Whats New in Flash Player 11www.it-ebooks.infohttp://freepdf-books.comvww. it-ebooks infoWhat's New in Flash Player 11Joseph labrecque○ REILLYBeijing· Cambridge· Farnham·Kon· Sebastopol. Tokyohttp://freepdf-books.comwww.it-ebooks.infoWhat 's New in Flash player 11by Joseph LabrecqueCopyright C 2012 Fractured Vision Media, LLC. All rights reservedPrinted in the United States of americaPublished by O'Reilly Media, Inc, 1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebastopol, CA 95472O' Reilly books may be purchased for educational, business, or sales promotional use Online editionsarealsoavailableformosttitles(http://my.safaribooksonline.com).Formoreinformationcontactourcorporate/institutionalsalesdepartment:(800)998-9938orcorporate@oreilly.comEditor: Mary TreselerCover Designer: Karen MontgomeryProduction editor: Dan fauxsmithInterior Designer: David FutatoProofreader: O'Reilly Production Servicesllustrator: Robert romanoRevision History for the first Edition:Seehttp://oreilly.com/catalog/errata.csp?isbn=9781449311094forreleasedetailsNutshell Handbook, the Nutshell Handbook logo, and the O'Reilly logo are registered trademarksO'Reilly Media, Inc. The Shoebill and related trade dress are trademarks of O'Reilly Media, ng AMany of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed astrademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and O'Reilly Media, Inc. was aware oftrademark claim, the designations have been printed in caps or initial capsWhile every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher and authors assumeno responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information con-tained hereinISBN:978-1-449-3110941323195824http://freepdf-books.comwww.it-ebooksinfoAdobeDeveloperAdobe I LibraryAdobe developer library, a copublishing partnership between O Reilly Media Incand Adobe Systems, InC, is the authoritative resource for developers using Adobetechnologies. These comprehensive resources offer learning solutions to help developers create cutting-edge interactive web applications that can reach virtually any-one on any platformWith top-quality books and innovative online resources covering the latest tools forrich-Internet application development, the Adobe Developer Library delivers experttraining straight from the source. Topics include Action Script, Adobe Flexe, AdobeFlash③, and adobe acrobat③Getthelatestnewsaboutbooksonlineresourcesandmoreathttp:/adobedeveloperlibrary. comnttp://freepdf-books.comUntitled-1 13/3095:37:20PMwww.it-ebooks.infohttp://freepdf-books.comvww. it-ebooks infoTable of contentsPreface1. Improvements to the Movie clip and drawing APls......Cubic bezier curvesDisplayObject ContainerChildrenMovie Clip. isPlaying2. External Image CapabilitiesEnhanced High-Resolution Bitmap SupportAsynchronous Bitmap decodingJPEG-XR Support143. Stage3D: High Performance VisualsStage3D Accelerated Graphics Rendering17Elements of Stage3D18Stage3D Example Using Away3DStage3D Example Using Starling22Tooling support for staged264. Audio and video enhancements29H. 264/AVC Software Encoding for Cameras9Encoding H. 264 within Flash Player 1130Reading an H. 264 Stream into Flash Player 1132G 711 Audio Compression for telephony355. Data transfer additions39Native json (avaScript Object Notation) Support39SON parseSON. stringify O42Socket Progress Eventshttp://freepdf-books.comvww. it-ebooks info6. Runtime enhancementsNative 64-bit Support49High-Efficiency SWF Compression SupportGarbage ColleAd507. Flash Player Security55Protected Http Dynamic Streaming and Flash Access Content ProtectionSupport for mobileecure Random Number generator56Secure Sockets Support59ppendix: Additional resources. .......................... 63ⅶ ii Table of Contentshttp://freepdf-books.comvww. it-ebooks inforefaceIntroduction to Adobe flash player 11This book will detail the various enhancements, new functionalities, and general improvements available in this new version of adobe flash player. Each item is explainedin detail, and when possible, a series of screen captures and a full code example will beprovided, enabling you to both grasp the new feature in a visual way, and integrate thefeature into your own code quickly, based upon exampleDuring the development cycle between Flash Player 10 and Flash Player 10.1, Adoberewrote much of the underlying code in order to lay a solid foundation that not onlbenefited traditional web experiences, but could also be brought over into new areassuch as mobile and television This foundation has served to make flash player 10.110.3 very stable while allowing Adobe to begin adding small features upon each incre-mental release. In contrast to these incremental versions, with Flash Player 1l we beginto see the rapid evolution of the Flash runtime into something not only great at interactive, gaming, media distribution, and enterprise applications but into somethingthat pushes all these areas way beyond their previous limitationsWith the recent rise of expanding web technologies like hTML5 (including html/CSS/JavaScript), it is very important that the Flash Player evolves in a way which notonly showcases why it is still relevant, but also why it is still (in many cases )the idealtechnology platform for advanced interaction on the Web and beyond. With adoberamping up the Flash Player release schedule along with more iterative tooling supportin Flash Professional and Flash Builder, not to mention a number of new communitypartnerships in support of the platform from both independent framework and third-party tooling support, we can expect great things in future incremental releases of FlashPlayer 11 and within the entire platform ecosystemWho this book ls forThis book is written for both veteran Flash Platform developers curious about enhancements in Flash Player 11, as well as those who are entirely new to the platformhttp://freepdf-books.com