Jupyter 安装说明,用于Python 下的Jupyter安装。浅显易懂,快速安装。Compurter b Windows (()I python AInclude in library v Share with v New -olderDate modifieSizeCe ipython.exe2017/1217:]8Application2017/4/12 17: 18 Application2017/4/12 17: 18 Applicatione juPiter.exe2017/4/1217.1E Application9G KD2017/121718Application2017/12171896 KE'A juryter-miglate。t2017/4/1217 18 Application96 KB2017/:8 Applicatione jupyter-nbcorvertexe2017/41217: 18 Application96 KB2017/ 4/1217:18 Application96 KDA. iu pyter-qtoonsole ex2017/4/1217:18 Application93 KB2017/4/121718 ApplicationIcn. exe2017/121:1e2017/4/12 17:18 Application96 KBP jupyter-tr ustexe2017/41217:18 ApplicationI hto/Accaliost: 888o· cHomeJupiterRunningCusersSelect items to pe fom actions on tenUploadNew.3Nae个 Last monied个a D Amy work spaco python jupylor2 days ago2.如何新建一个文件来写code开始你的工作?点击neW,点击 Python3。这样就可以创建一个新的fe开始你的工作了,如下所示:Chttpenccalnost:88/treeJupiterFilesRunningClusterselert tems in perform actions on themUpload Newe〔hmDD Amy workspace python jupyterU DatestTexl File口口 bokeh script pyFolderTerminals Unavailable新的fie,名字默认为 Untitle如卜所示:upytcr Untitled Lasl Cileskuuinl 2 Iinules ayu (aulusaveu)Fortwnsertell kernIr isted 9 Python 3 O+(◆川3.如何写code,如何运行?把这里改为Code模式Jupyter Untitled Last Checkpoint: 4 minutes ago(unsaved Changes)File Edit view Insert Cell Kernel巴+的邑业M■c( CoieIn 1: princ('hello, I am your notebook and will help you do the work'lI之后 ctrl+enter就能执行code了。结果就显示在下方。In [1]: print('hello, I am your notebook and will help you do the work')h11。, I am your notebook and wi11h=1yua。 the work如果你想对你的工作进行一些文字性的解释或说明,将code模式改为 Markdown就可以写了。如下所小:C Jupyter how to use jupyter notebook Last Checkpoint: 2 hours ago (unsaved changesFile Edit View Insert Cell Kernel Help四十趴小M■c(akwyTn [1]: print('he.1 lo, T am your notebook and will help you do the work)hello, I am your notebook and will help you do the work欢迎使用 yter notebook哦,上面是个示例4.怎么增加一个ce?点十+你就可以在你正在操作的cel下方新建一个cel如下图所示点我点我jupyter how to use jupyter notebook Last Checkpoint 2 hours ago (unsaved changes)EdiL View InserT Cell Kernel Help(x民小心M■C Markdown正在操作的cel它的边框是绿色的In [11: print('hello, I am your notebook and will hels you da the work)hello, i am your notebook and will help you/ work欢迎使用 juRY Il(1.-xk哦,上面是个示倒[]5.怎么保存code和更改名字呢?点击 Untitled,然后跳出来更改名字的框框,输入你想好的名字,点击 Rename点击保存那个小标志,就可以保存你的code啦!点我改名字Jupyter