分布式系统概念与设计第5版,英文版,完整清晰作者: George Coulouris全面介绍因特网及其他常用分布式系统的原理、体系结构、算法和设计,内容涵盖分布式系统的相关概念、安全、数据复制、组通信、分布式文件系统、分布式事务等,以及相关的前沿主题,包括web服务、网格、移动系统和无处不在系统等。DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMSConcepts and designFifth editionThis page intentionally left blankDISTRIBUTED SYSTEMSConcepts and DesignFifth editionGeorge CoulourisCambridge UniversityJean dollimoreformerly of Queen Mary,University of LondonTim Kindertter 2 mediaGordon blairLancaster UniversityAddison-WesleyBoston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle RiverAmsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal TorontoDelhi Mexico City Sao Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei TokyoEditorial director: Marcia hortonEditor-in-Chief: Michael hirschExecutive editor: Matt goldsteinEditorial assistant: Chelsea bellVice President, Marketing: Patrice JonesMarketing Manager: Yezan AlayanMarketing Coordinator: Kathryn FerrantiVice President. Production Vince O'BrienManaging Editor: Jeff HolcombSenior Production Project Manager: Marilyn lloydSenior Operations Supervisor: Alan FischerManufacturing Buyer: Lisa McDowellArt Director: Jayne conteCover Designer: Suzanne DudaCover Image: Sky:C amygdala imagery, Kite: C Alamy,Mobile phone: o yasinguneysu/iStockMedia editor: Daniel sandinMedia Project Manager: Wanda rockwellPrinter/Binder Edwards BrothersCover Printer: Lehigh-Phoenix Colorypesetting and layout by the authors using FrameMakerCopyright o 2012, 2005, 2001, 1994, 1988 Pearson Education, Inc, publishing as Addison-Wesley. Allrights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. This publication is protected by Copyright,and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in aretrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,recording, or likewise. To obtain permission(s)to use material from this work, please submit a writtenrequest to Pearson Education, Inc, Permissions Department, 501 Boylston Street, Suite 900, BostonMassachusetts 02116Many of the designations by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trade-marks. Where those designations appear in this book, and the publisher was aware of a trademark claim,the designations have been printed in initial caps or all capsLibrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data available upon requestImpression I10987654321EB1514131211Addison-Wesleris an imprint ofPEARSONISBN10:0-13-214301-1www.pearsonhighered.comISBN13:978-0-13-214301-1CONTENTSPREFACEX1 CHARACTERIZATION OF DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS1.1 ntroduction1.2 Examples of distributed systems1.3 Trends in distributed systems1.4 Focus on resource sharing141.5 Challenges161.6 Case study: The World Wide Web1.7 Summary332 SYSTEM MODELS372.1 Introduction382.2 Physical models392.3 Architectural models402. 4 Fundamental models612.5 Summary763 NETWORKING AND INTERNETWORKING813.1 Introduction823.2 Types of network863.3 Network principles893.4 Internet protocols1063.5 Case studies: Ethernet. WiFi and bluetooth1283.6 Summary141CONTENTS4 NTERPROCESS COMMUNICATION1454. Introduction1464.2 The aPI for the Internet protocols1474.3 External data representation and marshalling1584.4 Multicast communication1694.5 Network virtualization Overlay networks1744.6 Case study MPI4.7 Summary1815 REMOTE INVOCATION1855.1 Introduction1865.2 Request-reply protocols1875. 3 Remote procedure call5. 4 Remote method invocation2045.5 Case study Java rM215.6 Summary2256 INDIRECT COMMUNICATION2296.1 Introduction2306.2 Group communication2326.3 Publish-subscribe systems2426.4 Message queues2546.5 Shared memory approaches2626.6 Summary2747 OPERATING SYSTEM SUPPORT2797.1 Introduction2807.2 The operating system layer287.3 Protection2847.4 Processes and threads2867.5 Communication and invocation3037.6 Operating system architecture3147.7 Virtualization at the operating system level3187.8 Summary331CONTENTS VII8 DISTRIBUTED OBJECTS AND COMPONENTS3358.1 Introduction3368.2 Distributed objects3378.3 Case study CORBA3408.4 From objects to components3588.5 Case studies: Enterprise Java Beans and fractal3648.6 Summary3789 WEB SERVICES3819.1 Introduction3829.2 Web services3849. 3 Service descriptions and IDl for web services4009. 4 a directory service for use with web services4049.5 XML security9.6 Coordination of web services4119.7 Applications of web services4139. 8 Summary1910 PEER-TO-PEER SYSTEMS42310.1 Introduction42410.2 Napster and its legacy42810.3 Peer-to-peer middleware43010.4 Routing overlays43310.5 Overlay case studies: Pastry, Tapestry43610.6 Application case studies: Squirrel, Ocean Store, Ivy44910.7 Summary45811 SECURITY46311.1 Introduction46411.2 Overview of security techniques47211. 3 Cryptographic algorithms48411.4 Digital signatures49311.5 Cryptography pragmatics50011.6 Case studies: Needham-Schroeder Kerberos. tLS. 802.11 WiFi50311.7 Summary518CONTENTS12 DISTRIBUTED FILE SYSTEMS52112.1 Introduction52212.2 File service architecture53012.3 Case study: Sun Network File System53612. 4 Case study The Andrew File System12.5 Enhancements and further developments55712.6 Summary56313 NAME SERVICES56513.1 ntroduction56613.2 Name services and the domain Name system56913.3 Directory services58413.4 Case study The global Name Service58513.5 Case study: The X500 Directory Service58813.6 Summary59214 TIME AND GLOBAL STATES59514. Introduction59614.2 Clocks, events and process states59714.3 Synchronizing physical clocks59914.4 Logical time and logical clocks607145 global states61014.6 Distributed debugging61914.7 Summary62615 COORDINATION AND AGREEMENT62915.1 ntroduction63015.2 Distributed mutual exclusion63315.3 Elections64115.4 Coordination and agreement in group communication64615.5 Consensus and related problems65915.6 Summary671