This book is a great introduction to DB2, whether you have used DB2 before or you are new to DB2. 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Tokyo Singapore Mexico Cityibmpressbooks.comThe authors and publisher have taken care in the preparation of this book, but make no expressed or impliedwarranty of any kind and assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. No liability is assumed forincidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the use of the information orprograms contained hereino Copyright 2008 by International Business Machines Corporation. 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UNIX is aregistered trademark of The Open group in the United States and other countries. Linux is a registered trademarkof Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both. Other company, product, or service names maybe trademarks or service marks of othersLibrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication dataUnderstanding DB2: learning visually with examples /Raul F Chong.let al. ].--2nd edp cmIncludes bibliographical references and indexISBN-13: 978-0-13-158018-3(hardcover: alk. paper)1. Relational databases. 2. IBM Database 2.l. chong. raul fQA76.9D3U552007005.7565-dc222007044541All rights reserved. This publication is protected by copyright, and permission must be obtained from thepublisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or byany means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regardingpermissions, write toPearson education incRights and contracts department501 Boylston Street, Suite 900Boston Ma02116Fax(617)671-3447ISBN-13:978-0-13-158018-3ISBN-10:0-13-158018-3Text printed in the United States on recycled paper at RR Donnelley in Crawfordsville, IndianaFirst printing. December 2007Raul would like to thank his wife Jin for her understanding support, andlove. Her insightfulness, patience, and beautiful smile kept him going tocomplete this second edition of this book. raul would also like to thank hisparents, Elias and Olga Chong, for their constant support and love, andhis siblings, Alberto, David, Patricia, and Nancy for their supportXIlionel woulld like to thank her family-Peiqin, Nengchao, Kangning,Kaiwen, Weihong, Weihua, and Chong for their endless love and supportMost of all, Xiaomei wants to thank Chau for his care, love, and under-standing when she spent many late nights and weekends writing this bookMichael would like to thank his wonderful wife Sylvia for herconstantsupport, motivation, understanding, and most importantly, love, in hisquest to complete the second edition of this bookDwaine would like to thank his wife linda and daughter Alyssa for theirconstant love, support, and understanding. You are always there tobrighten my day, not only during the time spent writing this book, but nomatter where I am or what /am doing Dwaine would also like to thankhis parents, Gladys and robert, for always being thereAll the authors of this book would like to thank clara Liu, coauthor of thefirst edition, for helping with this second edition Clara was expecting asecond child at the time this book was being written, and decided not toparticipate for this reasonContentsForewordXXIIIPrefaceXXVAcknowledgmentsAbout the authorsXXXIIIChapterIntroduction to db2I Brief hiof db22 The role of db2 in the Information on-Demand World2. On-Demand Business1.2.2 Information On-Demand1. 2.3 Service-Oriented Architecture1.2.4 Web services1.2.5XML2.6 DB2 and the IBM Strategy3 DB2 Editions78912353. DB2 EVeryplace Edition13.2 DB2 Personal edition1.3.3 DB2 Express-C1.3.4 DB2 Express Edition1.3.5 DB2 Workgroup Server Edition81.3.6 DB2 Enterprise Server Edition84 DB2 Clients201.5 Try-and-Buy Versions226 Host Connectivity1. 7 Federation Stt1. 8 Repl49 IBM Web Sphere Federation Server and Web Sphere replication Server1. 0 Special Package Offerings25I.I DB2 Syntax Diagram Conventions26L I2 Case Study28L I 3 Summary1 4 ReQContentsChapter 2 DB2 at a glance: The Big Picture332.1 SQL Statements, XQuery Statements, and DB2 Commands2.1.I SQL Statements352.1.2 XQuery Statements2.1.3 DB2 System Commands2. 1.4 DB2 Command Line processor( cLp) commands372.2 DB2 Tools Overview382.2 Command-Line Tools382.2.2 General Administration tools2.2.3 Information Tools2.2.4 Monitoring Tools2.2.5 Setup Tools402.2.6○ ther tools2.3 The dB2 Environment2.3.1 An Instance422.3.2 The Database Administration server442.3.3 Configuration Files and the DB2 Profile Registries(2)442.3.4 Connectivity and DB2 Directories(2.3.5 Databases492.3.6 Table Spaces ( 5)502.3.7 Tables, Indexes, and Large Objects()2.3.9 Buffer pc52.3. 10 The Internal Implementation of the DB2 Environment52.4 Federation552.5 Case Study: The DB2 Environment562.6 Database Partitioning Feature5826. Database partitions82.6.2 The Node Configuration File2.6.3 An Instance in the dpF Environment642.6.4 Partitioning a Database2.6.5 Configuration Files in a DPF Environment672.6.6 Logs in a DPF Er2.6.7 The Catalog partition682.6.8 Partition Groups6826.9 Buffer pools in a dpf environment692.6.10 Table Spaces in a Partitioned database Environment702.6 The Coordinator partition702.6.2 Issuing Commands and SQL Statements in a DPF Environment702.6.3 The dB2NodE Environment variable722.6.14 Distribution Maps and Distribution Keys732.7 Case Study: DB2 with DPF Environment2. 8 BM Balanced Warehouse792.9 Summary2. 0 Review Questions8