Learning-Python-Testing-A-straightforward-and-easy-approach-to-testing-your-Python-projects.pdfLearning Python TestingCopyright o 2014 Packt PublishingAll rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrievalsystem, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior writtenpermission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded incritical articles or reviewsrt has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracyof the information presented. However, the information contained in this book issold without warranty, cither express or implied. Neither the author nor PaclPublishing and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damagescaused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this bookPackt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of thecompanies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitalsHowever, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this informationFirst published: January 2010Second edition: ne2014Production reference: 1181114Published by Packt Publishing LtdLivery place35 Livery StreetBirmingham b3 2PB, UKISBN978-178355321-1www.packtpub.comCoverimagebyPrasannaBC(prasannabc@gmail.com)CreditsAuthorProject CoordinatorDaniel arbucklePriyanka goelReviewersProofreadersTarun behalStephen CopestakeJohnson M. R ChettyAmeesha GreenBrian escribanoPiyush GururaniIndexerMarko klemettiMonica Ajmera MehtSean robinsonGraphicsMichael tsaiSheetal AuteValentina silvaAcquisition EditorOwen robertsProduction coordinatorNileshr. mohiteContent Development EditorArvind KoulCover workNileshr. MohiteTechnical editorVenu manthenaCopy EditorRashmi sawantAbout the authorDaniel Arbuckle received his PhD degree in Computer Science from theUniversity of Southern California in 2007. He is an active member of the Pythoncommunity and an avid unit tester.I would like to thank Grig, Titus, and my family for theircompanionship and encouragement along the way.About the reviewersTarun behal is a fervent software developer currently living in delhi, India. Afterstarting his career in the field of IT, where he worked as an ERP consultant, he's nowa web application developer with interests ranging from architecture to designingweb applications delivering great user experience. Ile's passionate about open sourcetechnologies and web applications, and contributes to communitiesTarun went to Uttar Pradesh Technical University(India) and graduated witha Bachelor of Technology degree in Information Technology. He now works forNagarro Software Pvt Ltd, a leading service-based IT companyThequickestwaytoreachhimisviaLinkedinathttps://www.linkedin.com/in/七 arunbeha1I feel much honored to have been asked to review this book Thiswas an amazing experience for me, as i learned a lot at the sametime, and i am sure you will tooI'd like to thank my family specially my brother, varun, and mycolleagues Shipra, Denis, Prabhansh, Prafful, Shubham, Arun,Mansi, and Rachita for their constant support and motivation. AlsoI would like to thank all the members of the python communityJohnson M.R. Chetty is an avid open data proponent. He works primarily withthon, JavaScript, and Linux to enable end-to-end solutionsWorking with real-world data to meet objectives is something that he findschallenging and likes to grapple with. His primary focus is on areas such as datavisualization, data analysis, Semantic Web, GIS, systems deployment and scaling( Linux), mentoring, and project management. He has worked with Gnowledge Lab(Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, TIFR), GISE Lab(IIT Bombay), NCErTChaloBEST, CAMP ZLemma, and wishtel among othersHe was a mentor for Google Summer of Code 2012 for the GnoWsYS platform-aGNU/Linux projectHe is interested in technology, scientific data, economics, and looking at the world toknow where it's currently headed. You will also find him keenly following advancesn Brain Science, al, gis, Semantic Web and internet of thingsHe likes to think of himself as a budding musician and a novice economistFormoreinformationonhisworkkindlyvisithttp://johnc.inYoucanalsofindhisLinkedinprofileathttp://johnc.in/linkedinandgOoglePlusprofileathttp://johnc.in/gplusJesus, Mr Michael Susai Chetty, and Mrs. Regina Mary deserve around of applause for managing to put up with a son like me andfor giving me all the love and freedom in the world. I would like tothank them for giving me everything I haveTV, and games. He builds world-class character rigs and animation pipelines for n,Brian Escribano has over 1l years' experience working in the fields of educatiocompanies such as Nickelodeon mirada, spark unlimited and Bio Ware. With hisdeep scripting knowledge in Python and mel, brian brings a wealth of expertiseand experience to any team he works withPiyush Gururani is a programmer and core developer working in mumbaiIndia. His work has revolved around making applications for large touch screensin Ot developing a closed source sdk to allow third -party developers to makeapplications for large touch screens and designing backend architecture for contentand real-time notification delivery in Python and node. js he has worked as a seniordeveloper and consultant to start-ups in India and uK.I would like to acknowledge my mother and father for their effortsin my upbringing and educationMarko Klemetti(omrako)is a father, leader, and developer. I le is currently theheadoftheleadingFinnishdEvopsunitinEficode(http://www.eficode.comWith his team, he changes the way Finnish and multinational organizationscreate and purchase software. He is also the founder and architect of Trail(http://www.entertrail.com),aninternationallysuccessfulsolutionforsocialasset managementMarko has specialized in bringing efficiency to large software productionenvironments by applying modern software development practices and tools, suchas Continuous Delivery(CD)and Acceptance Test-Driven Development(ATDD)With his two decades of software development experience, he is able to engage bothexecutives and developers in process change. Marko is passionate about makingprogramming both fun and productive at the same timeSean Robinson is an award-winning graduate from the University of South Waleswho originally trained as a game developer using C and C++. He was headhuntedout of the university to run the development arm of lexable, a company makingassistive technology to help those with dyslexiaAs a lead engineer in the start-up, Sean embarked on an ambitious trainingregime, teaching himself mac development software testing, leadershulp, coaching,mentoring, and project management in order to best serve the company. Sean hasalso been responsible for establishing many company policies, including testing,security, code quality, a developer hiring procedure, project management, versioncontrol, and ticket managementLooking for a new challenge, Sean has recently joined a new team and is refocussinghis energies on web developmentSean is a polyglot developer, completely agnostic regarding technology andsupremely passionate about learning and personal development. He spendshis time volunteering as a STEM Ambassador for Wales, Thai boxing, and scubadivingYoucanfindhimbloggingatwww.Seantrobinson.co.ukortweetingat aseantrooinsonMichael Tsai went to the Academy of Art University at San Francisco to studyVisual Effects. After college, he worked on Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer,Red Cliff ll, and the stereoscopic version of G-Force In 2012, Michael receivedhis master of Entertainment Technology degree(MET) from the EntertainmentTechnology Center of Carnegie Mellon University. Elysium was another feature filmhe worked on before he joined Schell Games in Pittsburgh as a game/technical artistWww.Packtpub.comSupport files, eBookS, discount offersand moreForsupportfilesanddownloadsrelatedtoyourbookpleasevisitwww.Packtpub.comDid you know that Packt offers c Book versions of cvcry book published, with PDF and cPubfilesavailableYoucanupgradetotheeboOkversionatwww.Packtpub.comandasaprintbook customer, you are entitled to a discount on the e Book copy. Get in touch with us atservice@packtpub.comformoredetailsAtwww.packtpub.comyoucanalsoreadacollectionoffreetechnicalarticlessignupforarange of free newsletters and receive exclusive discounts and offers on packt books and ebooksPACKTLIBhttps://www.packtpub.com/books/subscription/packtlibDo you need instant solutions to your it questions? PacktLib is Packt's online digital booklibrary. 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