Azure helps cut through the questionsand hype and more clearly discusses the benefits and practical techniques for putting itto work in the real world. This book helps you understand the benefits associated withSOA and cloud computing, and also the techniques for connecting your current It assetswith new composite applications and data running in the cloud. This book will help youunderstand modern middleware technologies and harness the benefits of the cloud bothon and off premises-Burley KawasakiDirector of product Management, Microsoft" The authors have a combined soa and. NET experience of several decades--whichbecomes obvious when reading this book. They don' t just lead you down one path witha single descriptive solution. Instead, the sometimes nasty trade-offs that architects facein their design decisions are addressed. These are then mapped to the Microsoft. NETplatform with clear code examples. A very refreshing look at this major contender in theSOA space and a definite must for the. NET Soa practitionerDr Thomas fischbeckIT Architect, Innovation Process TechnologyIn order to evolve as a software craftsman one must read excellent books that will helpyou grow and evolve in your profession. One of those books that every software craftsman interested in good design and best practices should read is SOA with. NET andWindows Azure. With this book, you will learn which design patterns will provide thebest solution for the kinds of software design problems you, as a developer or designerface every day. This book has everything that software architects, software designersand programmers need to know when building great quality software with MicrosofttechnologiesThis will undoubtedly be one of those books that you reference repeatedly when start-ing new SOA projects. There is plenty of information that even those not working withypical service-oriented architecture will find very useful. With plenty of real-life examples(code, design, and modeling), readers see in a practical manner how they could useSoa patterns to solve everyday software problems and be more productive. SOa withNET and Windows Azure will fit in my top three books and will definitely be one ofthose that i will use in my everyday work- Arman kurtagicConsultant at Omegapoint ABSOA With. NeTand Windows azure●==●The Prentice Hall Service-Oriented Computing Seriesfrom Thomas Erl aims to provide the It industry witha consistent level of unbiased, practical, andcomprehensive guidance and instruction in the areasof service-oriented architecture, service-orientation,and the expanding landscape that is shapingthe real-world service-oriented computing platformFormoreinformationvisitwww.soabooks.comSOA With NeTand Windows azureRealizing Service-Orientation with the Microsoft PlatformDavid chou, john devadoss. Thomas erlNitin Gandhi, Hanu Kommalapati, Brian LoesgenChristoph Schittko, Herborn WilhelmsenMickey WilliamsWith contributions fromScott Golightly, Darryl Hogan, Jeff King, Scott SeelyWith additional contributions by members of theMicrosoft Windows azure and appFabric teamsPRENTICE HALLUPPER SADDLE RIVER,NJ· BOSTON·ND| ANAPOLIS· SAN FRANC|SCoPRENTICE NEW YORK· TORONTO· MONTREAL· LONDON· MUNICH·PARS·MADR|DHALLCAPETOWN· SYDNEY· TOKYO·S| NGAPORE· MEXICO C|TY