PDF TW8827模屏用的。数据手册。是开发TV LCD用的好资料TW8827Analog lCd Processor with video Decoder, MCU and TcoNOx131-CCFL Threshold0x195-Load/Latch Pulse Width Low Register.OxX132-CCFL Control IlOX19A-Column Driver start Pulse High Register.....920x133-CCFL PWM1340x19B-Column Driver Start Pulse Low RegisterOx134-CCFL Dim Frequency........84Ox19C-Column Driver Start Pulse Width High RegisterOx135-CCFL Dim Control999990×19D- Column Driver Start Pulse Width Low Register……93OX 136-PWMTOPRow Driver Chip Control Signals Relative Registers0x137-Spread Spectum Synthesizer Control Registers....85OX1A0-Clock Start Pulse High registerOx140 to ox141-GPoOx1A1-Clock Start Pulse Low Register)X157 to Ox15A, Ox1F0 to Ox1F9-Debug RegisterOx1A2-Clock Start Pulse Width High Register0×175- Polarity and Latch Pulse Control Register………87iming Controller Configuration RegistersOX1A3-Clock Start Pulse Width Low Register.OX1A4-Row Start Pulse High Register........ 940×176- GPlO Pixel Count High Register.……Ox1A5-Row Start Pulse Low RegisterOx177--GPIO Pixel Count Low Register888Ox1A6-Row Start Pulse Width High RegisterOx178-GPlO Line Count High RegisterOx1A7-Row Start Pulse Width Low Register0X179-GPIO Line Count Low RegisterOX1AC-Row Output Enable High RegisterOx17A-GPlO Frame Count Register..Ox1AD-Row Output Enable Low Register.......94Ox17B-TCON and Delta RGB Misc. Control RegisterOx1AE-Row Output Enable Width High Register0x180-Output Mode Control Register.......Ox1AF-Row Output Enable Width Low RegisterOX181-Display Control RegisterOX1B0-Panel type Select Register.Ox182-Display Direction Control Register..Analog sense Block Register...0x183-Control Signal Polarity Selecton Register......89Ox1B1-Analog sense Block Clock generation register0×184- Control Signal Generation Method Register…00×185- Inversion signal operatuing penod registe.……9MCU SFR Register.99966.90OX9A-MCU Bank Select RegisterOx- Special Companies LCD Module Control Register..910X9B-MCU MiSC Control Register96Ox18B-REW(TCPOLP)REVC(TCPOLN)Control Registers. 91OX9C-MCU EXtemal Timer Clock O Divider High Register..960×18C- Vertical Actve Start High Register.…OX9D-MCU Extemal Timer Clock O Divider Low Register..96Ox18D-Vertical Actve Start Low Register.91OX9E-MCU Extemal T imer Clock 1 Divider high register96OX18E-Vertical Active End High Register910X9F-MCU EXtemal Timer clock 1 Divider Low Register....96Ox18F-Vertical Active End Low Register910x93-MCU Extemal Timer Clock 2 Divider High Register....96Column Driver Chip Control Signals Relative Registers......920x94-MCU EXtemal Timer Clock 2 Divider Low RegisterOx190-Polarity Control High RegisterCopyright Notice97OX191-Polarity Control Low Register....Trademark Acknowledgment0x192-Load/Latch Pulse Start High RegisterDiscal970×193- Load/Latch Pulse Start Low Register…Life Support Policy……,面国1国面国面面国国国Ox194-Load/Latch Pulse Width high registerTECHWELL INCREVA0326/2008TW8827Analog LCD Processor with Video Decoder, MCU and TCONIntroductionAnalog video DecoderNTSC/PAL/ SECAMNTSC(M, 4.34 )and PAL (B,D, G, H, I, M, N, N combination)TunerPAL (60), SECAM with automatic format detectionAdvanced synchronization processing for Vcr trick play signalTwo 10-bit ADCs and analog clamping circuitDigitalTechwellAudioRGBT8827AmpBuilt-in analog anti-aliasing filterFully programmable static gain or automatic gain control forthe y or cves channelProgrammable white peak control for the r or cvBs channelSoftware selectable analog inputs allows any of the followingcombinations.composite video1S-VideoApplications4-H adaptive comb filter Y/C separationMobil lcdtvRear seat entertainmentPAL delay line for color phase error corectionPortable DVD, PMP and HMD (Head MountDigital PLL for both color and horizontal lockingDisplay)grammablehue, brightness, saturation, contrast,sharpness, Gamma control, and noise suppressionFeaturesAutomatic color control and color killeThe TW8827 is a low cost high quality TFT panelDetection of level of copy protection according to Macrovisioncontroller with embedded NTSC/PAL SECAM TVstandarddecoder It incorporates all the features required to createmulti-purpose low cost LCD TV systems in a single Digital interfacepackage. It contains all the circuits required to adapt -Support both interlaced and progressive [TU 656 sourcestandard NTSC/PAL/SECAM analog TV input signals aswell as digital RGB signals for display on various TFT LCDBuit-in microcontrollerpanel types. An integrated timing controller and tripleDACS allows direct interface with analog lcd panels itsSupport external SPl Interfaceversatile analog inputs allow CVBs, S-video, YPbPr and- Support 12C Master interface with GPlORGB signal to be connected simultaneouslySupport Up to 8 MCU GPIOOther features include: high quality adaptive 4H CombSupport UART interface with GPIOFilter, downscaling to QVGa output resolution, interlacedSupport IR or interrupt with GPIoand progressive ITU 656 input support, 2D de-interlacerand panaromic scaler, and multi-window programmalbeOSD. It also includes image enhancement functions suchas black and white stretch, 2D peaking CTI, and favoritecolor enhancement to further improve picture quality. Tosupport analog panel, it also includes cost saving featurelike CCFL controller, charge pump booster andprogrammable panel offset control. In addition, TW8827has built-in microcontroller with external spl interfaceTECHWELL INCREV A0326/2008TW8827Analog lCd processor with video decoder, Mcu and tcoNTFT Panel SupportPower ManagementSupports a wide variety of Analog active matrix TFT panelsSupports Panel power sequencingSupports analog panel up to WQVGA(480 X 234), 20 MHzSupports DPMS for monitor power managementSupports 3, 4, 6 bits per pixel format-1.8/3.3V operationOn Screen DisplayTiming Controller (TCON)Built-in OSd controller with integrated character ROM andSupport programmable interface signals for controlprogrammable RAM font.Column(source)driver /row(gate) driverMuiti-window OSd support with color palletMiscellaneousSupport osd overlay with alpha blendingSupports 2-Wire serial bus interfaceSpread spectrum PLLImage ControlCCFL controllerProgrammable hue, brightness, saturation, contrastLED controllerSharpness control with vertical peakingLow-speed ADC for KEY scanProgrammable color transient improvement controlBuilt-in de-interlacing engineProgrammable panel VCOM offset control5 tolerant 1/0Independent RGB gain and offset controlsPower-down modePanorama/Water-glass scalingTypical power consumption less than TBDYCbCr hue adjustmentSingle 27MHz crystalProgrammable Gamma correction tables60-pin TQFP packageBuilt-in YCbCr to RGB color space converterBlack/white stretchProgrammable favorite color enhancementTECHWELL INCREV A0326/2008TW8827Analog LCD Processor with video Decoder, MCU and TCoNOrder informationPackage DescriptionPart #fName DescriptionPinsBody Size(mm)TW8827TQFP Thin Quad Flat Package8012X12TECHWELL INC6REV A0326/2008TW8827Analog LCD Processor with video Decoder, MCU and TCONOSDTCONFPBIAS2 WireMC SIASerial BusMC SCLMCUSpreadCCFLPLLcontrollerSPI InterfaceSP CSNSPI CLKOFigure 1 TW8827 Flat Panel TV/Monitor controller functional block diagramTECHWELL INC7REVA0326/2008TW8827Analog LCD Processor with video Decoder, MCU and TCONNTSC/PAL/ SECAMTunerDigitalRGB/YPbPrTechwellaudioTW8827AmpAnalog tft panelFigure 2 TW8827 Flat Panel TV/Monitor controller system block diagramFunctional DescriptionOverviewTechwell's TW8827 Flat Panel TV/Monitor controller is a low cost high quality TFT panel controller withembedded NTSC/PAL/SECAM TV decoder. This unique level of mixed signal integration enables thepanel to be used as a stand-alone analog TV. Separated digital inputs allow it to be used as a high qualitycomputer monitor. It incorporates easy-to-operate and powerful features in a single package for multi-purpose PC display and LCD/TV entertainment systemsThe TW8827 contains all the logic required to convert standard tv, dtv, and Pc monitor signals to thedigital control and data signals required to drive various TFT panel types. It supports TFT panel resolutionsup to WXGAThe chip accepts CVBS(composite)analog input or S-video analog input, up to two CVBs inputs or oneS-video input.The integrated analog front-end contains 2 ADCs with clamping circuits and Automatic Gain Control(AGC) circuit to minimize external component count. It employs a 4H, 5-line adaptive comb filter andproprietary Y/C processing technologies to produce exceptionally high quality picturesTECHWELL INC8REVA0326/2008TW8827Analog LCD Processor with video Decoder, MCU and TCONThe chip's internal logic synchronizes the panel frame rate to the incoming input frame rate. a high qualityimage-scaling engine is used to convert the lower resolution formats or high resolution dtv formats to theoutput panel resolution. An internal de-interlacing engine also allows interlaced video to be supportedOn Screen Display is supported through on-chip OSD ROM/RAM combination for maximum flexibility. AClosed Caption decoder is built in. The TW8827 also accepts a 16 bit digital RGB input from externaldigital sources for use as Navigation monitor. In addition, it accepts 8/16 bits digital YCbCr input for directconnection with other digital source like MPEG decoderThe TW8827 also supports TFT panel power sequencing, DPMS(VESATM Display Power ManagementSignaling) signaling and power management. The control interface is a 2-Wire serial bus interface. TheTW8827 core operates at 1. 8V, the lO at 3.3 V and packaged in a 80-pin TQFP packageAnalog Front-endThe analog front-end converts analog video signals to the required digital format. There are three analogchannels. Each channel contains clamping circuit, AGC circuit, Anti-aliasing filter and high performanceADCs to minimize the external component used. There are total 3 analog inputs for maximum flexibilitySoftware selectable analog inputs allow many possible input combinations between composite video,videoVideo DecoderThe video decoder of TW8827 consists of synchronization, Y/C separation, color decoding andcomponent processing circuits. The sync processor contains digital phase-locked-loop and decision logicto achieve reliable sync detection in stable signal as well as in non-standard signals such as those fromVCR playback. It also provides exceptional weak signal performanceY/C separationThe Y/c separation block provides the luma chroma separation for the composite video For ntsc andPAL standard signals, this is achieved through high quality 5-line adaptive comb filter. For SECAMstandard signals, adaptive notch/band-pass filter is employed. Due to the line buffer used in the combfilter, there is always two lines processing delay in the output images no matter what standard or filteroption is chosen If notch/band-pass filter is selected, the characteristics of the filters are shown in the filtercurve sectionColor demodulationThe color demodulation for NTSC and PAL standard is done by quadrature mixing the chroma signal tothe base band. The sub-carrier signal for use in the color demodulator is generated by direct digitalsynthesis Pll that locks onto the input sub-carrier reference(color burst). This arrangement allows anysub-standard of ntSc and Pal to be demodulated easily. For the Pal system, the Pal id is identified toaid the PAl color demodulation. The SECaM demodulation process is done through FM demodulationand de- emphasis filter. The chroma carrier frequency is identified and used to control the secam colordemodulationAutomatic chroma Gain ControlThe Automatic Chroma Gain Control (ACC)compensates for reduced amplitudes caused by high-frequency loss in video signal. the range of acc control is -6db to +24db. For low color amplitudesignals, black and white video, or very noisy signals, the color output will be killed". The threshold hasprogrammed hysteresis to prevent oscillation of the color killer operation. This function can be disabled byprogramming a low threshold valueTECHWELL INCREVA0326/2008TW8827Analog LCD Processor with video Decoder, MCU and TCONAutomatic standard detectionThe TW8827 has build-in automatic standard discrimination circuitry. The circuit uses burst-phase, burstfrequency and frame rate to identify ntsC, Pal or SECaM color signals. The standards that can beidentified are NTSC(M), NTSC(4.43), PAL (B, D, G, H, I), PAL (M), PAL (N), PAL (60)and SECAM (M)Each standard can be included or excluded in the standard recognition process by software control. Theidentified standard is indicated by the Standard Selection (SDT) register. Automatic standard detectioncan be overridden by software controlled standard selectionTW8827 supports all common video formats as shown in Table 1. The video decoder needs to beprogrammed appropriately for each of the composite video input formatsTable 1. video Input Formats Supported by the TW8827FormatLines FieldsFscCountNTSC-M525603.58 MHZU.s., many othersNTSC-Japan(1)I 5253.58M|HzJapanPAL-B G6254.43 MHzManyPAL-D625504.43 MHZChinaPAL-H625504.43 MHZBelgiumPAL-I625504.43M|HzGreat britain othersPAL-M525603.58 MHzbraziPAL-CN6253.58 MHZArgentinaSECAM6254.406MHzFrance, Eastern euro4.250MHzMiddle east russiaPAL-605254.43 MHZChinaNTSC (4.43)5254.43 MHzTranscodingNotes: (1).NTSC-Japan has 0 IRE setupComponent ProcessingThe TW8827 adjusts brightness by adding a programmable value(in register BRIGHTNESS) to the Ysignal. It adjusts the picture contrast by changing the gain(in register CoNTRAST) of the y signalThe TW8827 also provides a sharpness control function through control registers. It provides the control in16 steps up to +12db. The center frequency of the enhancement curve is selectable by software control. Italso provides a high frequency coring function to minimize the amplification of high frequency noise. Tofurther enhance the image, a programmable vertical peaking function is provided for up to +6db ofenhancementThe TW8827 provides the Color transient Improvement function to further enhance the image qualityThe cti enhance the color edge transient without any hue distortionThe color saturation can be adjusted by changing the gain of Cb and Cr signals for all NTSC, PAL andSECAM formats. The Cb and Cr gain can be adjusted independently for flexibilityTECHWELL INC10REVA0326/2008