IOS 3D Unreal 游戏开发入门 经典Contents at a glanceContentsAbout the author■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■口■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■E口■■■■■■■国■■About the technical reviewers■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■口■■■口■■■■■■■国■【■■AcknowledgmentsIntroduction mmmm xiiChapter 1: UDK OverviewBBEBERRBBERERERERIR BEBRRBERIRRBEBEBERIRIBRBRBRBRBBERBEREBBRRERBERDChapter 2: UnrealScript Overview EantChapter 3: Player Controllers, Pawns, and Weapons■■■■■■■■■■■■■口■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■口■■■■Chapter 4: UDK Collisions aammaaamn 8Chapter 5: UDK Bots aB BIBIBRBIREIBIREInt13Chapter 6: Environment: Sounds, kismet, and HUD175Chapter 7: Sample game and Gameplay taan■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■205Chapter 8: 3D Math Review .a■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■口■■22Chapter 9: Physics Game Frameworkn261Chapter 10: First-Person Shooter Game Framework ameen283Chapter 11: Third-Person Shooter/Adventure Game Framework sumu 319Chapter 12: Top-Down Shooter/RPG Game Framework miatn351Index…373IntroductionThe release of the Unreal Development Kit is really the first time a powerful 3D commercial gameengine has been available to the masses of ordinary people for free. The underlying technologyhas been used for numerous high-quality commercial triple-a games that you see in the retailstores in the United States and around the world The udk contains the unreal engine 3 3Donly limitation is that the C/C++ source code used to create the udk is only available to those hegraphics engine and related tools that would normally cost hundreds of thousands of dollarswhio pay the full license fee. Thus, you can not nodify the UDK engine itselfThis book provides an introduction to using this technology, including the UnrealScriptlanguage, for creating 3D iOS games. I have used the technology extensively and used it to createa full commercial physics puzzle type game for iOS similar to the ioS game Angry Birds. It is apowerful tool that is excellent for ioS development. My intention here is to give othersquickstart guide for creating their own ios games and share game frameworks I've developedhat readers can use as the basis for their own workWho this book is forThis book is for people that want to use the Unreal Development Kit (UDk) to create 3D gamesfor Apple's iOS platform. This includes devices such as the iPhone, iPad, and ipodTouch. Thisbook also is useful for people that want to develop games on the pc platform with the unK sincemuch of what is covered in this book would apply to creating a game for the PC as wellThis book assumes the reader has some experience with an object-oriented programminglanguage like C++ or at least some programming experience in general. However, several basicgame frameworks are presented in this book as a means to help those who are not professionaprogrammers build their own game using the frameworks as a starting point.It is also assumed that the reader has some basic knowledge of how to use an ios devicesince the final game created using the udk will be played on the actual ios deviceGeneral Layout of the BookBefore we cover the general layout of this book there are some key points that the reader shouldnote. First, this book is not designed to cover every feature of the udk since that wouldrealistically involve a set of books, not just one. This book concentrates on the programming sideof game development using the default set of assets that come with the UDK. Also, in terms ofprogramming, this book is not meant to provide a full reference to the UnrealScript programminglanguage. This book also isnt intended as a general introduction to iOS development. We havmentioned links to web sites that provide additional useful information throughout this bookSome of the more important ones are listed in the "Other Resources "section at the end of thisintroduction■ INTRODUCTIONhe e gent a fomat of t his bmpkei to wich se shk to pics anw thedeeoonst uate these topicsprogram along with the creation of any levels that are needed. We take you, step by step, throughthese examples along with showing you how to set up any configuration files that are requiredWe start with overviews of the UDK and UnrealScript, including a practical coding exampleThen we work through key topics with hands on examples and culminating with a completesample game. Some of these topics rely on 3D math concepts that are reviewed anddemonstrated in a separate chapter. Then, in the latter part of the book we present gameframeworks which are actually small working games that you can modify and use to build yourown custom games. Game frameworks include a physics game, a first-person shooter game, athird -person shooter/adventure game, and a top-down shooter /role playing gameOther resourcesEpic games provides a wealth of resources you can use to supplement what you learn in thisbookEpic' s UDK Mobile home page Started Developing Mobile Projects Provisioning overview ios Applications script Language reference. OVerviewThis chapter covers the basic background information needed to get started with Unreal3D games development for iOs and for the hands-on examples that follow insubsequent chapters. To start, we take a quick tour of the Unreal Development KitUDK) and familiarize those new to Unreal with the development environment. We coverthe Unreal editor, which is where levels are built and assets within the UdK are importedand managed. Some examples of UDK assets are textures, materials, static mesheskeletal meshes, and sound cues. These are all covered in this chapter. Finally,information specific to game development on the ios platform using the UDK is alsocovered. Readers who already use Unreal might want to jump ahead to this sectionGetting StartedThefirstthingyouneedtodoisgototheUdk'Swebsitelocatedathttp://udk.comdownload the June 2011 Beta version of the UDK (approximately 1.5 gB) that is used inthis book, and install it on your computer. The code examples in this book workcorrectly with the version of the UDK presented in this book at the time of the writingThe UDK is currently still in the Beta phase and new versions of the UDK are beingreleased about every month. After downloading the executable, run the program toinstall the UDK. At least Microsoft Net Framework 3. 1 is required and will be installed onyour system if not detected. You can also download UDK Remote at,whichhelpswithtestingyouriosgamesUnreal editor overviewOnce you have the UDK installed, go to the Start bar and navigate to where you installedthe UDK and run the UDK Editor. Once the Unreal Editor is loaded, you should seesomething similar to Figure 1-1. The Editor is where you build your game levels, as wellas manage and manipulate the game assets used in the level. You can run your gameon the ioS mobile previewer from the Unreal Editor, as well as set the specific gametype to be played2CHAPTER 1: UDK OverviewE Untalod Unreal De过K(32b,Dx9Do&0 0AD国。,KC.口6口個旧酒暖kP6副回回3。命扁G。dd口. Content bienContent Bower Ater Clsses Levelswers Sat panePAHTOWelcome to UDKGetting StartedDoamertation to hep you oe started with UONVideo TutorialsAmos a anc of vios on how to ua conant UD tooksForumsWhats Newmg pc aStart Editing.Mapwore NoneNone None t16△6回s%习量日习Figure 1-1. UDK Startup ScreenClick the Close button inside the Welcome to udK box to get started. On the right handside there is a window with many different tabsThe Generic browserI won 't go over all the buttons and toolbars in the Unreal Editor Ul. We'll discuss all thatin context as we work through the book. It is important to take a look at the genericBrowser, however, especially the Content Browser, covered in detail later in this sectionand the Actor classes tabAs you can see in Figure 1-1, there are six tabsContent Browser. The Content Browser tab is the main interface bywhich users import, select, and manipulate UDK assets. This tab isdiscussed in greater detail later in this chapterActor Classes. The Actor Classes tab contains a list of theUnreal Script classes in the UDK and is subsequently discussed, sinceit has several elements that will be important early in the bookCHAPTER 1: UDK OverviewLevels. The Levels tab manages the levels in your world that canconsist of one level or many levels that are streamedScene. The Scene tab displays objects in the current level in tablehere you can click on the name of an object and bring up itsproperties in a side panelLayers. The Layers tab allows you to organize the actors in your levelso you can view certain groups of actors and hide othersStart Page. The Start Page tab contains internet content related to theUDK, such as documentation, news, community forums, etcNow let's take a look at the Actor classes tab in a bit more detail before moving on tothe Content browserActor classes tabThe Actor Classes tab, shown in Figure 1-2, displays the Unreal Script classes currentlyavailable. This is where new classes you create appear after you integrate them into theUDK system, as well as classes that are part of the UDK code baseThe term Actor generally refers to an object created from the Actor class or an objectcreated from a class derived from the Actor class. The Actor class is important, becauseit implements many items needed for gameplay, including code needed for■ Displaying an object■ Animating an objectPerforming physics and world interactionMaking soundsCreating and destroying the ActorBroadcasting messagesCHAPTER 1: UDK Overview哪 Actor ClassesFile DockContent Browser Actor Classes Levels Scene Layers Start PageyUse'Actor'As Parent search回shCategories- CommonCameraActo± InteraCtor+Player Start+CoverDecalsFluid+ Pickups+ SkeletalMeshes+ StaticMeshest Categorize+ windFigure 1-2. Actor Classes TabThere are three checkbox options in this tabJse 'Actor'as Parent. Check"Use Actor as Parent"to view onlyclasses that use Actor as a base class. In other words, only classesbuilt from the Actor class. If you uncheck this box, then all classes inthe UDK system will be displayed. The class object will be displayedas the root of the new tree since object is the base class of all otherclassesPlaceable Classes Only. If you check the "Placeable Classes Onlycheckbox, then only classes that you can place in a game level usingthe Unreal Editor will be displayed. If you uncheck this box, then bothplaceable and not placeable classes will be displayed■ Show Categories. Checking the“ Show Categories” checkbox wilgroup and display the classes in different categories like Physics andNavigationThere is also a search function in which you can search the tree by class name. we usethis tab and discuss its features in more detail later in the bookNow let's turn to the Content browserCHAPTER 1: UDK OverviewThe content browser and udk assetsThe Content Browser tab is the starting point for importing and manipulating gamecontent in the UDK system Game content can be sounds, textures, and 3d computerimages used in your game. Click the Content Browser tab to change focus to theContent Browser(see Figure 1-3)哪 Content BContent Browser Actor Classes Levels Scene Layers Start Page558s0sete函All Types M All (44 Tags)区A(5TY)recurmabon sets口 uilding111All Assetserial Instances( Deco 199ial Instances口 Effects54a Fractures 0Shared collections口 Partide Systems口 volumetrics8UDK Building Meshes□BsPUDK Cool Ambient Sounds口 Static MeshesD Character 10DK Cool MaterialsD TexturesUDK Useful Particle EffectsTerwre2DTeredTexturedDeathmatchmap pic-dif-cormuptiormap-pic-m-deckv My CollectionsTechedTechure2DTexturedPackagesEnginenUDKGamemap-pic-dm-gatewaymap-pic-dm-sanctuarymap-pic-vdtf-nearopolis4 ContentMobileTexturedTectureTexturedSharedShowcasesD■ MasteringUnreaa Physice AssetsD■ UDNExampmap-pic-vdif-sandstormTeamDeathmatchVCTFte Comell Resot vNewimport回圃黑圃Q128Sort by NameFigure 1-3. UDK Content Browser