Outlook2010CheatSheet.pdf 英文原版
Outlook 2010 Cheat SheetOutlook 2010 cheat sheet3/21/127:44AMeasier navigation, and collapse the navigation pane to the left to give more room to the maincontent area. you can also turn it offThe content area. What you see here changes according to what you're doing in Outlook. In Mailit shows you a list of mail messages; in Calendar, it shows a calendar; in Contacts, it shows yourcontacts: and so onThe Reading pane. As in earlier versions of Outlook, if you click a message in your inbox oranother folder, the reading pane gives you a preview of it. You can rearrange the screen so thatthe reading pane is below the content area instead of to the right. you can also expand the paneso it's large enough that you can read many messages without having to open them, shrink thepane or even turn it offThe To-Do bar. Largely unchanged fromprevious versions of outlook, the To-Dobar shows your current calendar itemsIn this seriesand any tasks you've created It can beminimized by rolling it off to the right ofWord 2010 cheat sheetthe screen and can also be turned offExcel 2010 cheat sheetentirelye Outlook 2010 cheat sheetThe people pane. this new pane showsPower Point 2010 cheat sheet (coming soon)you information about the person whohas sent you an email or to whom you have sent an email. It includes the person s name and emailaddress, and a list of previous communications with him or her With the outlook Social Connectoranother new feature in Outlook 2010, the pane includes information from social networks includingLinkedIn and Facebook. The People pane can be resized, rolled down or made invisibleThe view toolbar. the new view toolbar at the bottom right of the screen lets you choose betweena variety of views, which are different according to whether you're looking at mail, the calendar,contacts or tasks. There's also a slider that lets you zoom in or outLearn to love the ribbonAt first, the ribbon may be off-putting But the truth is, once you learn how to use it, you ll find thatit's far easier to use than the old Outlook interface. It puts features you might forget about withineasy reach while cleaning up the interface It does take some getting used to, thoughbox a persenal Fe lees Migfeseft outlookFke Home Stnd/ Recehre Folder ViewX國L Move- Unread/ ReadMeetingFlag and Moidean UpIF-MP②R”Lage goERsEms度em5CUnt TDelete R時RpF0 nward L More澜 OneNote Y Follow Up rheDeleteRepondQuick stepsMoveThe default Outlook 2010 Ribbon in Mail. Click to view larger imageBy default, the Ribbon that you see in Outlook 2010's main window is divided into five tabs, with anoptional sixth one(Developer). Each tab is organized into a series of groups that contain relatedcommands for getting something done, such as sending and receiving mail. Inside each group is aset of what Microsoft calls command buttons, which carry out commands, display menus and soPage 3 of 18http://freepdf-books.comOutlook 2010 cheat sheet3/21/127:44AMThere's also a small diagonal arrow in the bottom right corner of some groups that Microsoft calls adialog box launcher. Click it to display more options related to the groupInbox-Personal Folders- MicrosFile Home[ Send/Receive Folder viewfe单 Meeting Flag and MoveClean UpIF-MAPeJUnkDelete ReplyReply Forward R,MoreE-mailAEvanDeleteRespondQuick StepsTabGroupCommandDialog box launcherGet to know how the Ribbon is organizedIn Outlook, the ribbon s default tabs are context-sensitive, so that the options available on each ofthem vary according to whether you're in Mail, Calendar, Contacts or Tasks. Here's a rundown ofthe tabs and what each one doesFile(also known as Backstage ): As you'll see later in the story, here's where you perform avariety of tasks such as managing your email accounts, printing cleaning up your mailbox,customizing the Ribbon and more. No matter which view you're in, when you head to Backstage, italways looks the sameHome: This contains commonly used Outlook tasks. So when you're in Mail, for example, here'swhere you compose emails, manage junk mail, reply and forward mail, mark mail for follow-up andcreate mail-managing rules, among other tasksIn Calendar, the Home tab is where you create new appointments and meetings, change yourcalendar view(day, week, etc. ) share your calendar with others and so on. In Contacts, you createnew contacts and groups, delete contacts and other similar tasks. In Tasks, you create new tasksdelete tasks, and flag and prioritize tasks, for exampleSend/Receive: This is the place to turn for all actions having to do with sending and receiving mailcalendar items, contacts and tasks, depending on which application you're inFolder: In Mail, this tab controls creating new mail folders, cleaning up folders by moving duplicatemessages to the Deleted items folder, running rules on folders to automatically manage mail(moving all messages from a person to a specific folder, for example), marking mail in the folder asread, changing folder properties, and similar actions. In Calendar, contacts and Tasks, the featureset is much more limited, allowing you to create new folders along with some context-sensitivetasks, such as sharing contacts, a calendar or tasks with othersbar.Reading pane and People pane In Mail, the tab also lets you filter your mail display oyoView: In all four apps, you can use this tab to control the display of the Navigation pane, To-Doaccount, sender and so on, change the way in which conversations display and a lot more. InCalendar, you'll be able to change the view to daily, weekly and so on. Contacts has a limitedfeature set but includes filtering the view of contacts by category, phone number and other optionsTasks offers similar features, including arranging tasks by categories, start date and due datePage 4 of 18http://freepdf-books.comOutlook 2010 cheat sheet3/21/127:44AMDeveloper: If you write code or create forms and applications for Outlook, this is your tab. Itincludes macro-handling, so power users might also want to visit here every once in a whileThe Developer tab is hidden by default. To display it, click the File tab and choose OptionsCustomize ribbon and then check the box next to DeveloperAdditional context-sensitive tabs: the ribbon has a few more tricks up its sleeve beyond itsdefault tabs. Depending on what you're doing, it sometimes adds more tabs and subtabsFor example, if you highlight a task in the To-Do bar, a new tab called Task List appears. It lets youremove tasks from the list, mark them as complete, show categories of tasks, filter them by dateand perform other task management actions. Similarly, when you highlight a calendar item, a newtab called Calendar Tools appears, giving you features such as inviting people to an appointment,changing the recurrence of the appointment, marking its importance as high or low, and so onDaily Task List ToolsCaletFileHomeSend/ ReceiveFolder viewDaily Task ListdaYNext weekMeetingTomorrowNo DateOpen Reply Reply Forward R, MoreComplete from List Y This Week Y CustomOpenRespondManage TaskFollow UpThe Task List tab appears when you need itIf you type a search term in the Quick Search box at the top of the content area( the area thatshows all of the emails in a folder, your calendar and so on), a Search tab appears with a variety ofsearch tools, such as ones that let you perform date-specific searches and search only amongmessages with attachmentsThe Outlook 2010 Ribbon also changes when you create a new mail message, read an existingmail message, create a new appointment, view an existing appointment, create a new contactview an existing contact, create a new task or view an existing task. you'll find context-sensitivetabs, including a message one when you read or compose an email message, that contain plentyof features you'll need, from basics like replying and forwarding mail to advanced features such astranslating a message. And when creating a new contact, you can add a photo, search yourAddress Book and so on using the Contact tabFind your way around BackstageBackstage is an all-in-one stop for doing common tasks such as changing your email accountsettings, cleaning up your mailbox and printing It brings together a variety of functions that werefound in multiple locations in previous versions of OutlookWhen you click the File tab on the Ribbon, you're sent to Backstage. The Ribbon disappears and isreplaced by a series of items down the left-hand side of the screen. Some options, such as Printand Help, are self-explanatory. Here's what you need to know about the restSave/ Save As/ save Attachments/ Save CalendarPage 5 of 18http://freepdf-books.comOutlook 2010 cheat sheet3/21/127:44AMThe Save-related options at the top of the list may be grayed out or availabledepending on what you're doing when you click the File tab. If you're viewingFilean email, for example, all the options will be available and you can save theAppointm entindividual email in Outlook Message Format(msg), HTML (htm), plain text( txt)or MHTML( mht)format. You can also save any attachmentsSave asSimilarly, if you're viewing an appointment on your calendar, you can save itLA Save Attachmentsin iCalendar( ics), vCalendar( vcs)and other formats you can open the filea Closelater to view just that appointment If you're looking at your calendar butThe Save options inhaven t opened an appointment, you can save the entire calendar in icsBackstage will varydepending on whatformat so it can be viewed or imported into another calendar appyou're doing when youclick the file tabWhen viewing a contact, you can save it in the v Card ( vcf)format, whichcan then be opened or imported into another contact manager. Tasks can be saved in the samemsg format as emailsInfoClick Info on the left to bring up a screen where you can manage all of your mail accounts. ClickAdd Account to add a new one, or dig into the account Settings area to edit any of your existingaccountsThe Cleanup tools button in the Mailbox cleanup area lets you archive old emails. It also givesyou tools to identify mail that you may no longer need so you can delete it--for example, it canshow you items older than a certain date or larger than a certain sizeInfo is also where you set up out-of-office replies, and down at the bottom of the screen, ManageRules Alerts helps you organize incoming mail by automating actions to be taken. You can havemail from certain senders or with certain subject lines to be routed to specific folders, for exampleor automatically flag certain messages for follow-upPage 6 of 18http://freepdf-books.comOutlook 2010 cheat sheet3/21/127:44AM回Sent ltems. Pesenal Folders. Miereseft OutledlFLlEHomeStnd/ RecedeFolderMeLal saveAccount Informatione Attachmentspreston@gralla comEnfo中 AddaccountPrintAccount settingsModify settings for this account and configure ad ditionalHelpconnectionsAccountMailbox CleanupManage the size of your mailbox by emptying Deleted Items and