HTML5移动开发宝典,包含丰富实例,助你快速上手HTML5 Mobile Development CookbookCopyright C 2012 Packt PublishingAll rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system, ortransmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission ot the publisherexcept in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviewsEvery effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of theinformation presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold withoutwarranty, either express or implied. Neither the author, nor Packt Publishing, and its dealersand distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directlyor indirectly by this bookPackt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companiesand products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, PacktPublishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.First published: February, 2012Production reference: 1240112Published by Packt Publishing LtdLivery place35 Livery StreetBirmingham B3 2PB, UKSBN978184969-196-3www.packtpub.comCover Image by rakesh Shejwal(shejwal rakeshagmail. com)CreditsAuthorPt CoordinatorShi chuanLeena purkaitReviewersProofreaderDale cruseBernadette WatkinsSarah sowardShawn mcBurnieIndexerMonica Ajmera mehtaAcquisition EditorAlina lewisProduction CoordinatorPrachali bhiwandkarLead technical editorShreerang DeshpandeCover workPrachali bhiwandkarTechnical editorSakina KaydawalaAbout the AuthorShi chuan has over five years experience in web development He is a member of theHtml5BoilerplateprojectleaddeveloperofmobileBoilerplate(,owneroftheJavascriptPatternsproject( He is now an independent developer living in the uK and chinaYoucanfindoutmoreabouthimonhispersonalwebsiteathttp://www.bloghighubcom. He loves reading, travelling, great food, and eclectic and indie musicI would like to thank my parents and the whole family who have been mypositive and unconditional supporters. I would also like to thank Jiang Xue,who taught me so many things about life, in ways she does not even knowi would also like to thankds from the boilerplate Team-Paul IrishDivya Manian, Mathias Bynens, and Nicolas Gallagher. Former CTO of thecompany I worked for -Chi Tran. They have been and will always be myinspiration and aspirationAbout the reviewersDale cruse, a boston-area web developer, is the author of htML5 MultimediaDevelopment Cookbook. He has been publishing websites for high-profile clients rangingfrom the U.s. Army to bloomingdale's since 1995. He has been a guest lecturer at the ArtInstitute of New England and is currently pursuing speaking opportunities. Contact him athttp://dalejcruse.comHeisalsotheauthorofthechampagneblogDrinksareonMeathttp://drinksareonme.netSarah Soward teaches coding, design, and the Adobe Creative suite at the bay areaVideo Coalition and Academy. In addition to teaching, she also developed the curriculum forBAVC'S HTML5/CSS3, Color Theory, Typography, Fireworks, and Web Design Workfiow classesFor a number of years, she was the Art Director of non-profits. She is the co-author of theWordPress and Flash Cookbook. When she isn' t teaching, she 's designing and developingeverything from business cards to websites, painting rhinos, building stuft, and banging on adrum till her hands keep their own beat. She likes to keep busywww.packtpubcomSupport files, eBooks, discount offers and moreYoumightwanttovisitwww.Packtpub.comforsupportfilesanddownloadsrelatedteyour bookDid you know that Packt offers e Book versions of every book published, with PdF and ePubfilesavailableYoucanupgradetotheebooKversionatwww.PacktPubcomandasaprintbook customer, you are entitled to a discount on the e Book copy. Get in touch with us atservice@packtpub com for more detailsAtwww.paCktpub.comyoucanalsoreadacollectionoffreetechnicalarticlessignupfor a range of free newsletters and receive exclusive discounts and offers on packt booksand ebooksPACKTLIB°http://packtlib.Packtpub.comDo you need instant solutions to your IT questions? PacktLib is Packt's online digital booklibrary. Here, you can access, read and search across Packt's entire library of booksWhy Subscribe?Fully searchable across every book published by PacktCopy and paste, print and bookmark contentOn demand and accessible via web browserFree Access for packt account holdersIfyouhaveanaccountwithpacktatwww.paCktpub.comyoucanusethistoaccessPacktLib today and view nine entirely free books Simply use your login credentials forimmediate accessFor claire Jiang Xue