Micro chip 的集成开发环境使用说明,有助于PIC单片机开发应用。MPLAB X IDEMICROCHIPUSER'S GUIDETable of contentsPrefaceChapter 1. What is MPLAB X IDE?1.1 Introduction131.2 An Overview of Embedded Systems.141.3 The Development Cycle211. 4 Project Manager221.5 Language Tools236 Target Debugging………241.7 Device Programming……………251.8 Components of MPLAB X IDE∴261. 9 MPLAB X IDE Online help271. 10 Other mPlab X ide Documentation281.11 Web site301.12 MPLABⅩ Store.…………………301.13 MPLAB X IDE Updates…30Chapter 2. Before You Begin2.1| introductⅰon…312.2 Install jrE and mPLab X idE312.3 Install the USB Device Drivers(For Hardware Tools322. 4 Connect to a Target(For Hardware Tools)362.5 Install the Language Tools362.6 Launch the IDE and view the desktop372.7 Access Information from the start Page382. 8 Shop the MPlab X Store1重重402.9 Launch Multiple Instances of the DE412. 10 Launch Multiple versions of the IDE43Chapter 3. Tutoria3. 1 Introduction..453.2 Setting Up the hardware and Software463.3 Creating and Setting Up a project1重1…473.4 Running and Debugging Code64Chapter 4. Basic Tasks4.1 Working with MPLAB X iDE Projectsa:日:.:日:日:.714.2 Create a new project724.3 View Changes In Desktop Panes.82e 2011-2015 Microchip Technology IncDS50002027D-page 3MPLABO IDE USer's Guide4.4 View or Make Changes to Project Properties834.5 Set Up or Change Debugger/Programmer Tool Options844.6 Set Up or Change Language Tool Options854.7 Set Language tool locations864.8 Set Other Tool Options.884.9 Create a new file894.10 Add Existing files to a project……………914.11 Editor Usage924.12 Add and Set Up Library and object Files934.13 Set File and Folder Properties964.14 Set Build Properties984.15 Build a project1024.16 Run code1034.17 Debug Run Code1044.18 Control Program EXecution with Breakpoints1064.19 Step Through Code…1094.20 Watch Symbol Values Change1104.21 Watch Local Variable Values Change ..............................................1124.22 View/Change Device Memory( including Configuration Bits)…………134.23 Program a device..116Chapter 5. Additional Tasks5.1 Performing Additional Tasks……….1195.2 Import MPLAB Legacy Project1205.3 Prebuilt Projects∴1235. 4 Loadable projects Files and symbols1245.5 Loadable Projects and Files: Bootloaders1295.6 Library projects1305.7 Other Embedded Projects1315. 8 Sample Projects1315. 9 Work with Other Types of Files1315. 10 Modify or Create Code Templates1325. 11 Switch Hardware or language tools1345. 12 Modify Project Folders and Encoding1355.13 Speed Up Build Times.1365.14 Use the Stopwatch.1365. 15 View the disassembly Window1375.16 View the ca‖ Stack1375.17 View The Call Graph1385. 18 View the Dashboard Display41395.19 mprove Your Code…1425.20 Control source code1425.21 Collaborate on Code Development and Error Tracking1455.22 Add Plug-In Tools146DS50002027D-page 4O 2011-2015 Microchip Technology IncTable of contentsChapter 6. Advanced Tasks Concepts6.1 Introduction wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, 1516.2 Speed Up MPLAB X IDE1516.3 Work with Multiple Projects1536. 4 Work with Multiple Configurations1556.5 Create User Makefile Projects1586.6 Package an MPLAB X IDE Project…1666.7 Work with Third-Party Hardware Tools ......................................1676.8 Log Data1676. 9 Customize Toolbars1686.10 Checksums1736. 11 Configurations174Chapter 7. Editor7. 1 introducti1757.2 Source Editor General Tasks: Quick Reference ........................................1757.3 Editor Usage∴1767.4 Editor Options1787.5 Editor Red Bangs1807.6 Code Fold18177 C Code Refactoring……185Chapter 8. Project Files and Folders8. 1 Introduction重■重∴1878.2 Projects Window view1878.3 Files Window view1888.4 Classes Window view1908.5 Favorites window vⅰeW∴1908.6 File or folder name restrictions1918.vIewing User Configuration Data1918.8 Importing an mPlab iDE v8 Project-Relative Paths…1918.9 Moving, Copying or Renaming a Project……1918. 10 Deleting a Project192Chapter 9. Troubleshooting9. 1 Introduction1939.2 USB Driver Installation issues1939、3 Cross- Platform( Operating System) Issues…………………………….1939.4 Windows Operation System Issues1939.5 NetBeans platform issues1949. 6 MPLAB X IDE Issues1959.7 Errors…1989. 8 Forums202Chapter 10 MPLAB X IDE VS MPLAB IDE V810.1 Introduction20310.2 Major Differences.2032011-2015 Microchip Technology IncDS50002027D-page 5MPLABO IDE USer's Guide10.3 Menu differences..20610.4 Tool Support Differences..21310.5 Other Considerations214Chapter 11. Desktop Reference11.1| ntroduction∴21511.2 Menus21611.3 Toolbars…22811. sTatus bar23111.5 Grayed out or Missing Items and Buttons231Chapter 12 MPLAB X IDE Windows and Dialogs12.1 Introduction23312.2 MPLAB X IDE Windows Management23312.3 MPLAB X IDE Windows with Related Menus and dialogs23412 4 Call stack Window23512.5 Breakpoints Window.23612.6 Customize Toolbars window24012.7 Dashboard window24012.8 Hardware Stack Window2412. 9 Memory Windows24212.10 Message Center25212.11 Output Window25312.12 Project Properties Window25412.13 Projects Window25412.14 Tools Options embedded Window25912.15 Trace Window.:::日:日日.26512.16 Watches Window26612.17 Wizard windows270Chapter 13. NetBeans Windows and Dialogs13.1 Introduction27113.2 NetBeans Specific Windows and Window mer27113.3 NetBeans Specific Dialogs271Appendix A Configuration Settings SummaryA.1| ntroduction…273A2 XC Toolchains273A3 MPASM Toolchain274A 4018 Toolchain275A. 5 HI-TECH PICC TM Toolchain276A6 HI-TECHO PICC-18TM Toolchain276A7 ASM30 Toolchain277A 8 c30 Toolchain277A 9 C32 Toolchain279DS50002027D-page 6O 2011-2015 Microchip Technology IncTable of contentsAppendix B Working outside the IDEB. 1 Introduction wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 281B.2 Compiling for Debug Outside of MPLaBⅩ|DE………282B3 Building a Project Outside of MPLAB X IDE283B 4 Creating makefiles outside of mPlab x Ide284B5 Working with Revision Control Systems293Appendix C. Revision History…………………………….295Support…,…,…,…,…,…,…,…,…,,…,…,…",",…,"…,…,…,…,",",…,,,…,299Glossary303Index323Worldwide sales and service0000000003302011-2015 Microchip Technology IncDS50002027D-page 7MPLABO IDE USer's GuideNOTES:DS50002027D-page 8O 2011-2015 Microchip Technology IncMPLAB③XIDEMICROCHIPUSERS GUIDEPrefaceNOTICE TO CUSTOMERSAll documentation becomes dated and this manual is no exception. microchip tools anddocumentation are constantly evolving to meet customer needs, so some actual dialogsand/or tool descriptions may differ from those in this document. Please refer to our web site(www.microchip.comtoobtainthelatestdocumentationavailableDocuments are identified with a" number this number is located on the bottom of eachpage, in front of the page number. the numbering convention for the ds number is“ DSXXXXXA”, where“ XXXXX is the document number and“ A is the revision level of thedocumentFor the most up-to-date information on development tools, see the MPLAB IdE online helpSelect the Help menu, and then Topics to open a list of available online help filesINTRODUCTIONThis chapter contains general information that will be useful to know before usingMPLABX IDE. Items discussed includeDocument LayoutConventions used° Recommended ReadingDOCUMENT LAYOUTThis document describes how to use the MPLAb X IDE. The layout of the manual is asChapter 1."What is MPLAB XIDE? -an overview of what the MPLAB X IDE isand where to find helpChapter 2. "Before You Begin"-describes how to install USB drivers for thehardware tools and language toolsuites for compiling/assembling codeChapter 3."Tutorial -provides step-by-step descriptions of features for usingMPLAB XIDEChapter 4. "Basic Tasks" -describes how to use the basic features of MPLAB XIDE. It is similar to the tutorial chapter but with more detailChapter 5."Additional Tasks"-describes how to use additional features ofMPLAB X IDE, e.g., importing MPLAB IDE v8 projects or using the stopwatchChapter 6.Advanced Tasks Concepts"-describes how to use theadvanced features of mPLab X IdE, e.g., working with multiple projects and proj-ect configurationsChapter 7."Editor'-provides an overview of editor features. For more detailson the editor, see NetBeans helpo 2011-2015 Microchip Technology IncDS50002027D-page 9MPLABQ X IDE USer's GuideChapter 8. Project Files and Folders"describes MPLAB X IdE windows thatare used to view files and folders as well as information about and methods forworking with filesChapter 9. "Troubleshooting" -discusses troubleshooting techniquesChapter 10.MPLAB X IDE VS MPLAB IDE V8-explains the major features,menus, and tool support differences between MPLAB X IdE and MPLAB IDE v8Chapter 11." Desktop Reference"-provides a reference to MPLAB X IDEdesktop items, including menus, toolbars, and the status bar.Chapter 12. MPLAB X IDE Windows and Dialogs"-describes the windowsand dialogs that are unique to MPLab X IDEChapter 13. NetBeans Windows and Dialogs"references the NetBeans Mwindows and dialogs available in MPLAB X IDEAppendix A"Configuration Settings Summary"-shows how to set Configu-ration bits in code for supported language tools. This is required in MPLAB X IDEas the Configurations Settings window only temporarily sets the bits for debugAppendix B "Working Outside the IDE-describes how to create files inMPLAB X IDE that may be used outside the IdE. It also describes how to importfiles that were created outside the ide into mPlab x ideAppendix C. Revision History"-list of changes to the document as it hasbeen updatedDS50002027D-page10O 2011-2015 Microchip Technology Inc