QCPUQnACPU 编程手册SFC 控制指令篇感谢您购买三菱通用可编程控制器的 MELSEC-Q 系列Q 模式和 MELSEC-QnA 系列 使用设备前请认真阅读本手册以对您购买的可编程控制器 Q 系列Q 模式/QnA 系列的功能和性能有清晰的认识从而确保正确地使用 请把本手册的拷贝件发给最终使用者● SAFETY PRECAUT|OoNS●(Always read these instructions before using this equipment.Before using this product, please read this manual and the relevant manuals introduced in this manualcarefully and pay full attention to satety to handle the product correctlyThe instructions given in this manual are concerned with this product. For the safety instructions of theprogrammable controller system, please read the CPU module user's manualIn this manual, the safety instructions are ranked as " DANGER"and CAUTION①DANGERIndicates that incorrect handling may cause hazardous conditions,resulting in death or severe injury△CAUTIONIndicates that incorrect handling may cause hazardous conditionsresulting in medium or slight personal injury or physical damageNote that the CaUtioN level may lead to a serious consequence according to the circumstancesAlways follow the instructions of both levels because they are important to personal safetyPlease save this manual to make it accessible when required and always forward it to the end userDesign Instructions个 DANGERInstall a safety circuit external to the Plc that keeps the entire system safe if there are problemswith the extemal power supply or PLC. Not doing so may cause false output or malfunctionleading to accidents(oUtside the PLC, construct mechanical damage preventing interlock circuits, e.g. emergencystop circuits, protective circuits, forward/reverse or other conflicting operation interlockinngcycircuits, and upper and lower positioning limit switches(2)When the plc detects either of the following problems, it will stop arithmetic operation andturn off all outputs in the case of (a). In the case of (b), it will stop arithmetic operation andhold or turn off all outputs according to the parameter setting(a) The overcurrent protection or overvoltage protection of the power supply module isactivated(b) The self-diagnostic function of the Plc cPU has detected a fault such as the watchdogtimer errorIn addition, all outputs may be turned on when there are problems undetectable by the PlcCPU, such as in the 10 controller. Build a fail-safe circuit or provide a mechanism externallyof the Plc to operate the machine safely at such times. Refer to the CPu module user'smanual for fail-safe circuit examples(3 Output could be left on or off when there is trouble in the output module's relays, transistorsetc So build an external monitoring circuit that will monitor any output signal that could leadto a serious accidentA-1Design Instructions个 DANGERWhen overcurrent exceeding the rated load current or caused by a shorted load or the like flowsin the output module for a long time, it may cause smoke or fire. To prevent this, configure anexternal satety circuit, such as fuses.Build a circuit that turns on the external power supply after the Plc power supply has beenturned on If the external power supply is turned on first, it could result in false output ormalfunctionWhen there are communication problems with the data link, refer to the corresponding data linkmanual for the operating status of each station. not doing so could result in false output ormalfunctionWhen connecting a peripheral device to the CPU module or connecting a personal computer orthe like to the intelligent function module to exercise control (data change) on the running PlCconfigure up an interlock circuit in the sequence program to ensure that the whole system willalways operate safelyAlso before exercising other control (program change, operating status change(status controll)on the running Plc, read the manual carefully and fully confirm safetyEspecially for the above control on the remote PLC from an external device, an immediateaction may not be taken for plc trouble due to a data communication faultIn addition to configuring up the interlock circuit in the sequence program, corrective and otheractions to be taken as a system for the occurrence of a data communication fault should bepredetermined between the external device and PLC CPU△CAUT|ONDo not bundle the control wires or communication cables with the main circuit or power wires, orrun them close to each otherThey should be run 100mm(3.94in ) or more away from each otherNot doing so could result in noise that would cause malfunctionWhen the output module is used to control a lamp load, heater, solenoid valve or the like, largecurrent(approximately 10 times greater than the normal) may flow when the output is turnedfrom OFF to ON. Choose an output module having a sufficient rated currentA-2[Installation Instructions△ CAUTIONUse the Plc in an environment that meets the general specifications contained in this manualUsing this PLC in an environment outside the range of the general specifications could result inelectric shock, fire, erroneous operation, and damage to or deterioration of the productHold down the module- loading lever at the module bottom, and securely insert the module-fixinghook into the fixing hole in the base unit. Incorrect loading of the module can cause amalfunction, failure or dropWhen using the PLC in the environment of much vibration, tighten the module with a screwTighten the screw in the specified torque range. Undertightening can cause a drop, short circuitor malfunction. Overtightening can cause a drop, short circuit or malfunction due to damage tothe screw or moduleWhen installing extension cables be sure that the base unit and the extension moduleconnectors are installed correctlyAfter installation check them for loosenessPoor connections could cause an input or output failureSecurely load the memory card into the memory card loading connectorAfter installation, check for liftingPoor connections could cause an operation faultCompletely turn off the external power supply before loading or unloading the module Not doingso could result in damage to the productDo not directly touch the module's conductive parts or electronic componentsTouching the conductive parts could cause an operation failure or give damage to the module[Wiring Instructions个 DANGERCompletely turn off the external power supply before starting wiring. Not doing so could result inelectric shock or damage to the productWhen turning on the power supply or starting operation after wiring work, always mount theproduct with the supplied terminal coverNot doing so could result in electric shockA-3A-3Wiring Instructions△ CAUTIONAlways ground the FG and lg terminals to the protective ground conductor. Not doing so couldresult in electric shock or malfunctionBefore wiring the module, confirm the rated voltage and terminal layout of the productConnecting a power supply that is different from the rating or incorrectly wiring the product couldresult in fire or failureExternal connectors should be crimped or pressure-welded with the specified tools, or correctlysoldered. Imperfect connections could result in short circuit, fires or malfunctionTighten the terminal screws in the specified torque rangeUndertightening could result in short circuit, fire or malfunctionOvertightening could cause damage to the screws and/or the module, resulting in drop, shortcircuit or malfunctionBe careful not to allow foreign matter such as chips and wire off-cuts to enter the moduleForeign matter could cause fire, failure, or malfunctionThe module has an ingress prevention label on its top to prevent foreign matter, such as wireoffcuts, from entering the module during wiringDo not peel this label during wiringBefore starting system operation, be sure to peel this label because of heat dissipationInstall our PLC in a control panel for useWire the main power supply to the power supply module installed in a control panel through adistribution terminal blockFurthermore, the wiring and replacement of a power supply module have to be performed by amaintenance worker who acquainted with shock protection(For the wiring methods, refer to the QCPU User's Manual (Hardware Design, Maintenance andInspection))Startup/Maintenance Instructions◇ DANGERDo not touch the terminals while power is orDoing so could cause electric shockCorrectly connect the battery. Do not charge, disassemble, heat, place in fire, short circuit,orsolder the batteryMishandling of the battery can cause heat generation, burst or ignition which could result infirSwitch off all phases of the externally supplied power used in the system when cleaning themodule or retightening the terminal or module mounting screwsld result in electric shockUndertightening of terminal screws can cause a short circuit or malfunctionOvertightening of screws can cause damages to the screws and/or the module, resulting infallout, short circuits, or malfunctionA-4Startup/Maintenance Instructions△ CAUTIONThe online operations conducted for the running CPU module by connecting a peripheral device(especially program modification, forced output, operating status change)should be performedafter you have read the manual carefully read and fully confirmed safetyOperation mistakes could cause machine damage or accidentDo not disassemble or modify the modulesDoing so could cause failure, malfunction, injury or fireCompletely turn off the externally supplied power used in the system before mounting orremoving the module Not doing so could result in damage to the productDo not mountremove the module to from the base unit or the terminal block more than 50 times(IEC61131-2-compliant), after the first use of the productFailure to do so may cause module malfunctionsBefore touching the module, always touch grounded metal, etc to discharge static electricityfrom human body etcNot doing so can cause the module to fail or malfunction[Disposal Instructions]△CAUT|ONWhen disposing of this product, treat it as industrial wasteA-5A-5REVISIONS*k The manual number is given on the bottom left of the back cover.Print Date* Manual NumberRevisionDeC,1999SH(NA)-080042-A First editionFeb, 2000 SH(NA)-080042-BAddition modelQH42P,Q×48Y57,QX70,Q×71,QX72,QY18AAdditionChapter 4Partial correctionSection 1.2, Chapter 5, 8.1,Chapters 4 to 8 (changed into Chapters 5 to 9)Apr,2000SH(NA)-080042-CDeletionQY18AJul, 2000 SH(NA)-080042-D [Addition modelQX28QX40-S1.QY18A.QY22Q160AdditionChapter 5Partial correctionSection 1.2Chapters 5 to 9(changed into Chapters 6 to 10NoV, 2000 SH(NA)080042-E Addition modelQY70. QY71AdditionSection 1.3ParCONTENTS. Section, 2001 SH(NA)-080042-F Addition modelQY68AAdditionSection 10.2Partial correctionCONTENTS, Section 1.2, 3.3, 5.1, Chapters 7Mar, 2001SH (NA)-080042-G Partial correctionSection 248.1JuL. 2001SH (NA)-080042-H Addition modelQ6TE-18SAdditionChapter 9, APP 1.3Partial correctionCoNTENTS. Section 4.5.1hapters 9 to 10(changed into Chapters 10 to 11)JuI.,2002 SH(NA)-080042-1 Addition modelQX41-31,QX42-1,A6CON4Japanese manual version SH-080024-RThis manual confers no industrial property rights or any rights of any other kind, nor does it confer any patent licensesMitsubishi Electric Corporation cannot be held responsible for any problems involving industrial property rights whichmay occur as a result of using the contents noted in this manualC 1999 MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CORPORATIONA-6A-6Print Date *k Manual NumberRevisionMar, 2003 SH (NA)-080042-J Addition modelQX82May, 2003SH(NA)-080042-K[ Partial correctionSection, 2003 SH(NA)-080042-L Addition modelQX82-S 1Partial correctionSection 1. 2.3.3AdditionSection 2. 15Jul, 2004SH(NA)-080042-M Partial correctionSection1.2,2.1to2.15,3.1to3.12,4.1,4.2,5.1,8.1,8.2.1,8.2.2,10JuL, 2005 SH(NA)-080042-N Partial correctionSAFETY PRECAUTIONS. Section 3.3AdditionAppendix 1.3Apr, 2006SH(NA)-080042-0 Partial correctionSAFETY PRECAUTIONS, Section 4.1, Chapter6Sep, 2006 SH(NA)-080042-P Partial correctionSection 11.1, 11.2, Appendix 1.2, 1.3Oct, 2006 SH(NA)-080042-Q Addition modelQX50Partial correctionSAFETY PRECAUTIONS. Section 2.10 to to.12. 2.9Sep, 2007 SH(NA)-080042-R Addition modelQX41Y41PPartial correctionSection1.2,13.3,2.1to2.16,3.1to3.12;4.1,4.3,5.1,7.1,8.1, Chapter10, Section 11.1, 11.2, Appendix 1.2AdditionSection 4.2Jun, 2008 SH(NA)-080042-S Addition modelQX10-TS. QX40-TS. QX80-TS. QY10-TS. QY40P-TS, QY80-TSPartial correctionSection 1.2, 2.3 to 2.19, 3.3 to 3.15, 9.2, Chapter 10LAcSection22,26,2.16,,3.14,9.1,9.3A-7Print Date *k Manual NumberRevisionOct, 2008 SH(NA)-080042-T Addition modelQX40-H. QX70-H. QX80-H. QX90-HPartial correctionSection 1.2.5, 1.3.1, 2.8 to 2.23, 9.2, Chapter 10AdditionSection2.