丹佛斯 MBS5100/5150具有船级认证的压力变送器.pdf
丹佛斯 MBS5100/5150具有船级认证的压力变送器pdf,丹佛斯 MBS5100/5150具有船级认证的压力变送器YGAA20SPAN5->+5%FSC ZERULmA」20ZERODanfoss can accept no responsibility for possible errors in catalbrochures and other printed material Danfoss reserves the right to alter its products without notice. this also applies toproducts already on order provided that such alterations can bewithout subsequential changes being necessary in specifications already agreedAll trademarks in this matcrial arc propcrty of the rospoctivc colDanfoss and the danfoss logotype are trademarks of Danfoss A/S. All rights rescrvedDK-6430 NordborgDenmark